Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Gathering of the Hidden Dragons (1) >

“Oh, so we’re finally going to meet this mysterious person Wellington keeps praising so much?”

“Mysterious person? Why do you have to make it sound so childish? What is this, a detective story?”

“Well, you’ve been hiding him so tightly all this time, despite all our begging to find out who he is.”

Wellington gave a wry smile in response to his friends’ endless jabs.

In truth, he understood why they were saying such things.

For the past three months, instead of spending time with his friends, he had practically been glued to the 4th Training Grounds.

He had even turned down numerous group gatherings and blind dates, which he usually enjoyed so much.

Because of that, his friends… the members of the ‘Gathering of the Hidden Dragons,’ had made it their biggest topic of conversation: “Who in the world is the guy who’s caught the attention of the heir of House Narcio?”

But throughout all this, Wellington had never once mentioned Theo.

‘These guys still have strong prejudices against Lord Theo.’

Even though rumors were spreading that Theo had begun to change recently, those rumors were only circulating among lower-ranking swordsmen.

For those like the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons, who were already part of the ruling class, such gossip was hardly of interest.

‘That’s why, through this meeting, I want him to break free from his old image.’

Wellington believed Theo would fit in perfectly with this group.

After all, he wasn’t someone Wellington would have acknowledged defeat to for no reason.

No, even if that wasn’t the case…

From what Wellington had observed so far, Theo was different from other people.





He had everything.

‘And on top of that, he has leadership. His character is solid. He’s not someone who will remain a mere illegitimate child forever.’

In fact, Wellington had first approached Theo simply because he was ‘bored.’

But now, he had completely come to admire Theo.

However, there was one problem.

‘I’m still not entirely sure if we’re actually… friends.’

Theo kept a certain distance, not only from Wellington but from everyone else as well.

That was why Wellington wanted to invite Theo to the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons all the more.

He thought that if he showed Theo his own sincerity, Theo might open his heart, even just a little.

‘This isn’t some kind of unrequited love, so why am I acting like this?’

It just went to show how captivating a person Theo really was.

“Hey, stop pushing Wellington so much. You’ll all meet him soon enough, so what’s the rush?”

At that moment, the mood shifted as one man, who had been silently listening to the conversation, spoke up from the side.


“Well, if it’s someone Wellington praised, he must be someone who can fit in with us.”

“I wonder what family’s blood he inherited. It’d be nice if he were one of us.”

“If he’s from your side, the blood’s probably a bit too impure, don’t you think?”

“You bastard! Insulting my family? Duel me. Let’s fight.”

“Ha ha ha! Just kidding, just kidding.”

“Who jokes about things like that…”

“In any case, I’m already excited to meet him! Haha!”

The man, seemingly pleased with the shift in mood, smiled and winked at Wellington.

Wellington responded with an awkward smile.

Even just sitting there, exuding an aura that commanded the atmosphere, there was a glimpse of the fearsome nature of Ragnar. Yet, that gaze that looked down on everyone- including Wellington and the others there- as if it was only natural they were beneath him, still irritated him.

It was a mix of affection as a friend and irritation as a rival.

Axion Ragnar, nicknamed the “Dark Tiger.”

Born from the third wife, he was the legitimate son, along with Ray Ragnar, the “Snow-Ice Sword,” and one of the most promising figures being spotlighted for the upcoming Blossoming Ceremony.

While he usually came across as playful and full of laughter, his pride and arrogance in himself were equally immense.

He was also the de facto leader of the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons.

‘The only concern is Axion, but there’s no connection between Lord Theo and Axion, so… there shouldn’t be any issues.’

Wellington downed the whiskey in his hand, putting an end to his thoughts.

Because of that, he didn’t notice it.

He failed to see Axion still watching him with that peculiar smile.

* * *

For the first time since his regression, Theo found himself in an awkward situation.

“How about this outfit, young master?”

“No, sister. I think a shirt with frills would suit him better.”

“What about a tailcoat?”

“It looks nice, but won’t it seem a bit over the top?”

“Then let’s go with this color for this part…”

“What about this hat?”

“Oh my, oh my. What a perfect fit! It gives you such a distinguished look.”

“With your build, anything looks good on you!”

Chatter, chatter.

The news of Theo making his debut in high society had spread quickly among the maids of the Rose Palace.

– The young master is making his debut in high society for the first time!

– And it’s for a grand party that Wellington Narcio himself invited him to!

– There’ll be all sorts of distinguished guests in attendance!

“- How could we let the young master walk around looking shabby!”

“- Let’s make sure he stands out the most at the gathering!”

“- With such a handsome face and a slim figure, everything will look great on him!”

The maids were so engrossed in finding the perfect outfit for Theo that they had abandoned their other duties entirely.

Thanks to this, Theo had become nothing more than a doll for dress-up, with the world spinning around him.

‘Where am I… who am I…?’

Clothes just needed to be comfortable to move in, right?

Theo had always thought this way, but he had no choice but to concede to the maids, who were adamant that he was completely wrong.

In truth, as someone who had always been treated as the black sheep of his family, he had only ever heard about high society, knowing nothing about its intricacies.

All he knew was that elegantly dressed men and women mingled while exchanging secret conversations behind the scenes.

With such little understanding of this world, Theo had no choice but to leave his fate in the hands of these maids, who were veterans of such matters.

‘Maybe I shouldn’t have agreed to attend…’

Theo had accepted the invitation primarily to gather more information about the mysterious blue light.

His instinct told him it was connected to the message somehow.

‘Even though the light disappeared as soon as I received the invitation.’

Still, he needed to uncover the secret of the message, no matter what.

So, despite the nuisance, he resolved to attend the gathering. It was at that moment-


“Who dares dress my son in such vulgar and shabby garments!”

The door flew open with a sharp sound as Cecilia stormed into the room.

Behind her, a procession of people hurried in.

Tailors dressed neatly, servants holding armfuls of various fabrics, barbers with scissors in hand, and others carrying makeup tools all flooded in. There were even porters struggling to move large full-body mirrors and chairs.

“You call this suitable for my son? These worthless rags! How can you claim to be attending to my son with such poor judgment? Tsk!”

Cecilia clicked her tongue as she inspected the clothes hanging on the racks.

The maids immediately lowered their heads in shame.

Theo wondered if he should step in, but before he could, Cecilia turned around with a bright smile as if nothing had happened.

“I’ve heard the news, my dear. You received an invitation from the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons, didn’t you?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Then how could you not come straight to your mother for this!”

Cecilia took a deep breath before continuing.

“The Gathering of the Hidden Dragons is full of prodigies like willington and Axion, the son of that cunning one, Emil. Naturally, they draw a lot of attention. Even the Senate has its eyes on them. Because of that, every little thing- your clothing, your manners, your court etiquette- will be scrutinized.”

Theo could only silently nod.

He understood the unspoken words Cecilia had left out.

A son born of a concubine.

Just that alone was enough for many to sneer and assume he knew nothing of proper social etiquette.

He had experienced it countless times in his previous life.

“You, my dear son, have always had a serious nature since childhood, so there’s no risk of your manners being criticized. However, your appearance and refinement are different matters. Those things rely on one’s discerning eye, which isn’t something that develops overnight.”

Cecilia smiled confidently.

“Luckily, your mother is more than capable of assisting you in those areas. Now, what are you all doing? Hurry up and attend to my son.”


At Cecilia’s light clap, four tailors approached Theo with measuring tapes.

“Excuse us.”

From there, everything happened in a swift, coordinated fashion.

They measured his body meticulously, taking detailed notes, and asked him various questions about his preferences.

The barbers seated Theo in front of a full-length mirror and began tidying his hair into suitable styles, while the makeup experts discussed which colors best complemented his skin tone.

Then, they all gathered together to exchange ideas, conversing in terms that were largely incomprehensible to Theo.

What was surprising was that Cecilia led the entire process.

She wasn’t simply imposing her own ideas; she understood the professionals’ suggestions and provided detailed feedback.

Her expression was one of complete seriousness.

How could one describe it?

She seemed full of life.

‘Did Mother always have this side to her?’

For Theo, who only remembered his mother as bitter, envious, and prone to outbursts, it was a shocking revelation.

‘Now that I think about it, she was a famous actress when she caught the eye of the patriarch. Did she learn all this from those days?’

The maids of the Rose Palace also seemed surprised, having never seen this side of Cecilia before.


“Then, start working immediately based on what we’ve discussed.”

The barbers were the first to get to work, trimming Theo’s long, unkempt hair that had been left unattended for some time.

The makeup artists followed, refining his sunburned features, giving them a more polished look.

Once he was dressed in a temporarily tailored suit and even fitted with shoes, Theo stood before the full-length mirror.

The reflection staring back at him felt incredibly awkward.

In contrast…

“Oh my, oh my, oh my…!”

“Is that really the young master…?”

Cheers erupted from all directions.

Some of the maids blushed as they stole glances at Theo’s side profile, sneaking peeks whenever they could.

Theo, already known for having one of the most handsome faces in all of Ragnar, now looked even more refined.

His attire was equally impressive.

The outfit, designed to accentuate his lean yet well-toned physique, fit him like wings- effortlessly enhancing his presence.

“How is it? Do you like it?” Cecilia asked, smiling confidently, clearly proud of her handiwork.

“Uh… it’s really uncomfortable.”

“Comfort and style often work in opposition to each other, my dear. But you’ll have to bear with it. This is part of your debut at the Blossoming Ceremony after all.”

Cecilia stood beside Theo, tilting her head in slight curiosity.

“By the way, have you grown taller recently? Your shoulders seem broader too. You’ve completely outgrown me now.”

Theo, not wanting to delve into the strange developments caused by the message, gave a vague response.

“Seems that way.”

“You’re definitely in your growth phase. Your features have sharpened quite a bit. It reminds me so much of the patriarch’s younger days…”

For a brief moment, Theo caught a glimpse of a bitter smile forming on Cecilia’s lips.

However, she quickly returned to her confident, assured expression as if nothing had happened.

“Remember this. You are the son of Cecilia. Wherever you go, be bold and dignified. Never let yourself feel small. If you stand tall, the world will not dare to harm you.”

Whether this encouragement came from her twisted affection and possessiveness over her son, it didn’t matter.

“Even if you happen to make some mistake, don’t worry. I will always be the umbrella that shields you from harm.”

Theo felt a strange emotion welling up inside him, something he hadn’t experienced from her before.


For some reason, a faint tickling sensation spread from just beneath his heart.

* * *

“…Is that really Lord Theo? It feels like you’re a completely different person.”

“Are you teasing me, Wellington?”

Theo sighed as he climbed into the carriage that Wellington had sent to meet him at the Rose Palace.

‘It really does suit me, though.’

Wellington had a somewhat awkward expression at the unexpected misunderstanding. The phrase clothes make the man had never been truer; Theo looked so different that, for a moment, it was hard to recognize him.

Perhaps at this gathering, Theo would undoubtedly be the most striking figure, male or female, in terms of appearance.


The carriage wheels began to roll.

The location of the banquet was the Camellia Palace, quite a distance from the Rose Palace.

As he watched Theo still awkwardly shifting in his clothes, clearly uncomfortable, Wellington spoke.

“I heard this is Lord Theo’s first time attending such a banquet.”

Theo silently nodded.

“Even so, as a lord, I’m sure you’ll handle it well, even if it feels a bit unfamiliar. My friends are quite curious about you as well. They’re not bad people, just…”

“Is there something you’re concerned about?”

“Well, it’s just that Axion… He can be a bit… no, actually, very mischievous. But he doesn’t mean any harm…”

Wellington’s words trailed off, but Theo wasn’t listening anymore.


That name lingered in Theo’s ears.

‘Rendon left the Rose Palace and aligned himself with Axion. Was that really just a coincidence, or…?’

Theo occasionally entertained such thoughts.

– Could it be that the false accusations against my mother and my death in the previous life were part of a conspiracy that had been brewing for a long time?

– Was Rendon truly uninvolved?

Theo’s thoughts trailed off as they ran deeper.

“…The one who insisted on inviting Lord Theo to the gathering was actually Axion. So I hope you won’t think poorly of him.”

At that moment, Theo’s eyes gleamed.

‘Is that so?’

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