Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Vol 2 Chapter 135: : They lost sleep collectively! (4 more)

Vol 2 Chapter 135: : They lost sleep collectively! (4 more)

Xia Xiaolan didn't think she was poisonous at all.

She thinks she is a kind-hearted little cutie, honestly doing business, if others want to grab her business, of course she has to go to great lengths to get it back.

When the general manager of Asia was really worried, she must find a suitable person to manage Asia and get away from the front-line management position after she had enough of rubbing several state-owned shopping malls on the ground.

Others take a mouthful of "Ms. Xia", and she is so tired in private that she is more beautiful and embraced.

No, she would ask Zhuo Weiping to have a supper after work.

The simple roadside stalls are surrounded by flower oil cloths to protect against the wind and cold. Mr. Xia, who is worth more than 100 million yuan, is not too dirty. He and Zhuo Weiping ordered a bunch of skewers and talked while eating.

Zhuo Na thought the place was not good, but after a while, the fragrant lamb skewers were served, and Zhuo Na couldn't resist the temptation of food.

Xia Xiaolan thanked Zhuo's sisters specially. Originally, Zhuo Weiping was not paying attention to entertaining guests in the big hotel, so she chose the place in such a small stall.

"Sister Zhuo, thank you very much. Without your sisters' help to promote this event, this event would not be so smoothly accepted by the common people in Shangdu!"

Zhuo Weiping didn't think she had played a big role, but Xia Xiaolan was very particular about things, and Zhuo Weiping was still very happy.

Zhuo Na bit on the mutton skewers, and did not forget to interrupt.

"Even without my sister's help, you must have arranged for someone else, so you can really make the "shopping card" unsellable?"

Xia Xiaolan readily admitted: "Of course I didn't have no preparation at all, but I did it deliberately. I didn't do it naturally without your sisters. I thank Sister Zhuo and Comrade Zhuo Na very much."

Hmph, thank her, she is a little older than Xia Xiaolan, why don't you call her "Sister Zhuo Na"?

Zhuo Na only dared to think secretly about these words, if she really asked Xia Xiaolan to call her sister, her sister Zhuo Weiping would definitely knock her all over her head. If Xia Xiaolan showed nostalgia again, there was still a gap between the two sides. She is still a gnawing old clan who is still shrinking in school, so she is not qualified to challenge Xia Xiaolan.

Zhuo Na bit the lamb skewers, listening to what Xia Xiaolan and her sister said about maintaining the order of Asia.

Hearing what Xia Xiaolan said, I was worried that competitors would send people to Asia to make trouble.

Zhuo Weiping also listened carefully.

From the county seat to the provincial capital, from the police station to the city bureau, Zhuo Weipings edges and corners have not been smoothed out, and her personality is still the same as before. Xia Xiaolan is a legitimate business. There are no fakes in the mall. The discount for recharge is also available. Zhuo Weiping has personally felt it, and it is not adulterated at all!

Can only a few state-owned shopping malls join forces with price cuts to suppress Asia, and Asia should not be allowed to fight back?

Xia Xiaolan's counterattack is completely legal. If several state-owned shopping malls want to engage in tricks, Zhuo Weiping is willing to take care of this nosy.

Zhuo Weiping is still as jealous as before, and Xia Xiaolan is also very happy, time is like an arrow, and the people she knows are so good. For this reason, it is worthwhile for her to eat 20 mutton skewers in one breath to celebrate!

Xia Xiaolan ate this supper very happily. After eating, he asked Zheng Feng to drive the Zhuo sisters home.

She was very happy. The heads of several state-owned shopping malls in Lu Hongbo couldn't sleep at all and suffered from insomnia collectively.

Asia's stocks are sufficient, and those in Lu Hongbo knew that their plan to cut off Asia's supply had failed... It was not just a few suppliers who went to the warehouse in secret, it was Asia that found another purchase channel.

Several people in Lu Hongbo can cut off the suppliers here, but they don't have the ability to make manufacturers in other places obediently obedient!

Even a few suppliers can't sleep too annoyingly.

Two days are enough for them to inquire.

Asia has really found a new source of goods.

Asia has done what several major state-owned shopping malls wanted to do but failed to do. It ignored the suppliers of the commercial capital and chose to get the goods directly from the manufacturers.

"How could it be done?"

"There are so many kinds of products that Asia has to talk about every family, and it takes time!"

In a few days, it is absolutely impossible to talk about it.

Could it be that as soon as Asia Minor opened its doors, it planned to replace its suppliers and has been paving the way for this?

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense at all!

A supplier touched his nose: "Before Asia opened, people came to talk about the supply of goods. I think the Hong Kong businessman was very foolish. I couldn't help but raise the price. The second wife Du didn't notice it. It was very happy. I agree."

"Me too...I can't blame me, I don't make money if I put money there?"

It was only after everyone showed their hearts to each other that there was actually more than one person who had been blinded by the second wife Du in this way.

Sure enough, they are peers, and they have the same style of doing things.

When I met a layman who came to talk about supply, they really couldn't help but not quote a high price!

I have been very restrained, so I made a little false report.

Therefore, the purchase price for Asia Minor by suppliers has always been a little higher than that of several state-owned shopping malls.

Its not much higher. A product is a little bit higher. They always thought that Asia didnt know it!

Could it be that the manager Xia of Asia had always known about it, but he couldn't bear it, and only waited for Asia to find cheap sources before replacing them?

Several vendors really couldn't help but conspiracy theories.

It is true that the supply from Asia is seamlessly connected. As soon as the stock is out of stock, I found a channel to purchase from the manufacturer. There are no errors or omissions. The timing is so good that they have to doubt!

Although they are not the first to do things kindly, the people who have been touched by their interests are themselves, and the suppliers don't want to be reasonable.

"Manufacturers directly supply? If an Asian company does this, other shopping malls will follow suit. Not to mention the entire southern Henan province. As long as these big shopping malls in the Shangdu learn from Asia, at least half of our jobs will be lost!"

Yes, although they control the supply of southern Henan Province, the best economy in Southern Henan Province is the provincial-city commercial capital.

This is the economic center of the province. There are so many department stores. In cities other than the commercial capital, you can't even find a department store.

The department stores in Shangdu don't need them to supply them, isn't it just half of their jobs?

"Tomorrow we will go to Asia!"

No matter what I said, we still have to win back the customer of Asia. This time I wont give Asia the inflated price. It can be adjusted to be the same as that of several state-owned department stores... Or they can take a step back and buy Asia at a lower price. Price!


Early the next morning, Zhuo Weiping led a few colleagues over, dressed in plain clothes and hidden among the customers, keeping an eye on the market's movements.

The people in the city bureau will take care of Asia's affairs. This is not a privileged transaction, it is the personal relationship between Xia Xiaolan and Zhuo Weiping!

It is Monday, but there are not few people who come to Asia.

When young comrades wanted to go to work, they sent their retired elders. Xia Xiaolan was afraid of freezing the grandpas and aunts, and asked the mall to open for business half an hour earlier.

She herself waited for the suppliers in the office.

Xia Xiaolan held back her smile:

"Do you plan to supply Asia again?"

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