Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 226: The Princess's Past

Chapter 226: The Princess's Past

Several million years ago, the world was a little different from the present era. At that time, there were a few more races that would be considered almost totally extinct, such as dryads, black elves, and spirits.

The dryad race consisted only of female members and each was extremely beautiful, there were no men in the race, they had to procreate with men of other races. If the child is born is a woman, the child shall be a dryad; and if be a man, the child shall be of the father's race.

The black elves were pretty fairy-like, handsome and elegant, but they had little transparent wings on their backs, and they were extremely lewd, and they love to have sex every day. The women who ruled the race unlike the other species, they could have more than one partner to copulate at the same time. This was seen as something strange to others.

The race of the spirits was quite mysterious, they lived in places that had a lot of negative energy, although they were spirits, they had flesh and blood bodies, but this was possible only when they successfully crossed the fifth tribulation, before that, their bodies were made of natural energy. This made the race of spirits the most powerful race of the Nine Worlds, for they could already use natural energy to fight, unlike the other races that could only do so after the fifth tribulation.

The princess was one of the daughters of the present supreme empress of the race of the Dryads of the Nine Worlds, throughout the race, there was only one empress who was accepted by the whole race because of her great strength.

To become the empress, the dryad had to win a bloody tournament to show her power and the right to rule the race. And one of those winners was the mother of the princess.

Aisha was the princess's name, she lived a comfortable and hard life, for the Empress wanted her daughters powerful enough to be able to win the tournament and become a future Empress. She had her daughters train hard to make them stronger.

The Empress's husband was a man who belonged to the dragon race and came from a very powerful clan. Although a man was common to have several wives and concubines, he had only one wife who was the empress, the two had four daughters and two sons.

Despite the great pressure and hidden schemes, Aisha did not care about the throne, she just wanted to live her life without having to bow the head to someone else. As a princess and the empress's daughter, Aisha was arrogant, but she was not unbridled like most spoiled sons of the great clans.

Aisha spent hundreds of years training hard, she went to several dangerous places in the Nine Worlds and even exceeded the fifth tribulation.

However, everything changed when Zac, the Enchanter of Spirit appeared, started a great slaughter in the Nine Worlds. And all the great clans were forced to fight against him, the clan of the husband of the empress was no exception.

As a couple, the Empress also had to participate in the fight along with her race. But something tragic happened, the clan of the empress's husband was totally destroyed by the army consisting of the undead, all members of the clan were killed, including the husband of the Empress.

The race of dryads had a different end, they were not killed, but they vanished like magic from the Nine Worlds, there was no longer any member of the dryads race in all Nine Worlds, the princess remembers that before disappearing, she had the body destroyed and the soul is taken away. She only exists in the Nine Worlds, because Zac, took her soul and imprisoned in a special item.

Aisha still remembers the person who attacked her father's clan, was a beautiful girl with blue hair and scale around the neck, she deduced that the young woman could be of the race of the sons of the seas, the abyssal.

The young woman carried a large book made of old leather, and a large staff, she had the power to summon the dead, the young woman was a necromancer.

Aisha had no hatred for the necromancer who wiped out the entire clan of her father, despite being sad and angry at that moment for having seen her father die, that was all. She did not care for the clan, only her father, for she knew that her father loved her, her mother and her sisters , and he cared about the Dryad race. But it was different for the rest of the clan, they saw the Dryad race as mere women for breeding because of their beautiful appearance.

Some high-ranking members pressed Aisha's father to allow marriage between some beautiful dryads with the clan and allied members. This aroused the fury of Aisha and her sisters, but before they could do anything.

After, Zac appeared and completely erased the clan, along with her two brothers, and the allies of the clan of Aisha's father.

After she was arrested, Aisha went through torture that lasted for thousands of years, the tortured soul was thousands of times more tormenting than having her body tortured. Zac made numerous experiments with Aisha's soul.

Despite the arrogance, there were times when Aisha wanted to die to end the torture, but it was not possible, because Zac never let her die, he always healed her soul to start a new round of torture and experiments. In the end, she was trapped inside a small seed to be her new body.

Millions of years later, she met with Liu Yang, the person who turned her master and lover. Aisha wanted a man like her father who loved only one woman and who was faithful to her.

But she was unlucky enough to meet Liu Yang who was extremely perverted, despite the hatred she felt for him before, she began to like him over time. He never mistreated the seed which was another form of life united from her, because of this, the feelings that the seed had, were passed to the princess when the seed began to grow and shape the new body to Aisha.

Aisha saw for several years what Liu Yang had gone through, the difficulties and happiness, despite being a pervert, he never mistreated any of his women and did not even treat them as sex dolls. This earned her affection as a woman, over time, she began to like him a little.

Although she did not know if it was love or not, Aisha knew she did not hate him any more than she had before. Her arrogance declined a bit after Liu Yang showed his power when he overtook the fifth tribulation, she knew he would be much stronger than her.

When he summoned her and Xillia Wolf to train in the dungeon, Aisha knew Liu Yang would help the two level. She knew about Xillia Wolf's relationship with Liu Yang, and felt a little strange about it, though she did not know why.

When they completed the dungeon, being hugged and kissed by him, Aisha knew not that she could not escape his claws, and just accepted it. However, she was arrogant and would not let Liu Yang flirt with unfamiliar women if she were with him.

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