Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 320: Back to Marvel Earth

Chapter 320: Back to Marvel Earth

Fang Mo originally planned to go to Asgard for a lottery draw.

After communicating with the Supreme Intelligence, he already had sixteen lucky blocks in his hand.

However, unexpectedly, just after Fang Mo teleported to his residence and was about to bathe and change clothes, a sudden knock came at the door.


Hearing this knocking sound, Fang Mo was also a bit puzzled.

You see, Fang Mo used the Space Stone to teleport and did not pass through the Bifrost Bridge, so under normal circumstances, the people of Asgard should not be able to track his whereabouts.

Out of curiosity, Fang Mo left the bath.

Then, wrapped in a bath towel, he walked towards the door.

But when Fang Mo opened the door, he found that it wasn't Thor or Loki standing outside, but rather the serious-faced, dark-skinned gatekeeper of the heavenly palace.

"Yo, isn't this Heimdall?"

Upon seeing the other person, Fang Mo immediately showed a pleased smile: "It's been a long time since I've seen someone of your skin color, I've missed it. How about some watermelon? We can take a bath together and chat..."

Saying this, Fang Mo also materialized a piece of watermelon out of thin air.

"I guess the person you are thinking of in your mind is not me." Heimdall's eye twitched, but he quickly composed himself.

It must be said that this gatekeeper's professional quality is high. He seems to never smile while on duty. But on second thought, it also makes sense, as he stands guard all year round without rest, day and night. Who could smile under such circumstances?

"Hey. If you don't want to eat, that's fine."

Fang Mo didn't insist, taking a bite of the watermelon himself. The cold, juicy, sweet, and crisp watermelon made Fang Mo squint his eyes: "By the way, how did you know I was back?"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Heimdall straightforwardly said: "Ever since the last time you threw those Kree people into Vanaheim to plant cotton, I've been wanting to talk to you. But your spirit is as vast and boundless as the ocean, and my calls could not get your attention..."

"Oh, you didn't say, I almost forgot."

Hearing Heimdall's words, Fang Mo suddenly slapped his forehead: "How are those Kree people doing with the cotton planting? They haven't been slacking, have they?"

"They are doing quite well so far, they have already..."

Heimdall was halfway through his sentence when he suddenly realized, touching his forehead and saying: "No, why should I answer your question..."

"Look, you've awakened your bloodline, haven't you?"

Seeing this, Fang Mo immediately laughed: "I guess you must be envious of them. How about I personally speak to Odin, let Loki guard the gate for a few days, and you go to Vanaheim's cotton fields to experience life..."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in cotton, and I am not part of the black race from Midgard."

Heimdall shook his head and said, "Speaking of cotton, the reason I came to you is indeed because of a Black man, Fang Mo. You should have a friend named Nick Fury, right?"


Hearing Heimdall's words, Fang Mo was also stunned: "Wait, did you just mention cotton? Damn... Fury wouldn't really have been tricked into growing alien cotton, would he? No, he's my man, even if he's a tool, he can only be a tool for me. I'm going to destroy those alien races..."

"It has nothing to do with cotton."

Heimdall explained: "I mean, Nick Fury is now back on Earth, but he has caused a big disaster. Earth is currently under attack by aliens, and Thor has already gone to support Loki."

"What? You're saying Nick Fury ran back to Earth?"

Fang Mo was a bit surprised and scratched his head: "Damn, this guy is really something... But since he's back on Earth, I'm relieved. Let me draw some cards first, and then I'll deal with this after..."

"Earth is under alien invasion, aren't you worried?"

Heimdall couldn't help asking: "Drawing cards and such, although I don't understand... But this kind of thing can be done anytime, right? Don't you plan to go back to Earth first?"

"The defense forces of Earth are already very strong, okay?"

Fang Mo waved his hand and said: "Even the invincible Thor has gone to support, not to mention Kid King Hulk, Muscle Stark, and Bed-Wetting King Hawkeye... If it really comes down to it, just send Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver too, it'll be fine. My main ship will arrive on Earth soon, and I'll save the day at the crucial moment. For now, let me draw some cards..."

"But Nick Fury has stolen the Power Stone."

Heimdall suddenly reminded him.

"Damn these aliens, they are really asking for it... They dare to touch my tools!"

Fang Mo immediately got upset upon hearing this, and instantly drew his cleaving sword, shouting: "Don't they know we flower growers love our tools the most? Damn, I can't stand it, I'll chop their heads off with one strike..."

After saying this, Fang Mo immediately activated Brown Magic.

In almost an instant, Fang Mo returned to the central control room of Nick.

Fang Mo used the Space Stone when he went to Asgard.

But when he came back, he used the Brown Magic effect inherent in the Sword of Supreme Intelligence. These swords, in order to seal entities, were all inscribed by Fang Mo with the spatial resonance power of Ender metal. Each sword could become his teleportation anchor point.

It was a necessary move.

After all, the Space Stone was being used by Fang Mo for power generation.

Upon returning to the Nick, Fang Mo didn't stop and went straight to the energy control room.

After passing the verification, the metal doors of the energy control room slowly opened. Fang Mo walked in, raised his hand to the Space Stone, and with a thought, a vast blue energy began to turn into mist, swirling around Nick incessantly.

Under the influence of the Space Stone, the space around Nick became as fragile as paper.

As mentioned before, among these Infinity Stones, the one that resonated best with Fang Mo was the Space Stone. This was evident from the fact that Fang Mo could open a teleportation portal directly inside a star.

In fact, Fang Mo could have teleported the entire Nick near Earth.

But as for interstellar travel

Sometimes the scenery on the road is also quite important.

But now, Fang Mo is in no mood to look at any scenery. All he can think about is Black... no, all he can think about is his good friend Nick Fury.

In any case, under Fang Mo's operation.

The power reactor of the Nick Fury ship soared to over 300%.

Not far ahead of Nick, space rippled like water waves, turning into a huge, boundless blue energy portal.

And on the other end of this huge portal.

There was a blue planet.

As Fang Mo created the portal, the others on the ship were also stirred.

Especially Rocket Raccoon, who was the first to arrive in the energy room: "Fang Mo, what's going on? The Supreme Intelligence just suddenly told us to prepare for a spacd jump, did you do this?"


Fang Mo nodded: "This ship is too slow, I thought about it and decided to teleport manually."


After hearing Fang Mo's explanation, Rocket Raccoon was also a bit confused: "Then why didn't you use this trick earlier? We have been flying for several days..."

"This is to let you guys get familiar with the ship first."

Fang Mo casually said: "Alright, hold on to something, the ship is about to jump."

As soon as he finished speaking, the enormous body of Nick shook suddenly, and the familiar feeling of acceleration hit fiercely, causing Rocket Raccoon to instinctively grab onto a nearby architectural protrusion.

"I hope Drax isn't in the toilet..."

After stabilizing himself, Rocket Raccoon also muttered softly.

Powered by the Space Stone, the Nick had strong propulsion, and in the blink of an eye, it passed through the portal, jumping from some unknown distant galaxy to the solar system.

"Alright, done."

Seeing the blue planet in front of him, Fang Mo patted his hands, then turned to Rocket Raccoon and said, "Hurry up and get ready, didn't I tell you there are your kind on Earth? I'll take you to the zoo for a visit."

"Are you sure there are my kind here?"

Rocket Raccoon was a bit hesitant: "I am unique in this universe..."

"When have I ever lied to you?" Fang Mo said while returning to the central control room, looking outside through the nano-crystalline glass: "Huh? This Earth hasn't been invaded by aliens? Heimdall can't be playing tricks on me, right?"

"What invasion? What are you talking about?"

Rocket Raccoon said in shock.

"There was someone who told me Earth was invaded," Fang Mo shook his head, "But now it seems... the impact isn't significant. We'll know more when we go down and have a look later."


Rocket Raccoon nodded and then turned to walk outside. "I'll go call Quill and the others."

Meanwhile, brief preparations were made here.

About ten minutes later, everyone from the Guardians of the Galaxy was ready to land.

Fang Mo, without any pleasantries with the Country of US, waved his hand grandly, and the Nick spaceship directly flew towards New York.

This was no small feat like the Chitauri troop carriers; the Nick, formerly known as the Dark Star, nearly scared the aliens in the capital of Xandar, Chedar, to death when it descended there. Its arrival in New York now was even more formidable.

Just a second ago, New York City was fine.

But quickly, a huge shadow appeared in the clear sky, followed by the clouds being crushed, and a starship blocking the sun, descending from the zenith.

With its fierce and deep outer armor, the immense body of the ship, the whole of New York was plunged into panic in an instant.

In a daze, they recalled the terrible disaster that happened before.

Like a swarm of locusts, the ravaging Chitauri army, and the battling Avengers.

Of course, this time was the same. Not long after this huge spaceship arrived in New York, a figure spewing flames flew straight towards the starship.

"Mom! Look! It's Iron Man!"

On a street not far below the starship, a child held in the arms of a middle-aged woman excitedly pointed to the sky: "He's come to save us again!"

However, unlike the children's excitement and agitation.

The only thing on this middle-aged woman's mind was one thing.

That was to quickly escape this disaster, then find a way to sell this unlucky house in New York, and leave this place haunted by aliens every other day!

Meanwhile, in mid-air.

Tony Stark was also stunned looking at the huge starship in the sky.

His expression was very solemn. Honestly, this was the first time he had personally witnessed such a gigantic alien creation.

During the previous Battle of New York, the Chitauri mothership was dealt with by Fang Mo, so Stark wasn't quite aware of the scale of these alien motherships. However, seeing this massive object now, Stark was a bit dumbfounded. Was this something he could defeat alone?

But just at that moment.

A hatch suddenly opened on the distant starship.

Soon after, a familiar figure slowly floated out from inside.

"What... Fang Mo?!"

Seeing this familiar figure, Stark was first stunned, then he breathed a sigh of relief and flew towards him.

"Yo, Tony, it's been a long time since we've seen each other."

As soon as they met, Fang Mo immediately greeted him cheerfully: "How's your health recently? I've learned some new medical techniques in outer space recently, want to try them out?"

"Can this kind of thing be described as 'trying out something new'?"

Stark rolled his eyes when he heard Fang Mo's statement, but he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Since Fang Mo could still greet him cheerfully, Stark guessed that the spaceship was just a misunderstanding, and the other party didn't suddenly go crazy and plan to destroy the Earth. So Stark asked again, "Why did you suddenly come back, and with such a huge... uh, super cosmic battleship?"

"I came back looking for this guy Nick."

Fang Mo spread his hands: "I left him on an alien planet, asking him to wait for me while I went to the bathroom. When I came back, he was gone... I searched the whole galaxy before I got the message that he had already returned."

"You're looking for Nick Fury?"

Stark suddenly felt a bit guilty when he heard this: "Uh, he..."

"Hey, what's with that expression?"

Fang Mo, noticing the change in Stark's expression, directly asked: "Did he somehow get himself killed? I heard he brought back the Power Stone. He didn't get curious and touch it, did he?"

"That's not exactly the case..."

Stark shook his head: "He's at least alive and well for now."

"Oh, that's good."

Fang Mo nodded: "Take me to him. I can hardly restrain my urge to make sarcastic comments. I really want to eat watermelon with him and banter back and forth like a comedy duo..."

"He's probably not in the mood for that right now."

Stark's expression was a bit subtle: "And I guess, he'll probably have a headache seeing you..."


Hearing this, Fang Mo also felt a bit strange: "So what happened?"

"Never mind..."

Stark sighed for some reason: "Come with me, I'll take you to Nick. Oh, by the way... you need to park your fancy spaceship somewhere else. I think outside the atmosphere would be nice."

After a bit of hassle, Fang Mo soon met a disheveled Nick Fury in an underground defense bunker, led by Stark.

"Fang Mo!?"

Nick Fury, who was sitting on the sofa in a daze, suddenly stood up abruptly when he saw Fang Mo, as if he was shocked: "Motherf*cker! Can you tell me how long you took!?"

"Cough cough... There was a bit of a problem,"

Fang Mo, feeling a bit guilty, said evasively: "It's mainly because of a weak spleen and stomach, a bit sticky... Sigh, non-stick pans have been around for so long, why aren't there any non-stick toilets yet?"

"Next time, do it in a pot."

Nick Fury retorted without hesitation.

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