Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 283: Steve

Chapter 283: Steve

Fang Mo did not expect this.

The Collector was still fixated on the Infinity Stones.

His outward manners were indeed passable, always treating Fang Mo with courtesy, never crossing any boundaries. Yet, behind the scenes, he never gave up on collecting the Infinity Stones.

In the original story, he once offered four billion for the Power Stone.

However, now, according to these Kree soldiers, the price has risen to ten billion.

Fang Mo, not familiar with the prices in the Milky Way, realized that the price must be substantial, as it was enough to mobilize Yondu to call upon other Ravagers for a full deployment.

"Hmm, that's good."

After some thought, Fang Mo suddenly showed a smile.

However, to his surprise, this group of Kree soldiers were terrified, immediately kneeling down: "Great Great One, please calm your anger This matter really has nothing to do with us"


Fang Mo was somewhat baffled by the soldiers' actions: "I didn't say it was related to you guys, did I?"

Indeed, Fang Mo's laughter had nothing to do with these soldiers. It was merely a reaction to the Collector's actions, amused by the thought that the Collector believed obtaining the Power Stone would make him invincible, or that he could keep this matter hidden from Fang Mo.

"Neighbors hoard food, I hoard guns; my neighbors are my granaries."

Perhaps the Collector, having lived too long, had become a bit slow-witted, failing to understand such a simple principle.

Initially, it would have been somewhat troublesome for Fang Mo to find the Orb himself, as it was not only difficult to locate but also challenging to pry open its shell.

But now, it seems easier.

Fang Mo decided not to search for it personally.

Instead, he planned to head to the Void to confront the Collector, Tivan, and take it... or rather, steal it.

Considering that the Orb might still be in Yondu's possession, Fang Mo decided to involve Star-Lord as well. Star-Lord was a real 'son addict'; as long as he was in Fang Mo's control, Yondu would surely hand over the item willingly.

With this in mind, Fang Mo gradually clarified his next steps.

First, he would visit the Klyn Prison to free Star-Lord and the others. After all, Groot still had an unlocked module. Once he gathered this group, they would together seek Yondu or the Collector to retrieve the Orb.

But before doing all this,

Fang Mo had an even more important task at hand.

"I have a question for you." Fang Mo turned his gaze to the Kree soldiers before him: "Do you want to suffer the same torment as him?"

"No no"

The Kree soldiers almost broke their necks, shaking their heads: "Please spare us, Great One, we truly meant no offense"

"If you don't want to be tormented, that's fine, but you must do something for me."

Fang Mo stroked his chin and said: "I don't know how long this task will take, but you have no choice. Either serve me or be burned as firewood for thirty years until you become undying embers."

"Please, tell us, Great One."

The Kree soldiers exchanged glances, then collectively kneeled before Fang Mo.

Fang Mo snapped his fingers, and the Space stone suddenly lit up. Immediately after, everyone found themselves in a dim, silent, nearly shattered desolate world.

"This is the homeland of the Dark Elves, one of the Nine Realms, Svartalfheim."

As Fang Mo spoke, he took out a seed from his hand: "What I'm holding is a 'hehe... white, fragrant, soft' cotton seed. From now on, this pursuer..."

"Sir, it's Korath the Pursuer."

A Kree soldier hurriedly reminded him.

"Oh, right, this whatever Pursuer." Fang Mo nodded. "From now on, you all are his overseers. You must supervise him planting cotton day and night without a break until Svartalfheim is filled with cotton. Only then can you be free. Understand?"


The Kree soldier hesitated for a moment.

The place looked like a barren, dim yellow planet. It seemed unrealistic for one person to fill it with cotton. Perhaps they were doomed to die alone here. However, Fang Mo didn't give them a chance to think, immediately using the power of the Mind Stone.

Inside the storage space, the Infinity Gauntlet suddenly clenched into a fist. Then, a golden glow shone through it, instantly enveloping the Kree soldiers present.

"Do you understand?"

Fang Mo asked with a smile, "From today, each of you is a great slave master."

"As you command, Sir."

The Kree soldiers' eyes flashed with a strange blue light, similar to Hawkeye controlled by the Mind Scepter in 'The Avengers.' They nodded and then looked at their superior officer with a fierce and arrogant expression.

"Plowing the land will probably require a lot of water flow. You can use this."

As Fang Mo spoke, he casually threw a Hot Spring Sword. The sword flew out and smashed into the ground not far away, creating a large pit. Then, warm spring water began to spread from the sword, quickly covering the entire pit.

Since the hilt of the sword was completely submerged in the hot spring water, the spring did not spread wildly.

"As for food..."

Fang Mo thought for a moment, then threw out a dagger made of wrought iron: "If you're hungry, gnaw on this weapon, but don't let Korath eat it, understand?"

"As you command, Sir."

The Kree soldiers nodded, and then one who was a bit bolder suddenly asked, "Sir, what if Korath starves to death?"


Fang Mo smiled again, very happily. He summoned his stand, Steve, materialized a few buckets of Holy Spring Water, and then burned a large pit made of glass material on the ground, pouring the Holy Spring Water into it.

"This water can defy physical laws and regenerate the human body, whether it's removing the stomach to let a new one grow back, or any other strange operation... Just figure it out yourselves, the creativity of intelligent beings is endless. Use your imagination to think of what fun can be had with this."

As Fang Mo said this, he suddenly pounded his hand, "Oh right, almost forgot the most important thing, a whip"

After finishing his words, Fang Mo directly reached into the spatial mist and pulled out several brand-new cowhide whips, then nodded in satisfaction: "Hmm, this is just right."

After seriously instructing the Kree soldiers, Fang Mo left contentedly. After all, he is not Mephisto, who keeps torturing people once caught. Fang Mo had more important things to do, so he couldn't afford to waste too much time here.

Before leaving Xandar, Fang Mo had anchored a spatial coordinate on Star-Lord. Even though he was unclear about the exact location of the Kyln prison, he could use the power of the space stone to determine Star-Lord's position and then teleport to his side instantly.

Just like now.

Fang Mo only needed a thought.

And he traveled from Morag to the Kyln prison.

Blue mist surged, and Fang Mo slowly walked out of it, only to see Star-Lord in a yellow prisoner's uniform talking to Rocket Raccoon. Beside them sat a bald, grey-skinned strong man, exuding a fierce aura.

"So, this plan absolutely requires that what, a Quarnyx battery?"

Star-Lord couldn't help but ask.

"Because that's part of the damn plan, idiot."

Rocket Raccoon was clearly a bit irritable: "Don't interrupt if you don't understand technology, just listen to me quietly like that guy..."

He was only halfway through when Rocket suddenly caught sight of Fang Mo.

"Whoa!" Rocket was clearly startled, his fur almost bristling: "How did you suddenly come back? Can't you give me a heads-up next time? You really scared me..."

"I've come to help you break out of jail."

Fang Mo said with a smile.

"I think it might not be necessary anymore." Hearing this, Star-Lord quickly said: "Our Rocket here has already come up with a brilliant escape plan, we just need a Quarnyx battery."

As soon as Star-Lord finished speaking, Groot's large hand passed over a very high-tech-looking battery.

The next second, the entire prison's alarms /Bleam

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