Reborn Master vs. School Beauty

Chapter 52 monkshood

Li Qiang stared at the plate in front of him with a strange expression.

Lin Ya Shi curiously asked, "What are you doing? Why look at food and not eat it? "

Li Qiang coldly said, "What’s on this plate?"

Lin Ya Shi laughed involuntarily. "Of course it’s the osmanthus cake. You don’t even recognize such a simple dessert? This is too terrible. "

Looking at the osmanthus cake in front of him, Li Qiang’s mood was extremely depressed.

Lin Ya Shi said, "I’m sorry. If you don’t like this food, I can ask someone to take it away. I’m sorry to make you feel bad."

Li Qiang said, "It’s alright. I like eating this. I was just enjoying it." As he spoke, he picked up a piece and ate it, "It tastes pretty good, it tastes pretty good."

Lin Ya Shi laughed, "It must be delicious. This was personally made by my mom. She just sent it over. If you like it, eat more."

Li Qiang immediately spat out, "This was done by Yang Rong?"

Lin Ya Shi said in dissatisfaction: "What do you mean by that? Why did I spit it out when I heard my mother did it? Did she let you down in any way? "

Li Qiang said, "I didn’t mean anything else. It’s just that I was a little surprised when I suddenly heard that your mother knew how to make osmanthus cake."

Lin Ya Shi asked curiously, "What’s so strange about that? Can’t my mother make some pastries? "

Li Qiang said, "Don’t blame me for being rude. I mean, your mother is the leader of a large corporation. How could she have the time to cook? That’s why she was so surprised." Although he said that on the surface, he was actually extremely upset. After all, eating something made by Yang Rong reminded him of the time when he was stabbed!

Lin Ya Shi did not understand, so he could only explain, "Don’t always make a fuss. I hired you to protect me, but you didn’t even show any of your abilities. You’ve always given me a fright."

Li Qiang smiled and said, "Then I’m sorry. I won’t scare you again. I won’t do it again."

Lin Ya Shi nodded and said, "Then are you going to eat this Gui Hua Cake?"

Li Qiang shook his head and said, "I’m not eating. You eat by yourself. I still need to go practice."

Lin Ya Shi was surprised. "What kind of martial arts are you practicing now? Can you teach me? "

Li Qiang shook his head and said, "The martial arts I’m practising right now is overbearing and not suitable for girls. It’s better if you don’t practice."

Lin Ya Shi pouted. "Why can’t I do what a boy does? "You can teach me anyway, but I can’t always let you protect me. When necessary, I also need some self-defense skills."

Li Qiang thought for a moment and said, "Alright then, I’ll teach you a set of simple body defense techniques. It’s very suitable for girls to train in, but any kind of martial arts requires hard work and training. It’s not something that can be mastered simply."

Lin Ya Shi said, "It doesn’t matter, I’m very anxious right now, so you should hurry up and teach me. I don’t have anything else to do anyway, so I can practice martial arts with you. Maybe I’m a martial arts genius and can become an expert in an instant?"

Li Qiang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and said, "No one can succeed so easily. Although it’s just a line of lyrics, it’s very reasonable. Remember, there are no shortcuts in everything. Don’t be delusional.

Lin Ya Shi had had enough of his nagging. He said, "Alright, now that everyone knows about it, can you not be so long-winded? Actually, I find it strange. Your physique used to be so bad that you struggled to complete a thousand meters in school. How did you suddenly become such a powerful expert? Have you taken some medicine? "

Li Qiang forced out a smile and said, "You don’t need to ramble on like this with me, okay?" Should I talk to you or help you with your training? There’s only one person, so it’s not that useful. "

Lin Ya Shi pouted. "I bought you for a huge sum of money. Of course you have to work harder. Talking with me is one of your essential tasks."

Li Qiang said, "Alright, whatever you say. After all, money is the boss. I will listen to whatever you say." "Oh yeah, can I see your parents? I think it’s helpful for me to meet such a successful person. Can you help me?"

Lin Ya Shi asked curiously, "Why do you want to meet them for? They are very busy right now, and there are a lot of things to deal with inside the group, so they don’t have the opportunity to meet with outsiders, so I might not be able to help you with this favor. "

Li Qiang said in disappointment, "Is it really that difficult? Just looking at the two of them isn’t enough? "

Lin Ya Shi said, "Back then, when I wanted to hire you as my bodyguard, Dad had to seriously oppose it. If it wasn’t for my argument, you wouldn’t even be standing here doing such a good job right now."

Li Qiang laughed, "I understand your father’s thoughts, he has always been a very cautious person, every bit of money needs to be spent on blades. For a power as powerful as your Lin Clan, hiring powerful bodyguards is easy, so he must be disdainful towards your bold decision."

Lin Ya Shi sighed, "Who said I wasn’t? That’s probably what he was thinking, so he gave me a lot of criticism. If it wasn’t for my mother, I really would have been badly scolded by him."

Li Qiang nodded his head and said, "It seems that your parents are rational people. They want to control everything in their hands, so they have a strong desire to control you. Am I right?"

Lin Ya Shi laughed: "How can you be so accurate with people? Why do I suddenly feel like you’re a completely different person now? In the past, you could be said to be completely useless in your class. In the past, you could be said to be useless in your class.

Li Qiang smiled and said, "That’s because I have enlightened. Do you know that whether a person can become famous or not is extremely important?"

Lin Ya Shi suddenly asked, "Let’s not talk about the unenlightened topic. Let me ask you, just now you said that my father had a cautious personality, but how did you know? "As far as I know, you haven’t met my father yet, have you?"

Li Qiang’s expression did not change as he continued to create nonsense, "That’s because I’m a good at guessing, so it’s alright if we don’t meet up. I can judge this person’s character from his words and reactions."

Lin Ya Shi praised, "You’re so awesome. Then let me ask you, if I say a few more things, will you be able to judge my parents’ personality traits?"

Li Qiang said with a smile, "That’s no problem, but I think we should stop this first. I don’t have any interest in analyzing your parents’ personalities, it has nothing to do with me. My duty is to protect your safety, let you safely pass your high school years, and finally enter university."

Lin Ya Shi sighed. "I hope so. The Black Cloaked Society is moving more and more frequently, and they are even ripping off votes. When I hear the name ’Black Cloaked Society’, I feel uncomfortable all over. My body is always hot. I think I’m too nervous."

Li Qiang thought, "Isn’t a woman’s body hot because she misses spring?" How could she have such a reaction when she heard the name of the Black Cloaked Society? "This is really strange."

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