Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 308: [Sponsored]: Your Father is here!

Chapter 308: [Sponsored]: Your Father is here!

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by 356PumpsAMinute! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

"That egg-like spaceship is approaching us!"

The Rocket Raccoon, lifted in the air, was a bit angry: "So, aside from looking at the opposite sex, don't your eyes do anything else?"


Hearing Rocket's words, Fang Mo subconsciously looked up outside.

Sure enough, not far ahead of the spaceship, there appeared a very peculiar, ovular white spaceship.

This thing was indeed weird, because normally, in the Marvel universe, spaceships are made of metal. Although the paint of spaceships from different civilizations might vary, they at least adhere to the concept of a 'spaceship,' generally being like an upgraded version of Earth's fighter jets in structure.

But this white spaceship was different.

It was entirely oval-shaped, completely white, with no visible cockpit or any glassy areas, not even engines or propulsion systems; it was just a pure, white, giant egg.

If anything, its surface had some opaque golden film.

In summary, it was a spaceship that completely subverted public understanding, leaving people puzzled about how it worked.

"So it came so quickly..."

Upon seeing this spaceship, Fang Mo was a bit surprised: "It seems Yondu is quite efficient."

"You mentioned Yondu?" Star-Lord, hearing his foster father's name, also paid attention, asking curiously: "What does this have to do with Yondu?"

"Let me introduce you, this is the father you've been dreaming of and who I'll punch to death later."

Fang Mo pointed at the white, egg-shaped spaceship nearby: "When I was in the Void, I asked Yondu to spread news about you. I thought we'd have to wait a while after touring the Kree civilization, but I didn't expect this guy to be so eager to come and die..."


Star-Lord was shocked after hearing this: "You mean the guy inside this spaceship... is my father!?"


Fang Mo nodded: "Better praise your merciful father now..."

"I'm going to kill him!" Star-Lord's face immediately turned grim: "I'm ready. If it's really him who caused my mother's cancer..."

"Don't worry, he will admit to it."

Fang Mo said: "To be honest, Ego really liked your mother, but when he realized that it made him linger on Earth, he suddenly turned into a different person... You can ask him yourself. He's always taken pride in it, I don't understand why, but he probably won't bother hiding it."

"If he really loved my mother, why would he do that!"

Star-Lord clenched his teeth and asked.

"Probably because he's a seeding maniac?" Fang Mo thought for a moment and said, "Your mother interfered with his seeding business. He couldn't have both love and career, so he chose the latter..."

"So what should we do now?"

Hearing this, Rocket Raccoon couldn't help but speak up, "You've said before that Quill's father is an entire planet. This spaceship can't fit an entire planet, right? So is this his messenger or a part of him? How do we deal with them?"

"This should be the consciousness of Ego."

Fang Mo didn't really care, "After all, he's Quill's loving father. How to deal with him should be his decision. If he wants to investigate the truth first, we'll play along. If he wants me to punch his dad to death... I'll do it right away."

"I want to ask him personally about the truth of this matter."

Star-Lord lowered his head in thought, then quickly raised it with determination, "If he is really like Fang Mo said... I will give him the most terrifying punishment in the world."

"The most terrifying punishment?"

Rocket Raccoon glanced at Fang Mo unconsciously, "Isn't that handing your father over to Fang Mo for punishment?"


Star-Lord hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "For now, let's just welcome this guy first. I need to see what the situation really is. Should we send a communication request to try?"

"That won't work. That's not a traditional spaceship."

Hearing this, a voice of Supreme Intelligence suddenly came from the spaceship's speaker, "I tried to invade the other spaceship through the communication network, but that ship doesn't have any electronic components... It seems to be just a hard shell constructed of dense inorganic material."

"Oh, normal."

Fang Mo waved his hand, "They are Celestials after all, naturally having the ability to traverse the universe with their physical bodies. This spaceship is also a part of Ego."

"So how do we communicate with him?"

Star-Lord asked, frowning.

"Isn't that simple?" Fang Mo smiled, "Just open the reception cabin, he will fly over himself. This guy is now desperate for a child, probably willing to do anything to see his great son as soon as possible."

After Fang Mo spoke, the Supreme Intelligence didn't say anything, but the Milano suddenly stopped in the space, and then the reception cabin below slowly opened, as if inviting the other party to come.

"This sword can control the surrounding electronic signals?"

Seeing the movement of the spaceship, Rocket Raccoon quickly guessed the operating principle of the Supreme Intelligence, "You sealed the Supreme Intelligence into this sword, then plugged it into the central control console, and through information exchange... it's now essentially the spaceship's smart operating system?"

"More or less."

Fang Mo nodded: "Actually, it can not only be plugged into a spaceship, but also into the internet cable, controlling the entire network system of a planet or even a galaxy. In that case... I could follow the cable to go and hit someone."

"So you're saying, every weapon you have contains something sealed inside?"

Rocket Raccoon asked curiously, "That odd-shaped stone monster is also one of your sealed objects, right? Called something like Malphite; I remember you seemed to have stuffed it into a sword and took it away... But what's with that sword that can create a great flood? Did you seal three trillion crybabies in it?"

"I sealed a super hyper-nitrogen that's specialized for planets."

Fang Mo began to ramble joyfully: "Block-brand super hyper-nitrogen, saves men trouble and makes women unconscious..."

"So, is Crixxus a female planet?" Rocket Raccoon twitched the corner of his eye after listening and couldn't help but retort, "Then can you stab Ego with that sword again? I want to see what happens when a male planet gets stabbed by that sword..."

"Hey hey, can you watch your manners?"

Fang Mo directly said: "His son is still here, you want to violate his father right in front of his son, isn't that a bit too much..."

"Do you have the face to talk? You freaking want to punch his dad to death!"

Rocket Raccoon shouted: "You..."

"Alright, everyone, please stop arguing." Before Rocket Raccoon could finish his sentence, the supreme intelligence began to speak: "The pilot from the opposite spaceship is already coming."

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