Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 249: Fang Luoyang's Challenge - Part 1

Chapter 249: Fang Luoyang's Challenge - Part 1

The couple was in their own world as they kissed hot and wild. Fang Luoyang felt a little jealous of this situation since Liu Yang seemed to have forgotten that she was next, but that jealousy lasted for a short time since Fang Luoyang knew that the next one would be her.

After some time kissing, Liu Yang and Xiao Xi's lips parted, there was a slight blush on Xiao Xi's face as she recalled Liu Yang's perverted words in the message, and at the same time, she longed for that moment. But she knew that it was not yet time to have children since there were many enemies inside and outside the clan. Xiao Xi did not want to distract her parents before the powerful enemies were defeated.

Liu Yang turned to Fang Luoyang and saw that she was looking at him in anticipation. Liu Yang just smiled and stroked her hair and the beautiful body, before asking about what she had spent during those years he had been away.

Fang Luoyang just smiled and began to recount her day to day after the three women separated. As the three women were together, she only briefly spoke about what Xiao Xi had said before.

After having helped Xiao Xi prepares to enter the Cave of Illusions and see her entering the cave. Fang Luoyang sent a message to Liu Yang, she asked him to send a motivational message to Xiao Xi while she was inside the cave.

After this, Fang Luoyang asked the matriarch to give her a little leave for a few years, as she would level to get stronger. The matriarch did not mind this, on the contrary, she encouraged Fang Luoyang to do so.

The matriarch set up a large group to accompany Fang Luoyang, this was not to protect her, but to level the entire group, the matriarch wanted to increase the fighting power of those who were by her side before something bad happened.

A few days after much preparation, the group took a traveling ship and went to a site in the Eighth World, and also known as the Frozen Hell.

After reaching the Eighth World, the first thing the group did was to go to the base of the Xiao clan in this world. In the place also lived people of secondary branches of the clan Xiao, when they knew that Fang Luoyang and other important people would appear, a great feast was made.

The young people who lived in the branch had never seen a hot and sensual woman like Fang Luoyang before, some of them began to have the desire for her. But they knew it was impossible for her to belong to any of them since she was already engaged to someone else. Even after several years, no one discovered who was the husband of Xiao Xi and Fang Luoyang.

After a few days of rest, Fang Luoyang and the group took a transport array. They were going to a place called the Blood River Mountains.

The place had this name because of the high mountains that surrounded the area and also by the lakes and rivers that were made of blood. It was possible to see skeletons of all kinds of sere within the rivers and lakes. The total size of the place was as if it were the territory of three large countries added together.

At the entrance of the mountain, there were already a few million people waiting, with the arrival of Fang Luoyang and her group, this attracted the attention of many men in the place. Since she was considered one of the hottest and most sensual women in the Nine Worlds.

Although she is already married and no longer a virgin, many men still have the desire to take her. But that was an impossible thing to happen since her heart and body belonged to only one man, Liu Yang.

As the group of Fang Luoyang was quite influential, the crowd opened the way for them. Arriving near the entrance, it was possible to see several flags of different types of influences in the Nine Worlds. The most prominent flag was the Song Clan.

Fang Luoyang and her group went to the place where the other clans of the alliance were, as they were part of the same group, everyone treated well. Many men had looks of lust when they looked at Fang Luoyang, she was wearing light clothes with magical powers that could warm her body despite the cold.

The leaders of each of the groups greeted Fang Luoyang, she did the same. But everyone was surprised when the leader of the clan group of Song came to greet Fang Luoyang, but when they saw who the leader was, they all immediately calmed down.

The name of the leader of the group of the clan Song was Song Zhong, he was the oldest son of the imperial pair of the clan Song. Song Zhong has always chased Fang Luoyang since seeing her for the first time when the matriarch took her and her younger daughter, who was disguised as a man, to pay a visit to the Song Clan.

As the Empress of the Song clan and the matriarch were sworn sisters, Song Zhong thought he could use this to try to get Fang Luoyang as his wife, but he never imagined that his mother would not help him, for the simple fact that Fang Luoyang did not like him.

The empress only asked Song Zhong to try to conquer Fang Luoyang by himself without her help. Though he knew it would be difficult to do this, he tried a little, but only a little.

Fang Luoyang was always going in dangerous places to train, while Song Zhong would go in less dangerous places, for that fact Fang Luoyang no longer liked him. Moreover, Song Zhong always used the fame and influence of his clan to intimidate the weak and to get beautiful women. This type of action was the limit of Fang Luoyang, after knowing this, she never got close to him.

As Fang Luoyang was keeping away from him whenever she saw him, it infuriated Song Zhong. Fang Luoyang was only an orphan whom the matriarch found and took her as a disciple, but now she is treating the eldest son of the Song clan emperors as if it were something to be rejected, Song Zhong could not accept it.

There was a day that he tried to force and take Fang Luoyang, but he was almost killed by her, Song Zhong did not die because he was the son of the Empress whom the matriarch treated like a sister.

When this news was heard by both parties, the empress was furious and severely punished her son, she locked him in a dark place to make him reflect on his actions. Emperor did not prevent his wife from doing this since his son was wrong on this matter, he thanked Fang Luoyang for not having killed his son.

The matriarch accepted the Empress's excuses, she claimed that this sort of thing would never happen again. Several years later, Song Zhong left the confinement, and the first news he heard was that Fang Luoyang was engaged to another man.

Song Zhong exploded with anger at that moment, he began to break all the things that were ahead to relieve his anger. When he heard that the other clans had interest in Fang Luoyang as well, he found it normal, since she was extremely beautiful, but she was also the only disciple of the matriarch. She treated Fang Luoyang as her other daughter.

What made Song Zhong angrier was that the man who was the future husband of Fang Luoyang was someone unknown. But one thing shocked him, was that the mysterious group gave ten drops of Fruit Juice from the Reconstruction as a wedding dowry. This was an absurd amount of wealth, even the Song clan would not take away anything like dowry.

Song Zhong hired dozens of investigators to discover the identity of the man who was Fang Luoyang's fianc, but to no avail, this made him extremely angry and shocked. Since it was almost impossible to exist someone who could be hidden without being discovered. Later, the elders who wanted some favor from Song Zhong told him that Fang Luoyang had lost her virginity, that infuriated him once again.

The empress reported this to the matriarch and asked her to send this message to Fang Luoyang: Watch out for my son. The Empress could not arrest her son forever, she could only give a few sermons and punish him a little, because, in the end, he was still her son. The emperor could only sigh about it, he knew that his son was spoiled by him.

The emperor had hoped that Fang Luoyang would show mercy again. And do not take the life of his son.

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