Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 2098: Mo Qingxiu Fanwai 3

Chapter 2098: Mo Qingxiu Fanwai 3

Weiwei didn't have any reaction. Yuyin glanced at her white and tender palm, and gently held Weiwei's palm. A faint golden color appeared on the palms held by the two of them.

Yuyin's complexion was a bit unsightly. Their mermaid clan had the ability to heal. Sometimes she would use her ability to heal some small fish and shrimps. Later, her brother told her that she must not use these abilities at will, so she gave up.

Seeing that Weiwei seemed to be out of breath, Yuyin input some of the body's strength into Weiwei's body. Soon Weiwei coughed, Yuyin quickly retracted her hand, and her whole body disappeared instantly when she entered the sea.

On the shore, Weiwei spit out a large mouthful of sea water, looking pale and looking at the darkness. Before she fell into a coma, she seemed to see a golden fishtail and a beautiful girl with a delicate appearance.

Looking around at the sponge in the waves, Weiwei shook her head, she must be mistaken.

She barely got up from the reef, and couldn't help but cool down when she thought of what had happened just now.

Soon, Weiwei's figure disappeared on the shore. She thought she was alive, but she did not expect that she was rescued by Yuyin.

After Weiwei left, Yuyin's figure emerged from the sea, and she leaned against the reef a little uncomfortably.

Her strength was still too weak. At the beginning, Yang Yin had only one breath left. Even if she entered the body's strength, she could not be saved. Fortunately, she was able to save this girl.

Touching the necklace on her neck, Yuyin sighed. She couldn't go to the shore. How could she look for the man named Gao Bo!

Because it was late at night, some men and women in the distance had already returned home, and only a few men and women were left.

Yuyin lay on the reef, looking not far away, with a look of yearning.

Suddenly, Yuyin's eyes fell not far away.

In front of the beach, a slender and stalwart figure slowly appeared on the beach. He wore a silver-gray custom suit. Under the suit and pants were a pair of straight and slender legs. His whole body exuded a breath of abstinence and deterrence, like an emperor.

Under the fine ink hair is a carved-like handsome facial features, sharp edges and corners, delicate and handsome, under the sword eyebrows are a pair of narrow and deep phoenix eyes, the phoenix eyes are more fierce in the night like a rainbow, and the **** thin lips are slightly tightened.

His gaze was looking at the distant sea, as if he was missing something.

Behind him there are several people in black who are respectful and quiet.

No one dared to approach where he was standing.

Yuyin held his cheeks in his hands, and the golden fish tail swayed gently in the sea, very leisurely.

"This man... looks good!"

Yuyin didn't know how to describe a man standing in the distance, only that he looked good, as if he was even better than his brother.

However, he was so frightening that she didn't seem to dare to approach him.

The most important point is that she actually felt that he was a little familiar and weird. She had never been ashore. She had only seen her own kind and some friends in the sea since she was born. How could she feel that a human being is familiar with it? ?

"Oh, it would be great if I could become a human like my brother!"

The sound of the fish sighed silently, and the whole person was lying on the reef, leaving only the tail of the fish swaying in the sea.

I don't know how long it took, that scary handsome man seemed to be leaving, Yuyin was inexplicably flustered, wanted to step forward, but thought of his identity, so he had to lie on the reef feebly.

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