Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 50: Winter Hunting (2)

Chapter 50: Winter Hunting (2)

Chapter 50 Winter Hunting (2)

After eating the next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao locked the courtyard door and walked towards the grain drying field. She heard from Aunt Caihua and the others yesterday that the hunting team gathered there.

As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao arrived at the grain drying yard, she heard someone calling her name. Looking in the direction of the voice, she saw that it was Aunt Cauliflower calling her, so she hurried towards Aunt Cauliflower.

When Lu Xiaoxiao came to Aunt Caihua, she saw that all of them except the captain were here, so she asked curiously: "Aunt, why are you all here so early, and you are also here to send the winter hunting team off?" Is it?"

"No way, if that's the case, I will definitely not let the children of the family come here early in the morning. The reason why we came is that your big brother Liu, second brother, and third brother are going to go hunting in the mountains this time, so we are here to see them off."

"Why are the three big brothers going? Is there a rule on how many people from each family should go?"

"There is no rule. The three of them are the leaders of our first team. If your uncle is too old to go, the three of them will lead our team instead of your uncle."

"A large group of hunters has gathered here." The captain shouted from the high platform.

After Lu Xiaoxiao heard the captain's words, she saw dozens of people walking towards the captain's direction, ranging in age from seventeen or eighteen to thirty or forty years old, but one thing in common was that they were all relatively big. .

When the captain saw a group of people walking towards him, he picked up his notebook and read their names to count the number of people. Finally, he nodded when he confirmed that there were forty-eight people in a large group.

When Lu Xiaoxiao came not far from the high platform, she saw that the weapons carried by the hunters included hunting wooden warehouses, bows and arrows, hatchets, axes, ropes, and many others she did not know. In short, there were all kinds of weapons. There are all kinds.

The captains of the three brigades gathered everyone together. There were a total of 112 people, and the team was very spectacular.

The captain waved his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet. He glanced at the other two captains and saw them nodding to him before he began to speak.

"I am the captain of a large team. I will be the representative of this winter hunting to explain things. Our three teams will go to a total of 112 people this time. The team is very large. When everyone goes up the mountain, don't divide too much. Gather a little, so that if there is movement or danger on one side, other people can go to help quickly.

Remember the most important point. Everyone hunts on the premise of saving their lives. I hope that there will be as many people as there are when I go, and there will be as many people when I come back. Thats all I want to say. Lets go up the mountain when you are ready to go down. "

After the people present listened to what the captain said, many of them were telling those who went hunting at home to pay attention to safety and come back alive. There are also some top-notch people who only confess that they need to hunt more to get more meat, completely disregarding the safety of their own family members.

The mighty hunting team set off, and everyone in the village watched the team set off at the foot of the mountain. Many people had tears in their eyes, and some were sobbing directly.

Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Aunt Caihua standing beside her also had red eyes, and she felt very uncomfortable seeing everyone like this.

Everyone turned around and went home when the hunting team was out of sight. When Lu Xiaoxiao saw Aunt Caihua like this, she didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only say hello to her and went home.

After returning home, Lu Xiaoxiao was still upset, and she was so weak that she couldn't get up, so she just sat on the kang blankly, thinking about nothing and doing nothing.

About half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao was shivered by the cold, and she realized that she hadn't burned the kang after returning home, so she patted her cheek with her hand and told herself that everyone would be fine, don't scare yourself anymore , and then get out of the kang and put on your shoes to light the kang.

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