Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Gathering of the Hidden Dragons (3)

“How’s the new swordsmanship disciple? Does he meet your expectations?”

Evelyn glared at Julius, who had recently become her boss once again after previously having left the position. As usual, he came to her quarters every week, picking only the most expensive wine and finishing it off.


Yet again, a bottle of pricey wine met its demise today.

She had even swapped the label beforehand, but how did he always manage to find the most expensive one?

“…Don’t you ever go on business trips, Captain? You were barely around Winterer when I was here.”

“Why? Am I bothering you?”


“Making your life difficult is the highlight of my days lately.”


“Alright, alright. Keep glaring like that, and you’ll bore a hole in my face.”

Julius, savoring the aroma of the freshly opened wine, returned to the original topic.

“So, what’s your answer?”

“It was different from what I expected.”

“Was he not that impressive?”

“No, he exceeded my expectations.”

Julius smiled as if he had predicted her response.

Evelyn continued speaking with a solemn expression.

“I’m a bit embarrassed, but you probably remember that I’ve taught swordsmanship to quite a few people over the years.”

“You were always in charge of training the new recruits in the White Armored Dragon Cavalry. Your swordsmanship has always been both precise and sharp. Even the ‘Dark Leopard’ learned under your guidance, didn’t he?”

Evelyn nodded.

Though most people didn’t know, the truth was that Axion had truly begun to stand out after being trained by Evelyn.

That’s why, when Evelyn lost her arm and retired, the Camellia Palace had sent her the most offers to return.

“If we’re only talking about posture and talent… Young Master Theo is among the top five students I’ve ever taught. Thanks to him, I feel like I’m learning something new every day.”

“As I thought. My eyes weren’t wrong.”

That was enough.

Julius nodded in satisfaction.

For Theo, a promising talent, he would ensure the right path. For Evelyn, his old subordinate, he would provide renewed motivation.

This was exactly the outcome Julius had envisioned from the start.

And in truth, Julius could see Evelyn changing day by day. Not long ago, she was trembling, drunk, and unstable.

Now, Evelyn’s gaze had become quite sharp.

Seeing her stay up all night, pondering what to teach next, reminded Julius of the intense days she spent as a member of the White Armored Dragon Cavalry.

No doubt, his swordsmanship had also sharpened considerably.

By now, he could easily outmatch most average trainee swordsmen.

“But there’s something strange.”

“Hmm? Strange, you say?”

“Yes. Young Master Theo’s swordsmanship feels incredibly desperate. As if he believes he will die if he misses this opportunity.”

“Isn’t that just because the Blossoming Ceremony is approaching?”

“I thought the same… but…”

Evelyn held back the rest of her words.

The truth was, Theo had nothing to worry about. He was a model student, diligently learning, reviewing, and mastering everything. But paradoxically, that’s precisely why Evelyn felt something ominous about him.

—It was like watching someone burn themselves alive.

Theo was throwing everything he had into every moment, as if he might burn out completely at this rate.

Maybe that’s why?

Theo kept a certain distance, not only from Evelyn, but also from Wellington and the others at the 4th Training Hall, whom he saw every day.

On the surface, there didn’t seem to be any major problems. He ate meals with others, held various conversations. But that was where it ended.

It was impossible to step into any space that truly belonged to Theo. He was so absorbed in himself that he seemed to have no energy or care for anything else.

‘I sent him to the banquet, hoping he’d clear his head.’

Axion may be a mischievous type, but Evelyn had thought he would take good care of Theo.

‘But if he’s staying true to his core, even there…’

Evelyn paused, letting out a small sigh.

Is this how a mother feels when she worries after leaving her child near water? Truthfully, she was a bit concerned.

“You look like you’ve just realized you’re out of toilet paper after seeing something huge.”

“…Must you always express yourself that way?”

But Julius, wearing a knowing smile, acted as if he already understood exactly how she felt.


Evelyn let out a deep, heavy sigh, as if she had no choice but to explain herself.

“Alright. I’ll tell you….”

Slowly, she began to unravel the concerns she had about Theo, one by one.

* * *

Theo didn’t care at all about the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons’ comments regarding his status as an illegitimate child.

After all, he had heard it far too many times in his previous life.

Would it make sense to let his emotions be swayed by such trivial things?

Instead, his thoughts were focused on only one thing:

How could he find a way to get to the second floor?

But then—

– Well, if we’re being honest, even Wel…!

The moment the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons members mentioned Wellington, all other thoughts vanished from Theo’s mind.

He knew the real reason why Wellington had eventually broken ties with the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons, despite being so close to them, and why he had ended up in opposition to the House of Ragnar.

It was a secret that no one outside knew.

Or, rather, it was a disgraceful history that the House of Narcio desperately wanted to keep hidden.

So, without even realizing it, Theo hurled the glass in his hand toward the group.

He just wanted them to shut up.

‘It might have been emotional… but, well, no matter.’

Theo didn’t regret what he did. After all, even if he had restrained himself, it wouldn’t have changed the fact that they would continue to look down on both him and Wellington.

– Once you’ve decided to make a move, make sure to be ruthless until the end.

Julius had once given him that advice in the past.

If that was the case, then perhaps it was better to leave a strong impression on them.

‘Still… I didn’t expect to get so worked up over Wellington’s situation.’

He thought he had maintained enough distance all this time.

But it just didn’t sit right with him.

He couldn’t stand seeing Wellington being disrespected.

Thump, thump, thump, thump!

The Dragon’s Heart beat wildly.

Blood rushed quickly through his veins, magic power seeping into every muscle and nerve, forcefully activating his entire body. Around him, a palpable killing intent began to bloom.

“What… what kind of aura is this?!”

“Isn’t he just an initiate who hasn’t even gone through the Blossoming Ceremony yet?”

“Is this… aura? No, it can’t be. But how is he…?”

“I… I can’t breathe…!”

The four bodyguards, who had been escorting the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons, turned pale, completely overwhelmed by the aura emanating from Theo.

By all logic, they, who had awakened their aura, should have held the upper hand in terms of strength compared to Theo.

Yet, for some reason, they couldn’t shake off the overwhelming feeling that there was nothing they could do to him.

At that moment, they finally realized the grave mistake they had made.

—They had dared to speak of death to the bloodline of the Dragon.

The House of Ragnar are the rulers of the North. Moreover, it was the lord that reigned over the Six Snow Families.

No matter how much of an illegitimate child Theo was, he still carried the direct bloodline of the family head.

Which meant he had the right to the throne.

To threaten someone like that with death?

It was a crime so grave that even if their entire family were wiped out, they would have no right to complain.

‘We must apologize immediately…!’

But before any of them could utter a word—

“Kill them.”

Theo’s voice was cold as ice.



In an instant, a blinding flash of light swept through the air, and four heads floated into the sky.

Beneath them, Evelyn stood with a chilling gaze, shaking the blood off her sword.


Underneath the cloak Evelyn had draped around her shoulders, her pristine white uniform became visible. Her right shoulder bore an unmistakable blue insignia.

Dragon Knight.

The word “Dragon Knight” symbolized the elite unit of the House of Ragnar, the White Armored Dragon Cavalry.

And the blue insignia represented a senior-level master swordsman.

Just by her mere presence, it felt as if the Camellia Palace had become drenched in the scent of blood.




“How… Evelyn, how are you here?”

Axion’s face, in particular, grew deeply shadowed, as if something impossible had just occurred.

* * *

“How did you know I was here?”


Evelyn stepped forward, positioning herself protectively in front of Theo. Then, in a voice only Theo could hear, she whispered softly, barely moving her lips.

It was a technique known as Transmission, a method of concentrating magic to deliver sound directly to a chosen recipient.

‘Instead of worrying alone, I thought it’d be best to see it with my own eyes’

It was a step taken on Julius’s advice, but now that she’d been discovered, she couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed.

But part of a sword master’s duty is to protect their disciple. She couldn’t just stand idly by.

She had seen clearly just how brazen and arrogant the members of the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons were.

‘Just like the Elder Council. Even these young ones are behaving like that already…!’


Evelyn clenched her teeth.

The House of Ragnar was already rotten, reeking of corruption from the depths.

And then there was Axion, looking in her direction.

The fact that he had turned out just like them—no longer the child she once remembered—infuriated her even more.

That’s why, even when he asked why she was siding with Theo, she didn’t bother giving him a response.

In her heart, the master had already cast away her former pupil.

Meanwhile, Theo watched Evelyn’s deadly figure from behind and smiled faintly.

‘I wonder how she’d react if I told her I knew from the moment we got in the carriage.’

The Dragon’s Heart wasn’t merely forming his second Aura Hall.

By activating his nerve cells and heightening all his senses, Theo had sharpened his perception to an extraordinary level.

This had opened his qi sense, often referred to as the “sixth sense,” allowing him to detect the subtle energies around him. If others realized that Theo’s qi sense was already more refined than most trainee swordsmen, they would surely be alarmed.

But thanks to this heightened awareness, he could now rely on Evelyn as his “sword.”

Step, step!

Evelyn resumed walking. Each step splashed through the pools of blood that had spilled from the fallen bodies.

“W-wait a moment, Young Master Theo!”

“We didn’t mean it that way…!”

“Please, listen to us!”

The members who had insulted Theo by calling him an illegitimate child were now turning pale with fear.


“Yes, Young Master Theo.”

“Are you really not going to explain it to them?”

“They’ve insulted an heir. What’s the punishment in such cases?”

“…Strangely, you remind me of the Captain like this. Have you been getting lessons from him behind my back as well?”

Suppressing a sigh, Evelyn spoke in a solemn voice, her eyes sharp once more.

“According to the family rules, immediate execution is permissible.”

“They’re all young, still haven’t gone through the Blossoming Ceremony. I’ll be lenient and take only an arm from each.”



Once again, Evelyn moved like a white gust of wind.

“The second son of the Byron family.”

“W-wait! Ugh!”

“The fourth daughter of the Ceres Merchant Guild.”


“The eldest of the Red and White Mercenaries.”

“This can’t be—! Ugh!”

The wind became a deadly blade, swiftly slicing through the room.

“Axion! Please, save me! Please!”

Some of them even clung to Axion’s legs, desperately begging for their lives.

“Why should I?”


“This is just a greeting. A welcome.”

“What are you talking about—Aaargh!”

Axion kicked the pleading ones away without hesitation.

In truth, there was nothing he could do to intervene here.

The ones being punished were guilty of committing the grave offense of insulting an heir.

To defend them would be like tarnishing his own reputation as another heir.

‘He’s only punishing the ones who insulted his lineage. If he were to mistakenly touch any others, I’d intervene immediately.’

Axion realized that, despite Theo’s seemingly emotional outburst, there was a cool and calculated precision behind his actions.

It was just like him.

‘Theo Ragnar. The so-called Cripple of the Rose Palace has changed.’

What in the world had brought about this transformation in him?


How did Theo manage to win over Evelyn, someone even the Camellia Palace struggled to recruit?

‘That’s why… it’s interesting.’

His first impression of Theo, that he was now an intriguing character, hadn’t been a lie.


“I’ve severed the right arms of all 14, as you instructed.”

Evelyn quietly sheathed her sword and bowed her head in front of Theo.

All that remained on the floor were people writhing in pain, missing an arm, and pools of crimson blood.

“What about treatment?”

“If they hurry and bring their arms to a priest, they’ll be able to reattach them.”

It could be reattached, but whether they’d still have a future as swordsmen… Evelyn left that unsaid. She was unconsciously mimicking the speech patterns of both Theo and Julius.

“You heard her? Take them.”

Only after Theo gave a slight nod did the guards of the Camellia Palace and the escort knights of the wounded young lords and ladies start to move frantically. They needed to act quickly before necrosis set in.

“This won’t end easily… You went too far, even if you did invoke the family rules.”

While the others, who hadn’t insulted Theo’s bloodline and were spared, hurried to leave the Camellia Palace, one person stayed behind, glaring at Theo.

It was Orien Ragnar.

Like Theo and Axion, he bore the Ragnar name but belonged to a collateral branch of the family, meaning he had no claim to the succession. He was the same age as Theo.

‘In my previous life, he was Axion’s right-hand man.’

“That’s for me to handle.”

“You speak too lightly… Hmph, fine. Yes, it is your problem to deal with. But I wonder if the Rose Palace can weather this storm. Be careful the roots aren’t ripped out.”

Orien warned him.

Theo hadn’t just turned many of the charioteer families into enemies—he’d also made an adversary of Troyban.

But Theo remained indifferent. Instead, Evelyn gave Orien a piercing glare, as if to say, Are you going to do the same thing?

Unable to continue, Orien left the Camellia Palace hastily, as if fleeing.

“Let’s go.”

As Theo walked past Axion, he gave him a firm pat on the shoulder, twice, just as Axion had once done to him.

Thud, thud.

“There don’t seem to be any more prepared greetings. Thanks for the fun.”

Theo didn’t wait for a reply.

He led the way out.

Evelyn and Wellington followed, passing by Axion in turn.



There were no words exchanged between them.

Their friendship was over.

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