Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 236: Steve

Chapter 236: Steve

"Why not... let your son Jonathan acknowledge me as his godfather?"

Fang Mo smiled and said, "I've wanted a son for a long time. When he grows up, I can teach him magic."

"Is that so?"

Hearing Fang Mo's words, Joestar was taken aback at first, but then he quickly understood.

Unlike the kingdom where Fang Mo comes from, the term 'godfather' is relatively rare in Europe. After all, it's strange to suddenly have a foster father when the biological father is alive. However, Joestar is a nobleman, so he quickly understood Fang Mo's intentions.

It's clear that what Fang Mo is suggesting has nothing to do with 'adoption.'

Instead, this is more like taking on an apprentice, or something similar to acknowledging someone as a godfather.

Being European, Joestar is quite familiar with the concept of godfathers. Since Fang Mo saved his life and he himself is unable to have offspring, he naturally couldn't refuse Fang Mo's request to be Jonathan's godfather.

"I understand, Mr. Steve."

Joestar nodded, "Then... the baptism of Jonathan will be left to you."

"Don't worry."

Fang Mo made an "OK" gesture with his hand, then confidently patted his chest, "I will make sure everything is clearly arranged for you."


Watching Fang Mo's actions, Joestar felt an inexplicable sense of foreboding for some reason.

But before he could say anything, Fang Mo spoke up. He looked thoughtful as he stroked his chin, sizing Joestar up, "By the way, Mr. Joestar, I have a question for you."


Joestar asked curiously, "What is it?"

"Do you..."

Fang Mo looked at Joestar and asked curiously, "Believe in fate?"


Upon hearing these two words, Joestar suddenly froze.

He had originally thought that Fang Mo would ask him something else, about the business of nobility, his own experiences, or something about his son Jonathan. However, the other party had thrown out such a strange question.

After a long silence.

Joestar finally spoke slowly.

"Mr. Steve, I believe that fate does exist. Although we can't see it, it's affecting us all the time. We are all slaves to destiny."

"If my wife Mary hadn't bought that strange ancient mask, then she and I wouldn't have wasted time and happened to encounter that storm on the way back... You could say that it was because of that antique mask that indirectly led to her death."

"This is fate."

"From the moment she saw that mask in the antique shop, everything that followed had already been set in motion, including my encounter with you and Mr. Dario. All of this is predestined by fate."

Having said this, Joestar quietly closed his eyes and sighed: "We think we are defying fate, but we don't realize that this is also a part of destiny."


After hearing Joestar's words, Fang Mo also nodded: "Is that what you think?"

"This is just my personal humble opinion."

Joestar said.

"What if fate insists on killing you?"

Fang Mo asked again: "Would you reject this arrangement of fate? Or... accept it willingly?"

"I think I wouldn't fear death." Joestar pondered for a moment and then said seriously: "Death is not frightening, what is truly terrifying is a meaningless death. As a gentleman of the Joestar family, I hope I can die a meaningful death. If that's the case, then I will gladly accept the arrangement of fate."

"Your answer is really quite admirable."

Fang Mo unexpectedly glanced at George Joestar. It must be said that the Joestar family's awareness was really high, leaving Fang Mo unsure how to continue the conversation.

In the not-so-distant future, Dario Brando's child, a villain named Dio, would try to seize the Joestar family's wealth. And just when the other party wanted to kill Jonathan, George Joestar suddenly stood in the way of the sword, sacrificing his life to save his own child, dying in his son's arms.

Fang Mo was indeed thinking of saving this kind gentleman.

After hearing the other party's statement, Fang Mo also felt somewhat at a loss for words.

Should he wait for the day Dio takes action and then step in to save him? Or should he just silently watch as the other sacrifices himself, passing on his golden spirit to his son Jonathan?

"Mr. Steve, have you seen my fate?"

Joestar is kind but not foolish. After their previous exchanges, he has already responded. After all, Fang Mo had already claimed to be a mage, so using astrology to predict the future seemed quite normal.

"More or less."

Fang Mo nodded. He didn't mind spoilers and directly asked, "Do you want to know?"

"No need to say more about other aspects." Joestar thought for a moment, but finally couldn't help asking, "But could you please tell me when I will die?"

"Probably... after your son comes of age."

Fang Mo stroked his chin. He couldn't remember the specific time, but it was clear that both Dio and Jonathan were already adults when they clashed: "You will die in your son's arms."

"Is that so?"

Upon hearing this, Joestar seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "That is... enough. As long as Jonathan grows up, I have nothing more to worry about."

After saying this, Joestar stood up from the sofa.

"It's getting late, Mr. Steve."

Joestar bowed to Fang Mo and then said, "I should also take my leave. Our conversation today has been greatly beneficial. I will cherish each day going forward."

After saying this, Joestar turned and walked away.

As Fang Mo watched Joestar's retreating figure, he pondered for a moment and then spoke up, "Actually, I could save you."

"No need, Mr. Steve."

When George Joestar heard this, his steps paused momentarily, but he quickly continued walking towards the door. "The Joestar family has been gentlemen for generations, and I am no different. A true gentleman does not fear death..."

After saying this, George Joestar pushed the door open and left.


Fang Mo did not speak, simply watching the direction George Joestar had gone. To be honest, he felt somewhat conflicted.

Long ago in the Marvel world, he had forcefully saved Thor's mother, Queen Frigga of Asgard. She had been willing to accept her fate and go to her death, but Fang Mo had saved her nonetheless.

Because to Fang Mo, Frigga's death was a regret.

After watching the whole movie, he had been filled with a strong impulse, feeling that she shouldn't have died like that.

But George Joestar was different.

His death was not a regret, but rather a kind of sublimation.

Because he had willingly chosen to die, he had forged the golden spirit of the first-generation JOJO, his son Jonathan Joestar, granting him unparalleled courage and a heart full of determination and compassion.

Fang Mo was a bit conflicted.

The man had achieved greatness through his own death.

Fang Mo didn't find this regrettable; on the contrary, he even admired him a bit.

Theoretically, because he admired him, he should let him go to meet his death, but for some reason, it felt a bit wrong. Perhaps because of his charismatic personality, he also didn't want him to die.

"This is really vexing... Hm?"

Fang Mo rubbed his temples, but then suddenly paused and began to laugh. "Damn, is this the charm of JOJO?"

Shaking his head, Fang Mo stopped thinking about George Joestar.

The man still had at least two decades left to live; worrying about it now was indeed too early. Rather than sit here and ponder this, he'd better focus on studying his MC items.

After all, he had brought back a lot of interesting things this time.



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