Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: The First War (4) >

Fortunately, the secret of the second-floor storage room had now been fully uncovered.

[For battling valiantly against ‘Kyle Ragnar’s’ first sword strike, the evaluation of Tutorial Quest #11 has been upgraded.]

[Evaluation: S]

[As an additional reward, you have gained access to the system.]

[You have achieved an S-rank for the first time.]

[As a rank reward, you have obtained the ‘Blue Key.’]

Theo realized something the moment he activated the second ability he had gained after .

At last, he would finally be able to use the items he had received as rewards so far.


[Inventory List]

– Beginner’s Ring ×1

– Beginner’s Necklace ×1

– Beginner’s Earring ×1



– Blue Key ×1


A new window, structured like a checkerboard with numerous slots, appeared in front of him. When he placed his hand over a slot, a description of the item would be displayed.


[Beginner’s Ring]

· Type: Accessory

· Effect: Increases magic efficiency by 5%

· Requirement: Level 5


“Increasing magic efficiency? By 5%, no less?”

He had been so shocked when he first saw that.

If it was true, then it was like receiving an expensive artifact for free.

Artifacts related to magic, in particular, were notoriously pricey.

Fortunately, retrieving the items from the slots wasn’t difficult. All he had to do was tap lightly on them with his index finger.

[Would you like to equip the Beginner’s Ring?]

The ring was simple, without any patterns, and looked as if it were made of plain copper.

There didn’t seem to be any kind of special mechanism engraved on it, which made him feel suspicious.

However, the moment he slid it onto the ring finger of his left hand, he felt a significant change in the flow of magic coursing through his veins.

[The Beginner’s Ring has been equipped.]

[Magic efficiency has increased by 5%.]

Thump… Thump…

The circulation of magic became far smoother than before.

It was as if the Dragon’s Heart had grown stronger.

“It’s real!”

Theo’s eyes widened, and he attempted to take out all the other rewards as well.


[You do not meet the equipment requirements.]

[You do not meet the equipment requirements.]

Unlike the Beginner’s Ring, there were issues with all the other items.

[Requirement: Level 10]

Currently, Theo was at level 8.

He didn’t meet the conditions.

“How can I raise my remaining levels? Can I gain more experience through sparring?”

Feeling anxious, he pondered how he could solve this issue.

It was then that he found something else in the inventory list, different from the Beginner Series.


[Blue Key]

· Type: Miscellaneous

· Effect: Unlocks a dungeon

· Condition for use: Discover the corresponding dungeon gate


“A blue gate? Could it be referring to the door in the storage room?”

Just at that moment.

[A quest has arrived.]


[Tutorial Quest #12]

Follow the blue light, discover the dungeon, and clear it.

· Difficulty: C

· Reward: Material items

· On failure: ■■


It was late at night, and Julius, Evelyn, and Wellington had finally left, saying they would return the next day.

At last, Theo stood before the storage room.

* * *

The storage room still glowed with a faint blue light.

A light visible only to Theo.

The color matched exactly with the [Blue Key] he now held in his hand.

“This has to be the place.”

Theo pushed the key into the lock on the door.


With the sound of the lock disengaging, the door opened on its own.

Revealing an otherworldly space beyond.

“There’s a place like this inside the Camellia Palace?”

Beyond the door was a long, cave-like passageway.

Torches hung along the walls, lighting the interior.

The ground was solid, and there were various murals on the walls.

Clearly, such a room couldn’t exist within the structure of the Camellia Palace.

Theo, his expression tense, stepped inside.

At that moment—


[You have discovered a dungeon for the first time.]

[As a reward, all experience points will be doubled for 24 hours.]

[Clear the dungeon.]

Theo, gripping the sword at his waist, slowly advanced.

“It doesn’t feel familiar in my hand.”

The Zweihander Theo had previously used was now completely shattered by Kyle’s sword strike, with only the handle remaining.

Thanks to Julius, he had been able to retrieve the handle, but here, he had to use an entirely different sword.

It was one of the items he had received as a reward before.


[Beginner’s Training Sword]

· Type: Weapon

· Attack Power: 8–12

· Requirement: Level 8



[Beginner’s Training Shield]

· Type: Armor

· Defense Power: 10

· Requirement: Level 8


Despite the word “training,” the materials used for the sword and shield were quite decent.

With the sword in his right hand and the shield firmly gripped in his left, Theo moved cautiously. It was then that he spotted something.

“A wolf?”


A wolf with bloodshot eyes slowly approached him.


“It’s huge.”

The creature was far larger than any ordinary wolf.

It must have been about two meters tall.

It looked far more ferocious too, making it clear that it wouldn’t be easy to deal with.

“It looks like one of the wolves from the Demonic Sea.”

At that moment, the wolf moved.




The wolf lunged at Theo in an instant, baring its fangs.

Though he quickly raised his shield to block it, the force pressing down on him was immense.


“If it’s just about strength, I won’t lose either.”

Theo trusted his own power, the same strength that had withstood Kyle’s strike, with his strength now being 53.

And then there was also the Dragon’s Heart.


Channeling his strength into his legs, he kicked off the ground, pushing the wolf back with all his might, and stabbed his sword toward its neck.

However, the wolf easily evaded by retreating backward and immediately targeted Theo’s flank again.

Quang! Quang! Quang!

The wolf was far more agile and powerful than he had expected.

It was not an easy opponent.

‘Its hide is too tough for the sword to penetrate easily. And it’s too fast to catch.’

Was it truly a demonic wolf from beyond the Northern Wall?

The Demonic Sea was known as a place where even trained swordsmen who had undergone the Blossoming Ceremony would find it difficult to cross.

So, it wasn’t strange that this was such a difficult opponent.

‘If only I could use the Light Flash that Father and Julius used…’

Theo clearly remembered the words Julius had spoken before leaving the Camellia Palace.

– Light Flash…? Ha! Don’t tell me you’ve already felt the Dragon Flash?”

– Dragon Flash? Is that its name?

– Haha. Actually, I don’t know the exact name. I just called it that. The head of the House’s swordsmanship was so beautiful when I saw it that no other name seemed fitting.

– Would you teach me that Light Flash?

– Oh! You really liked it, didn’t you? Well, after witnessing something like that firsthand… I guess as a swordsman, it’d be impossible not to be captivated by it.

– Please, I’m asking you.

– What if I said you’d have to join the White Armored Dragon Cavalry in exchange for learning it?

– I would join.

– Hmm…!

– Is that not possible?

– The truth is… ha! I’ll be honest with you. It’s not something I can say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to.

Theo recalled Julius’ bitter smile.

– It’s impossible to pass it down in the first place.

Julius had explained it like this:

The Dragon Flash was a sword technique that only Kyle could use.

Even what Julius had shown was merely a forced imitation. It wasn’t the ‘real thing.’

So, there was no set formula, no stance, no special technique.

It was all just guesswork.

– When the head of the House was given the title of ‘Dark Dragon,’ I made the same request, just like you. I wanted to learn it. In fact, the only reason I joined Ragnar in the first place was because of the Dragon Flash. But then the head of the House said to me…

This light cannot be learned.

It must be realized.

– I didn’t know what that meant back then. But as I kept reflecting on it again and again, and clumsily tried to imitate it, I realized it. To show that light, you must be looking at something far higher.

Theo recalled the strike from that time.

– If you want to obtain it as well, Theo, you’ll have to look much higher than you are now. But remember just one thing.

Beautiful, resplendent.

Yet, still shining.

A trail of pure white.

– That path… it will be a very lonely and arduous one.

That radiance—the sword Julius had named Dragon Flash—was not something one could learn immediately.

“The higher the peak you aim for, the more difficult the climb will be.”


‘If I just keep trying… won’t I reach it someday, somehow?’

One strike.

If the passion poured into a single sword is what’s important, then first, I’ll need to acquire a sword that can kill in a single blow.

With that, Theo decided to change his strategy.


The shield, unable to withstand the wolf’s crushing bite any longer, shattered, and Theo’s left arm was naturally bitten.

As flesh was forcibly ripped away, the bones were on the verge of snapping.

Theo fiercely swung his sword towards the wolf’s right eye.

Imbuing it with the desire to emulate the radiance.

Squeezing every last bit of strength from the Dragon’s Heart.

Thud, thud, thud, thud…!

The sound of his pounding heart reverberated in his ears from the tension.

His vision narrowed sharply, allowing him to focus solely on the targeted area—the wolf’s eye.

At the same time, he thought.

‘The basic techniques I learned from Evelyn… among the components of her secret swordsmanship, those most specialized in speed…’

The wolf hurriedly retreated to evade him.

But Theo’s sword moved far faster than the wolf.

In this moment.

Theo’s mind was ablaze, hotter than ever before.

The forms of the sword techniques he had learned repeatedly disassembled and reformed.

‘I will strike.’


It was the fastest attack he had ever unleashed.


Unlike its tough hide, the wolf’s eyeball wasn’t hard, so the sword pierced deeply through its eyelid.

‘Too shallow.’

He had intended to stab straight into its brain, but the wolf’s quick reaction prevented the strike from reaching that deep.


The wolf raised its head in agony.

Seizing the opportunity, Theo released his sword and clung to the wolf’s nape, locking it in a chokehold.

He believed in his own strength, which hadn’t given in to the wolf’s power.

Yelp! Yelp!

The wolf shook its head wildly, trying desperately to shake Theo off.

But Theo hung on, dangling without letting go.

If he let go, he would die.

With that thought, he endured until the very end.

Eventually, the wolf gradually lost its strength and collapsed in a heap.

“Haa… Haa…!”

Theo finally let go after confirming the wolf was completely dead.

His mouth tasted bitter, his body covered in dust, and his left arm, possibly broken, was completely powerless.

[You have hunted a Dire Wolf.]

[You have gained 12 experience points.]

[Double experience reward applied. You have gained an additional 12 experience points.]

[Your level has increased.]

[Remaining number of monsters on the first floor: 171]

“D-damn it…! It really was a monster…! And I have to hunt… over a hundred more of these…?”

Theo swallowed back the nausea rising in his throat.

He didn’t even have the energy to be angry right now.

Instead, he needed to focus on leveling up.

[Strength: 58]

He invested all his additional stat points into [Strength], and fortunately, his muscles hardened slightly, giving him just enough strength to feel a bit of power return to his left arm.

‘It won’t help to invest in other stats right now. It’s better to focus everything on one for the time being.’

The one thing he could rely on was that when his [Strength] surpassed 50, he had felt a significant change in his abilities.

So what would happen when it surpassed 100?

Would he go beyond the realm of the extraordinary and reach the territory of the “exceptional”?

Physically, he was already exhausted.

‘Still, let’s push a little further.’

With the thought of somehow getting through, he rose to his feet again.

Dragon Flash.

To somehow obtain a clue about it.


‘According to the message, this is the only time the double experience event will happen… I can’t stop now.’

Dragging his battered body, Theo moved deeper into the cave once more.

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