Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 254: Fang Luoyang's Challenge - Part 6

Chapter 254: Fang Luoyang's Challenge - Part 6

Fang Luoyang was staring at the key in her hands, she was shocked at what was happening, it was the first time this has happened throughout history.

She is the first person to get a second item inside the secret hall, because people who came to this place before, always picked up an item they wanted and then left, because if they stayed longer they could be too greedy.

There were others who were like her, who managed to overcome greed and look at the items, but these people just looked and did nothing else or even explored the place.

Fang Luoyang knew that what happened here was something no one could know; if it were spread out, many would try to kill her to get the key. She did not know what that common key was for, so Fang Luoyang just kept it in the space ring.

When the time came to zero, Fang Luoyang was expelled from the secret hall. She did not show any kind of change in her mood or anything. Arriving at the location of her group, she just said that everyone would have a surprise later, and did not say anything else, this made everyone curious about what Fang Luoyang had caught.

After having made the contract, Fang Luoyang made the egg to enter her body, in the arm, there was a small tattoo of a blue egg.

After everyone had picked up the items, they started to go to the central square of the city.

A stone staircase appeared after everyone had picked up the items, each step was one kilometer long and ten inches high. And enormous pressure could be felt at the top of the stairs. This ladder led to the golden temple that was floating above the city.

A voice echoed through town a few hours later.

"The temple race will start in an hour, get ready, those with the greatest willpower will reach the top. Many treasures await you in the temple, but only one can be taken, if one takes more than one, you will be killed instantly "




The people standing in front of the stairs had warm eyes, for it was yet another opportunity to get some treasure, even if those treasures are a little lower than those in the emperor's secret hall.

Those who came from common funds were excited about this, as it will be an opportunity to get some good treasure that they could sell or use to become stronger.

Fang Luoyang was with her group and other alliance groups. While Song Zhong was elsewhere looking at her with cold and venomous eyes. She could feel that look, and she was not afraid, because she was already prepared for unexpected situations.

She knew there were a few members in the group who were close to Song Zhong, but Fang Luoyang did not know what those people were. The matriarch sent several people from the clan who were below level 500 to this location, some were their supporters and some not.

Despite relying a little on those who supported the matriarch, Fang Luoyang would not let her safety depend on them. She was relying on herself in this situation.

Liu Yang had told her that when she was alone and there was no one trusted in the group, do not completely trust them. The matriarch also gave this advice to her, because the matriarch would not know if those who say they support her will betray her for their own benefit in the future.

At mealtime, Fang Luoyang ate only the food that Liu Yang prepared. Before separation, he cooked a very large amount of food for the three women. Fang Luoyang did not need to eat real food, only a few pills or elixirs could quench hunger, she only ate because it was her man who had cooked.



At the moment the counter reached zero. A voice echoes through the city.

"Those who seek wealth, go up the stairs, the higher the step, the greater the reward. The first ones that arrive at the step will receive the greater reward, the second will receive a smaller reward and so on. The race started "

After the voice stopped, everyone started to run toward the stairs. Nobody expected even those who came from the influential group.

The order was: The influential groups at the front, the medium influences, small influences, and no influence.

By the time the first step was stepped on, a wave of cold, hot energy began to penetrate the bodies of those who were climbing the stairs. This energy was a small amount of experience.

The first few steps contained an amount of experience irrelevant for those who were above level 300 and below level 500.

The higher they climbed, the more experience people received, but only the first person to step on the step would receive the greatest benefit. And those who came from influential backgrounds were those who were receiving the greatest benefits.

After some time, those in the front began to feel powerful pressure pressing their bodies and it was increasingly difficult to climb. Some were already starting to stand in the middle of the road.

The ladder had a total of a thousand steps, currently, the person who was furthest from all was someone from the Song clan, he was on step four hundred.

The pressure could not be ignored with the help of items, the only way to hold it was like the physical body. The pressure penetrated through the items and directly hit the person's body.

After a few minutes, you could see hundreds of thousands of people standing in various parts of the ladder. The steps continued to give experience to those on the step, but the more people had, the less experience the person earned.

To lessen competition, thousands of bloody battles began to emerge on several steps. Those who were sitting alone had hoped to remain alone.

Song Zhong was only at level 350, due to this, he stopped at step 630. Some managed to get on step 800.

If the person had a certain level, it could go up a number of steps, but for that, it was necessary to have a very stable base.

One of the examples is Song Zhong, he was at level 350, but he only arrived at step 630 if he had a stable and strong base. Song Zhong could have reached the 700th step.

The person in front of all was a member of the Song clan who was at level 478, he is the only one reached the 900-step step. Those on the lower steps could only look up with looks of envy and jealousy.

Song Zhong had a dark and ugly face, he was the son of the Emperor of the Song clan, but he was far below someone who was just the elder's son. That made him extremely angry.

But this fame lasted only a short time, someone else started to climb the steps like nothing, this person was Fang Luoyang. She was climbing the steps as if there was no pressure on her body, she imagined that it might be the key that was inside the space ring.

When she passed the 700-step step, it surprised everyone, as they knew that Fang Luoyang had only 360 level. She had only ten levels above the Song Zhong, but she went much further than him, his heart filled with fury.

Song Zhong could accept someone from his clan to overtake him, but it was different in the case of Fang Luoyang, first of all, she was just an orphan whom the matriarch encountered during some of her travels and took Fang Luoyang as an apprentice. Song Zhong was not able to accept the fact that someone like Fang Luoyang who was only an orphan hundred of years ago could become a stronger person than he, who came from a super clan.

Waving his hands, some people who were on the same stair as she took off the weapons that started charging towards her. But an amazing scene happened before they could approach Fang Luoyang.

More powerful pressure covered the bodies of those who tried to attack Fang Luoyang, which caused them to spit blood and faint afterward. This scene shocked everyone, including Fang Luoyang herself.

Recalling the key she took in the secret hall, Fang Luoyang figured it might be related to that. She kept walking as if nothing had happened, the more she climbed, the more shocked the others were.

Because no one was believing that someone who was at level 350 could reach the 800 steps. Many began to think about the item that Fang Luoyang got in the secret hall and remembered her words: You will have a surprise.

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