Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 165: Nika Zennis

Chapter 165: Nika Zennis

The climate was strange after these words, although Liu Yang had understood Mark Hunter's words, it was still a bit strange. Realizing that Liu Yang was looking at silently Nika Zennis started to get nervous, looking at this scene, he just laughed a little.

"Miss Nika, can we talk for a bit?" Liu Yang pointed to the bed, this made Nika Zennia embarrassed, she just closed the wooden door and sat next to Liu Yang in bed.

"O ... That ... I ..." She was quite nervous, she could not look into Liu Yang's face.

"Calm down, I will not devour you or anything. I just want to ask a few questions. All right? "Liu Yang tried to calm her down.

"Yes ... What kind of questions do you want to ask?" She calmed down a little after seeing Liu Yang's intentions.

"I would like to know more about this village, about the cities and the people living in this immense desert." Liu Yang asked as he looked into her eyes. This made her extremely nervous, he was thinking this scene funny.

"Well ... About the village, it is just one of the branches that exist in the desert, there are ten branches spread throughout the Golden Desert, each year, we have to pay tributes to the main branch that is in one of the cities, in return, they give us water and protection.

As for the cities, I do not know much, because I never left the village, the information I have is from the elders who went there already. Cities are the places of commerce, life in the cities is a little better than in the villages, if you are a powerful person, you will be treated like a king.

As for the information about the people living in the desert, we live under constant pressure due to wild beasts and lack of water, normally we do not have problems with food, since the wild beasts that live in this desert are extremely large, just a beast wild enough to feed the whole village for three days." Nika Zennis spoke steadily without being quick or slow.

"I see." Liu Yang was pondering the information he eventually received.

"Miss Nika, may I ask what kind of tribute you offer to the main branch, and how is there water in the middle of this desert?" Liu Yang had a vague idea of what these tributes would be, but he still wanted to hear it to confirm his suspicions.


"Do not call me sir, call me young master"

"Yes ... Young master ... Our tributes are mostly animals that we hunt in this desert, sometimes we are obliged to offer the most beautiful virgins of the village to those who are in the city. In relation to water, someone from the city comes to the village to receive the taxes, after everything is counted and calculated, a person does some kind of magic or ritual to have water. The statue in the middle of the village belongs to the priestess who brings us water for several years. "Although she was a bit embarrassed to say, young master, she was able to respond without question to Liu Yang's question.

"I see ... Miss Nika is extremely beautiful, could you also be chosen as one of the tributes if the person who comes to you shows interest in you?" Nika Zennis's words were in Liu Yang's expectations.

"Yes ..." Although she was embarrassed because Liu Yang called her beautiful, she was saddened to remember that she could be the target of the person collecting tributes.

"Miss Nika, could you tell me a little about yourself?"

"Yes ... I am an orphan, my more died when I was still a child, they were hunting wild beasts to feed the village, even though they managed to kill the beasts, the two died in the process. Because of his efforts, the leader did not treat me badly and always looked after me, but as a tribe, I also have to fight the beasts. "Nika Zennis's voice was a bit low when she spoke about her past.

"I apologize ..." Liu Yang said regretfully, he had imagined such things, since, with so many wild beasts around it, it was difficult for anyone to have a long lifespan.

"The young master does not seem to be a bad person, like excuses, can I stay like this for a while?" She lay on Liu Yang's shoulders and closed her eyes.

Liu Yang could only sigh about it, although her statistics were at normal levels, the level of hunger and energy were a little below average. He only used magic to help her recover.

Nika Zennis felt a hot energy inside her, her physical and mental fatigue and hunger began to fade. She opened her eyes in shock, she did not know what to say, she just looked at Liu Yang by her side, he was also looking at her.

"Young master, this is ..."

"This will be our little secret, okay?" Liu Yang put a finger on her lips, preventing her from speaking. Hearing Liu Yang's words, she just nodded in agreement.

"Miss Nika, I may not look like it, but the young master is a very bad person." Liu Yang suddenly spoke with a serious voice.

"Why? The young master looks so good, he even helped me. "She was in doubt about the words of Liu Yang.

"Because the young master likes to eat beautiful girls like Miss Nika." Liu Yang approached her and whispered a few words before blowing.

This sudden action of Liu Yang shocked Nika, she never imagined that the young master she believed to be a good person could do something like that. She rises from the bed suddenly, but because of this she trips and falls, Liu Yang avoids this, holding her in his arms.

"Young master ... we can do this after we eat ... Nika is not ready yet ..." Her voice was like a mosquito.

Liu Yang found this scene funny, he just laid her lying on the bed.

Suddenly, Mark Hunter's voice is heard outside the hut.

"Mr. Van, dinner is ready, sit down with us"

"It's all right"

As they leave the cabin, they find Mark Hunter and a group of people looking at the two. Liu Yang showed no signs of nervousness or shame, but Nika Zennis was ashamed when she saw those strange looks towards her, she hid behind Liu Yang.

"Hello, Mr. Van, my grandfather is inviting you two to dinner. Follow me. "Mark Hunter stepped forward and spoke.

Mark Hunter and his group started walking, followed by Liu Yang and Nika Zennis. The duo was attracting a lot of attention, there were jealous and jealous looks of men and women.

The men were jealous and envious of Liu Yang because everyone was thinking he had taken one of the most beautiful girls in the village while the women were feeling envious and jealous of Nika Zennis for having found someone strong like Liu Yang to take her.

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