Reborn Master vs. School Beauty

Chapter 143 Camp

Under the lead of a few elite soldiers, Li Qiang quickly arrived at the camp where the Lin Hu Brothers were stationed. The Lin Hu Club did not have many people, only around three hundred people, but every one of them were elite soldiers, and in reality they were all ruthless characters.

The person in the lead was a middle-aged man. He had a small mustache and appeared to be very shrewd. He asked, "Who are you? We’ve already said it, other than our leader Lin Hu, no one else is willing to listen. Even if we attack the prison, we will act alone, not wanting to ally with anyone else. "

Li Qiang said: "I am a good friend of Lin Hu, my name is Li Qiang, I believe you guys should know as well." Then, he handed the certificate to the person.

The man with the mustache accepted the certificate, looked at it carefully, and said, "This is indeed the handwriting of our leader. I would like to discuss it with someone else. Please wait a moment."

Not long after, all of the brothers of the Lin Hu Club came out in formation to welcome Li Qiang, respectfully welcoming him into the tent.

The small mustached man introduced himself, "My name is Hu Dadan and I am the advisor of Boss Linghu. Everyone was very anxious when something happened to him, so they all rushed into the game in an attempt to rescue him."

Li Qiang said: "Lin Hu understands your thoughts, but fighting is not a child’s play, it is a very meticulous action, with just a little mistake, you will lose it all. For people like you who blindly follow the methods of the underworld, not only will it not have any effect, but it will also result in unnecessary sacrifices, it is not worth it."

Hu Dandan’s eyes lit up as he thought to himself, "No wonder our boss wants this brother to be the Grand Marshal. He really has his own unique qualities."

Li Qiang added, "I’ve been in the prison for a while and have a rough understanding of the situation inside. All the prisoners are locked in an underground cave of the devil’s lair, which is divided into 10 downwind vents, each of which is considered an area, so there are a total of 10 areas. Each area has a leader leading about 2000 to 3000 people.

Hu Dandan asked, "Does Marshal mean to say that our Lin Hu Society should be responsible for getting rid of the guards from the underworld?"

Li Qiang said, "Yes, you have a small number of people, but each of you is very strong, so it’s most suitable for you to do such small jobs. After our army breaks through the prison, you will follow the army and charge in, then split into ten sections and go deal with the guards. This way, when the protection of the windy passage is broken, it will be easier for the people inside to escape."

Hu Dandan nodded and said, "That’s a good idea, but let’s hide behind and enjoy the scenery first. I’m afraid that everyone won’t accept this."

Li Qiang said, "What you have done is the most important and most important work, and it is a recognition of your strength. What’s there to be unhappy about? The reason why I left you brothers behind is because I want to preserve the strongest power. Then, I want to succeed in one fell swoop and solve the problem once and for all. "

Hu Dandan admired Li Qiang’s words, so he nodded and said, "Alright, marshal’s words really make us proud. Since you think highly of us, we will naturally die for you. Don’t worry, marshal, we will depend on you in this battle."

After he finished speaking, he led the rest of the society to kneel down and kowtow nine times, showing great respect.

Li Qiang repeatedly refused, "This gift is too big, I can’t bear it."

Hu Dandan said, "If you can save our boss, then you should be able to accept this gift." He insisted on completing the ceremony.

After exiting the Lin Hu’s camp, Li Qiang let out a long breath, thinking: "I originally thought that the underworld people were the hardest to deal with, but they agreed the best. Now, it’s just Wang Hua, he let me be the Grand Marshal, there shouldn’t be a problem right?"

Not long after they left the camp, someone behind them laughed: "Looks like you did a good job. How did you end up being a spy so soon?"

Li Qiang recognized the voice and said with a smile, "You’re not bad either. You found me so quickly."

He Zi Yan walked out from behind a tree and said: "Luckily you came out, otherwise, I would have rushed in and pulled you out."

Li Qiang said, "It’s not that easy to get in there. But there’s one thing you know that’s fine. In fact, there’s a Pang family inside the Devil Nest, and they’re both women."

She Ziyan said in surprise: "What did you say, there’s actually a woman’s family inside, what exactly is going on?"

Li Qiang said, "They are aboriginals of the Black Area and have lived here for a long time. Instead, it was the prison authorities who took over their land, thus causing them great dissatisfaction. I was able to escape this time because of their help, if we can completely eradicate this prison, the Pang family will regain their land rights as well. This is something they would be happy to see."

He Ziyan snorted: "When you talk about the Pang Family, you’re grinning from ear to ear. You must have taken advantage of us, right?"

Li Qiang denied, "Of course not. I’m a man of honor. You know that. I don’t have that much time to do boring things. Don’t think about it wrong."

She Ziyan said, "I don’t believe it, but it doesn’t matter. That’s your freedom. I don’t care."

Li Qiang laughed heartily and said, "Even though you say it’s none of your business, why are your words so sour?"

He Ziyan spat: "Where’s the acid? Do you smell it? "

Li Qiang smiled helplessly and said, "Look at you, your words are like knives, not leaving any face at all."

He Ziyan said: "Let’s not waste our time here. Wang Hua’s camp is in trouble, you should go take a look."

Li Qiang said in surprise, "What happened? Could it be that his five million strong army is still not here?"

He Ziyan said: "It’s precisely because five million people came that something will happen. You’ll know when you go take a look."

Li Qiang became nervous as he followed He Ziyan and rushed to Wang Hua’s camp.

Arriving at Wang Hua’s camp, Li Qiang was astonished. It was a complete mess here, with a pile of broken limbs. It could even be described as a bloody mess.

Many soldiers recognized Li Qiang. When they saw him come over, they all gathered around him. Li Qiang asked, "What happened exactly? What happened to you guys?"

One of them said, "As soon as we arrived here, we started cooking, but there are a few brothers who want to go hunting in the forest and get some game to eat, but they didn’t expect the game to fail and ended up attracting some monsters, rampaging through the camp and killing hundreds of thousands of people.

Li Qiang curiously asked, "What monster is so powerful?" Aren’t you armed? Why didn’t you make a move? "

The soldier said with a bitter face, "Why didn’t he make a move? He even used a cannon, but that guy’s skin is too thick. He couldn’t even penetrate it. Running out while stepping on someone is really depressing."

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