Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 85: daily

Chapter 85: daily

Chapter 85 Daily life

Today is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, which means that the New Year is over after today. Lu Xiaoxiao wonders if spring plowing will start tomorrow. It seems that she needs to go to the captain's house to ask about the situation.

After leaving the space, Lu Xiaoxiao cleaned the house, and then re-fired the two kangs. She checked the time and it was after nine o'clock in the morning, so she planned to cook a big pot of bone soup. If she was very busy, she could use it To eat with steamed buns.

Lu Xiaoxiao took out five chopped bones from the space, blanched them to remove the blood and washed them, then put them back into the pot and added water to stew them.

She thought it would take more than an hour to stew the ribs, so she could put a steamer on the pot to steam some vegetables, which would save time and effort.

After thinking for a while, Lu Xiaoxiao took out five catties of pork belly and five catties of pork ribs from the space. She also took out two chickens, planning to make steamed pork, black bean pork ribs and steamed chicken.

It took her half an hour to process all the ingredients, then covered them with plastic wrap, put them in the steamer, closed the lid and started steaming.

Taking advantage of the steaming period, Lu Xiaoxiao peeled three big radishes and cut them into pieces, and then sent 20 catties of flour into the space. When the soup was ready, she could continue to steam the steamed buns.

After an hour passed, all the steamed dishes were cooked, so Lu Xiaoxiao lifted the steamer down. Fortunately, she has become stronger because of her cultivation, otherwise she would not be able to lift it.

After the steamer was lifted down, she poured all the cut radishes into the soup, covered the lid and cooked for fifteen minutes.

As soon as the dishes in the steamer came out of the pan, she left half a chicken and put all the other dishes into the space, and then she took out the dough that had risen in the space.

Lu Xiaoxiao just cut up the steamed buns and placed them on the steamer. The radish bone soup in the pot was cooked. She first took a bowl and put a bowl of soup and a few pieces of radish out, and then put the rest in buckets. into space.

Lu Xiaoxiao washed the pot, added water, put in fifty eggs, then put the steamer on the pot, and started steaming the buns.

She sat on the kang to rest for a while, and then looked at half a steamed chicken and a bowl of radish rib soup on the table. She felt that eating like this would be very greasy, so she took out a cucumber and a steamed bun to eat together.

After lunch, the first pot of steamed buns was ready. After she put the eggs and steamed buns into the space, she added water to the pot and put 20 sticks of glutinous corn in it, and then put the steamer with the steamed buns on the pot to continue steaming.

After several hours of hard work, she finally steamed more than 300 steamed buns, boiled 100 eggs and 60 corns, which were enough for her to eat for a long time.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the time and it was past two o'clock in the afternoon. She entered the space, took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and walked towards the captain's house with a pound of fruit candy.

Arrived at the door of the captain's house, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the doors of the house were closed, so she knocked on the door of the yard with her hand, and heard Aunt Cauliflower asking who it was.

After hearing what Aunt Cauliflower said, Lu Xiaoxiao said her name, and then she saw Aunt Cauliflower come out of the main room and open the door.

Entering the room, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the team leader and the whole family were sitting in the room chatting. Also, during the Chinese New Year, everyone was free and free, and usually the whole family would get together.

After Lu Xiaoxiao handed the candy to Aunt Cauliflower, Miss Xiaofeng pulled her to sit beside her.

Aunt Cauliflower opened the kraft paper and saw that there were fruit candies inside. She was about to wrap the paper up immediately, but the children in the room also saw the candy, so they immediately surrounded Aunt Cauliflower and kept asking grandma for candy.

Aunt Caihua saw her grandchildren like this and wanted to feed them, but this was too expensive for her to accept, so she rewrapped it and prepared to hand it back to Xiaoxiao.

After hearing Aunt Caihua's words, Lu Xiaoxiao said, "Auntie, I gave them a sweet mouth. I won't be happy if you don't accept it."

After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Aunt Cauliflower was looking at a group of grandchildren clamoring for candies. She had no choice but to accept the candies, then reopened the kraft paper and distributed two candies to each child, and wrapped the rest and put them in the kang. in the cabinet.

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