Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 182: Steve

Chapter 182: Steve

Fang Mo did not delay for too long.

Soon, he used the "Lamp of Cinders" to carve out a path through the thorn bushes.

The originally tough and robust thorns turned into gray ashes under the high magical temperature emitted by the "Lamp of Cinders". They turned into powder with just a touch.

After passing through the thorny jungle, Fang Mo quickly arrived on a vast plateau.

On this wasteland plateau stood an endless group of castles.

The main bodies of these castles were made of a pristine white rock, with faint magical runes that were incomprehensible. They were interconnected by drawbridges or corridors, looking incredibly majestic.

Yet, even such magnificent castles couldn't escape the catastrophe of the ancient times.

Now, under the constant erosion of time, even the stones beneath the castle began to crack and weather. The surrounding thorns even extended onto the castle, making it look desolate.

Since the "End Castle" was not completed,

Fang Mo didn't find anything of value there.

He had Steve, presumably a character or companion, scout the area, and quickly discovered one of the final bosses ruling the castle at the very center.

A Kobold.

Well, it wasn't really a Kobold.

It was just that the author was too lazy and hadn't finished creating this boss. But the players were eager to play, so he simply put a Kobold there and indicated (perfunctorily) that they should treat it as the boss.

Its stats were quite high, with a lot of HP and attack damage.

However, the AI and model were simply copied from the Kobold, making it pathetically weak.

With a few slashes, Fang Mo killed it. And with the Kobold's death, Fang Mo's journey in the "Twilight Forest" also nearly came to an end.

It's hard to put into words.

The first time Fang Mo came here,

he felt like he was hitting cotton with all his might. It was extremely uncomfortable.

After all, entering the "End Castle" was tough, dealing with challenges like killing the Hydra and the "Twilight Wraith". But after unlocking all the prerequisites and entering, he found out the author had abandoned the storyline, which was quite upsetting.

When Fang Mo first encountered the "Twilight Forest",

the author of "Twilight" was so lazy that he didn't even put a Kobold in the castle.

All that was left for Fang Mo was a cold, silent, empty plateau without any monsters.

After exploring the entire castle, he only found a wooden sign in a spacious basement, which indicated that there should have been a boss there.

Now, this author is indeed slowly updating the mod.

According to the settings given,

there were several bosses in the castle. One stood on the central terrace of the castle, ruling everything, which was the Kobold Fang Mo had killed.

Another was imprisoned deep underground in the castle.

Of course, there were bosses set up in other locations, like at a stairway turn or inside another tower.

Good grief, what's this, a "Touhou" setting?

"Ah, it's over again."

Standing at the top of the "End Castle", Fang Mo looked down at everything below and couldn't help but sigh deeply, "Why can't this author be a little more diligent? I really like this..."

Compared to other adventure mods, the Twilight Forest's quest line is not particularly long. Even for beginners, it's possible to complete it in just a few days. However, what sets the Twilight Forest apart from other mods is its balance and enjoyment. Even after completing the quests, there's still much to explore and study within it.

Take, for instance, the hollow mines of the Twilight Forest. They come in three sizes. The smallest mine is barren, looking almost like a burial mound from the outside. It has few ores inside, and the space is very narrow. The only upside might be the fewer monsters inside.

On the other hand, the largest mines are the complete opposite. They are spacious inside, with abundant ores hanging from the ceiling. Coal, redstone, and lapis lazuli, all in clusters of tens, sometimes even dozens. Of course, there's also a wealth of metals like iron, copper, tin, and gold. Occasionally, one might even spot clusters of diamonds and emeralds in the central areas of the mines. Throughout these large mines, one can find reward chests and monster spawners.

Apart from the usual insects, goblins, and vanilla mobs, there's also a type of ghost that can pass through walls. This can be a nuisance, especially if you're playing as Steve and can't fly. The number of monsters inside feels overwhelming, to the point where placing torches feels pointless.

In the past, when playing on servers, Fang Mo loved mining here. However, now things have slightly changed. Since his character, Steve, can't fly, as soon as he started mining, he was targeted by a swarm of creatures, constantly being attacked.

"Hey! Think you're special just because you're white?" Fang Mo was immediately annoyed and had Steve retaliate with a dagger and darts.

After temporarily clearing out the monsters in his field of vision, Fang Mo had Steve rush forward, destroying the monster spawners one by one.

"It's such a pity," Fang Mo said, shaking his head regretfully as he watched the spawners explode. If he had the 'Relocator' mod, he could have transported these spawners, set up a mob drop assembly line, and it would have been much more convenient.

To be honest, Fang Mo doesn't really need the ores. He's not into industrial mods, and with Tinkers' Construct alone, his demand for ores isn't high. But, sticking to the idea of 'since I'm here' and 'never leave a Minecraft cave empty,' Fang Mo had Steve mine all the ores in the mine.

However, it's undeniable that the ores in the large mines are both abundant and varied. In no time, Steve's backpack was full. But this wasn't a challenge for Fang Mo. He had previously expanded his storage by separating the storage area and using a nested 'World-in-a-Chest'. Now, Steve placed a Geochest on the ground and opened it with a right-click. A massive warehouse made up of many chests appeared before their eyes. Steve calmly stashed away coal, ores, and other items. Once his backpack was emptied, he closed the Geochest.

The massive storage vanished, replaced by the mine's interior environment. Monsters, reward chests, and piles of ores were everywhere. And of course, the monster spawners he hadn't destroyed yet.

Wait a second. Monster spawners?

Fang Mo suddenly noticed this oversight, his eyebrows slightly furrowing.

Then, he had a sudden realization, slapping his thigh forcefully, "Damn! The Geochest!?"

Yes, it was just when he was setting up the storage.

The space transfer of the Geochest had moved those monster spawners as well.

This meant that the priority of the Geochest was quite high. Not only could it capture various living entities, but it could even bring in things like monster spawners.

With this in mind...

Does it mean his monster factory can start operating?

"Hahahaha, that's great."

Thinking of this, Fang Mo became excited, "I can finally farm Minotaurs on autopilot!"

Even though the swamp dungeon had already been destroyed by Fang Mo,

The area of the Twilight Forest in the game is as vast as the main world.

So theoretically, there's an endless number of dungeons here.

Around the Hydra's Lair, there are four different swamp mazes.

Thus, Fang Mo can just change direction and easily bring back those Minotaur spawners.

If he wanted, he could even move his home to the Twilight area. After all, he had placed the Geochest everywhere in his house and could pack everything up and take it with him.

However, considering that the Twilight Forest is always in twilight,

Even if Fang Mo likes it here, he has no intention of settling down.

Steve's actions were swift. In no time, Fang Mo had excavated the entire large mine and immediately rushed to the swamp maze.

Capturing a spawner doesn't require a large Geochest.

A mere 3x3 Geochest is enough to bring the spawner back to the main world.

Fang Mo captured seven Minotaur spawners alone.

Besides the Minotaurs, Fang Mo also captured some Redcap Goblins, Tower Golems, and Mini Phantoms (Tiny Wraiths) spawners.

In fact, Fang Mo didn't just want to kill Minotaurs.

The main reason is that not only can they drop meat, but they can also drop golden axes. If produced in bulk, they can also yield gold ingots. Manual slaughtering is also fine, partly for experience and partly for increasing the damage of the golden broadsword, which is very cost-effective.

As for the remaining Redcap Goblins, Tower Golems, and Mini Phantoms.

They're all monsters used for farming materials.

Redcap Goblins can drop coal and can also drop iron pickaxes and boots. Combined with the Tower Golems that drop iron ingots, it can compensate for the malfunction of the original iron farm.

As for the Mini Phantoms.

They can drop Ghast Tears.

Fang Mo vaguely remembered that with certain upgrades, one could farm Ghasts en masse, but he hasn't reached that technical level yet. So, he simply replaced it with the Mini Phantom spawners, which served a similar purpose.

Unlike his previous returns to the Minecraft world,

The number of mods Fang Mo unlocked this time was simply too many.

Not to mention the Twilight Forest, even Tinkers' Construct had a lot of new content waiting for him to explore.

Fang Mo is preparing to set up a monster slaughter assembly line, plans to dig for some new ores, and also intends to study the newly added elements in Tinkers' Construct. Honestly, he felt overwhelmed with the amount of content.

Yet, he was still eager to do more.

And just at this time, Steve brought him two Books Of Ages from a dungeon.



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