Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 261: A Big Deal

Chapter 261: A Big Deal

Liu Yang followed Xiang Rong through several aisles until arriving in a small room, inside there was only a large window, a table with several chairs. It looked ordinary, but there was a light and sweet smell inside and every item in the room was extremely expensive and priceless. Each one sat in a chair in front of the other, the table was between the two.

Looking at the design of the room, Liu Yang realized that it was different from the rooms that normally used to serve the VIP customers, the rooms were more common and less luxurious due to the fact that the matriarch did not like to use women as a doll to offer services to VIP customers. Because of this, the matriarch was highly respected by women in the Nine Worlds.

"Sir, what kind of business do you have with our store?" The clerk asked she did not have to do sexy poses or anything like that to seduce Liu Yang.

Despite the matriarch's order, there were still some women who seduced their clients in return for favors. In the case, Xiang Rong was not such a woman.

"I'd like a hundred units out of each of the items on this list." Liu Yang's voice was as hoarse as an old man's, waving his hand and a parchment appeared.

Xiang Rong looked at the list saw that there were a total of one hundred written items, from the most common to the rarest. She was shocked by these items, they all had the same property, Yang.

Liu Yang would help the three women deal with the frozen body problem, even if it is temporary.

"Sir, most of the items on our list are owned by us, but the last five have only twenty." The clerk did not dare to underestimate the person in front of her, she knew that for someone to have one of the nine tokens of the matriarch, had an incredible background. She was lucky to be the person who came to serve him.

"No problem, I buy everyone." The casual tone of Liu Yang surprised the attendant, she never imagined that Liu Yang was so calm when he spoke those words.

"Sir, wait a minute, this business is out of my league. I need to call a manager"The clerk bowed to Liu Yang and apologized.

"Okay, I'll wait." Liu Yang did not mind.

The clerk picked up a communication device and spoke a few words. Seconds later, someone knocks on the door, the clerk already knew who it was, she just opened it. An old man with gray hair came in.

Using the Eye of God, Liu Yang saw that this old man was an expert in the art of negotiating.

"Chief manager, this gentleman is the dear customer" The clerk pointed to Liu Yang after the old man entered.

"Nice to meet you, sir, my name is Wu Zemin, I am the chief manager of Xiao Shop" The old man introduced himself.

"My name is Zhen Wu, nice to meet you, manager." Liu Yang invented a fake name while speaking in a hoarse voice.

"The clerk told me that you want to buy a lot of common and rare items, am I right?"

"Yes, this is the list"

Liu Yang handed the list with the items he wanted for the old man. Wu Zemin looked at the name of the items with a solemn face, he mentally calculated the total value of the items.

"Mr. Zhen, as some items on this list, are extremely rare and precious, it will take much more than money to buy these items. Are you aware of this? "

"Yes, I'm aware of that. Manager Wu, it is not necessary to be wasting time, if the store has these items, just bring it to me, I am willing to pay a satisfactory price "

"Okay, wait just a few moments, I'll sort the items. The clerk must have already mentioned that the last items are missing and that we have only twenty. Right?"

"Yes, she already told me, but do not worry about it"

"I'll be back soon." Wu Zemin left the room, leaving only Liu Yang and Xiang Rong inside.

After the manager left, the mood in the room felt strange, since neither of them had anything to talk about. The clerk began to be nervous, this was the biggest sale she would ever have, if she succeeded, the alliance would reward her with great wealth and she would not have to work anymore.

But it was not long before the old man returned, he was carrying a box of exquisite wood.

"I apologize for the delay, sir, within that ring are the items that were ordered. Please check "The manager opened the box, and in there was a common space ring.

Checking the ring, Liu Yang saw that the interior was extremely large, looked like a home. In spite of the common appearance, this ring space costs a fortune that only the super clans could pay.

"What kind of items do you want? Equipment, materials, herbs, pills, elixirs? "Confirming that everything was in order, Liu Yang put the ring inside the box and asked.

"The most common items can be paid with money, however, the rarest items should be paid with items of equivalent quality"

"I see ... Check it out." Liu Yang waved his hands and a space ring appeared on the table.

The chief manager took the space ring, the moment he looked at the contents, he was startled. Shock and fear surfaced in his face.

The shock was due to the rare items that were inside the ring, and the fear was of thinking what kind of background Liu Yang had to take these items.

"Manager, are you satisfied with the value of these items, or are you still missing?" Liu Yang asked in a casual tone, but there was great pressure pressing the old man.

"Okay, the price is satisfactory, Mr. Zhen, would you like to take the box or just the space ring?" The old man asked in a courteous and humble tone, he knew that the person in front of him was someone the alliance could not offend.

"I will take the ring when the transaction today, I hope it is a secret"

"Yes, what happened inside this room, stay in this room"

Despite the casual tone of Liu Yang, the old man could feel a slight threat in his tone.

"One more thing, this young woman was a good attendant, I hope the alliance takes good care of her"

"Alright, she'll be well rewarded. The attendant, please take Mr. Zheng to the room exit "

"All right." The clerk bowed to the manager and asked Liu Yang to follow her.

After the two left the room, the old man had a solemn look on his face, he picked up a communication device and spoke a few words. Although he was afraid that Liu Yang would find out about it, the old man still had to report on the subject.

Along the way, Liu Yang just followed the attendant, the two did not say anything. She was a bit nervous about what happened before.

"Attendant, you do not have to be nervous, the alliance will treat you very well after today's sale. And thank you for the good service, at least you did not offer your body as a coin to attract my attention. Bye"

When the two reached the exit, Liu Yang only spoke a few words before drawing a special amulet, after activating it, he was covered by a white light and then disappeared.

The attendant was stunned by the things that happened, she did not know what she was feeling at the moment, but one thing she knew, was that she would never forget the person in a black robe who changed her life completely.


In some places of the Xiao clan territory, several people received messages that the old man had sent. Everyone was surprised at the person who bought a lot of items of the same attribute.

The most frightening was the payment, despite being equivalent to the number of items, what was given as payment was what scared the people. It was a few drops of juice from the Fruit of the Reconstruction, the value of each drop was invaluable, but now, someone used to buy some items from the same attribute. This was very wasteful.

The matriarch was also one of the people who received this message, she immediately thought of Liu Yang, for someone who used one of her tokens and buys items of the same attribute. The only person who came to mind was Liu Yang and by coincidence, the items he had bought were all of the Yang attributes.

She thought he would be trying to help Song Hanying by buying these items, but she did not know how they could be used. The Song clan already tried to give her several items that had abundance in Yang element, but all was useless.

Was it possible that Liu Yang actually had a method to help her? That was the matriarch's thought.

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