Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 2004: : Surfaced (3 more)

Chapter 2004: : Surfaced (3 more)

Xia Xiaolan's refusal to participate in this year's "AIA Supernova Architects" selection is also expected by the AIA headquarters.

AIA asked when she would go back to China to start the museum design, and Xia Xiaolan would reply in a few days.

In fact, the lawsuit was won. AIA sent someone to China to watch the Xia Xiaolan Design Museum. It seems that there is no need. Xia Xiaolan has proved that the work is her own, and AIA apologizes if she should apologize.

However, neither party said anything about canceling the matter.

Xia Xiaolan is not stupid. With the follow-up reports of the two journals "Domus" and "A+U", coupled with the promotion of AIA, she will become popular in the construction circle in a very short time.

She said that she could wait until the age of 32 and 42 to squeeze the head of Mond Dawson's dog. If there is a chance to be a few years in advance, she will not refuse!

After winning the lawsuit, she only accepted an interview with Domus magazine. The content of the interview will not be available until the next issue. However, as Xia Xiaolan guessed, the New York media learned of the verdict and were already spontaneously acting for her. Restore reputation.

Previously, the newspapers said that "scandals" were just appearances, not scandals in essence.

She is not a Hollywood actress. What does it have to do with whom?

They use "scandals" to discuss other things, such as the value of women, should they be reflected by the man behind her?

It's not.

Even though there are many inexplicable rules in this society.

For example, in a certain industry, men are better than women.

For example, in the United States, Chinese Americans are not as good as African Americans, and are far less treated than whites...

But when the strength is strong enough, these rules can be broken, just like Xia Xiaolan did. She can tear off the labels that others have put on her with inherent thinking. This is not rich, or she can do it if she knows a rich person like Harold. Ironing is still hard by herself, if she is really not as good as Lisa How can we force Mond to make a "fair" selection?

Xia Xiaolan's confidence comes from herself.

She knows how much she can do.

Although she once felt that she had no aesthetic appeal and was not very talented in the architectural profession, the feedback from the professionals around her was not the case. When McCarthy testified in court, didn't he praise her desperately?

Maybe she really has such a talent, but she didn't notice it.

Perhaps, she set the benchmark too high from the beginning?

As soon as she entered school, she took aim at Ning Xue...for three years, she just immersed herself in chasing, and accidentally became a talented player!

Xia Xiaolan is considered a small fire in New York.

The best newcomer architect is not so much, but it can be remembered by the face.

Her works have also become popular. Because of this lawsuit, many people went to the theater to visit, wanting to see what kind of work Xia Xiaolan and Lisa are fighting for. The decoration effect of the new theater can capture young people very much. Heart.

Older ones may have a more stable aesthetic, but they will not be ugly against their will.

Kissinger of GMP finally washed off the dirty water on his body. He really had a vision, not because of some kind of transaction, he wanted to praise Xia Xiaolan. If other firms find an intern like Xia Xiaolan, they also want to stay and are willing to spend resources on her!

There is competition between firms. Star architects can be met but not sought. Firms with star architects are more likely to receive commissions. They are not afraid to run away after being famous. The industry particularity of architect firms, After an architect can bring a lot of resources, he will be absorbed as a new partner.

"You really don't consider GMP? After this lawsuit, you are registered at the headquarters... Yes, I know that you have set up an office in China. How many years will it take for your small office to develop GMP ratio?"

Kissinger's sincere invitation, Xia Xiaolan refused again.

Fighting this lawsuit, let her know more clearly what she wants.

Qihang Real Estate will develop well, and Qihang Office will also devote herself to it.

Too many people have placed hope in her, and she certainly can't give up being an excellent architect.

Xia Xiaolan turned from black to red, and Lisa was in a miserable situation. Lisa lost her job on the same day when Xia Xiaolan heard that the lawsuit was judged. The reporters wanted to go to Dawson's studio to interview Lisa, but they couldn't find anyone.

Where did Lisa go?

No one knows.

Lisa will not appeal, and there is no definite news.

Lisa just disappeared from public view.

Xia Xiaolan is not worried that Lisa will escape compensation for this. People are gone, bank accounts can't run away, real estate, stocks, etc. under her name. The United States is relatively tough when enforcing court judgments, even if Lisa disappears. At most, the compensation will arrive a little later, and sooner or later, it will be paid to Xia Xiaolan.

What if Lisa's money is not enough to pay?

That's how much you can give. If you can't give it, Lisa will be allowed to file for personal bankruptcy.

Mond Dawson was not unscathed.

Although he saw that the situation was wrong during the trial, and wisely chose to sacrifice Lisa to protect himself, how could Xia Xiaolan allow him to get away easily? The trial is not public, but the stories that Professor McCarthy told in court are still circulating.

Mond is a small-minded villain.

It can only be the Dawsons bullying others at will. If others dare to fight back and resist, just wait for Dawson to get revenge... He doesn't have the concept of "bullying the big with the small", hiding behind the scenes and playing tricks, it is really sinister!

This story spread quickly, thanks to Kissinger.

He really talked about it when he saw people, and didn't care about Mond Dawson's face at all.

The winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize is a respectable honor.

But is Mund worthy of respect?

Anyway, Kissinger hates Mond Dawson. For a long time in the future, Kissinger will choose to fight against Mond!

He not only scolded Mond, but also stared at Mond, waiting for Mond to catch Mond's pigtail on the day he made a mistake.

Mond is careful not to make mistakes. What about his wife from a beauty contest? What about the daughter who couldn't study at Cornell and the school suggested to transfer? The Dawsons are all Kissinger's goals!


When Xia Xiaolan stayed in New York, she also wanted to gather with her friends.

She returned to China for more than three months, Daisy and others miss her very much.

And the overseas Chinese students in New York. Xia Xiaolan was very sincere to attend the party this time. She thanked these compatriots for running to the gate of the court to support her!

Of course, there are also plans to take Mao Kangshan and Song Auntie to travel in the United States for a few days.

How did Lisa's work get it?

The works after work are partly provided by Kissinger, while the works in school are all helped by Xia Xiaolan's old acquaintance, Jim.

It is pleasant to work with Jim again.

When Xia Xiaolan readily settled Jim's balance, Jim sent her another message:

"Xia, you asked me to take care of Tina for you. There are many people following her. They are a group of nasty and scary people. Do you know what I mean?"

Tina does not testify for Xia Xiaolan, and Xia Xiaolan will not be nosy.

And knowing that she needs to prove her strength on the museum project, Xu Zhongyi directly increased the museum's budget from 10 million to 20 million... This is why Xia Xiaolan is willing to ask Jim to take care of Tina.

"A lot of people followed?"

Could it be Xu Zhongyi and Xu Changle people.

No, how can the people sent by Xu Zhongyi be called unpleasant and terrible by Jim? !

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