Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 313 - 291: Silly and Confused

Chapter 313: Chapter 291: Silly and Confused

Translator: 549690339 |

“You, girl, I don’t know whether to call you smart or foolish. Anyway, since it’s come to this, let’s just get engaged. But remember one thing, if he dares to bully you or look down on you because you slept with him before marriage, you can come back home, and Mom will support you, so you don’t have to look at his face!”

“But didn’t you disagree with getting engaged so early before?”

“You still dare to say that! Stupid girl! If you hadn’t been so muddled, why would I have… never mind, he doesn’t even mind that you can’t cook, so I guess he can’t treat you badly. I will take a look at his mother tomorrow and see what she’s like. If she’s a domineering old lady, I won’t easily agree…”

Xiao Qian looked at her mother talking nonstop and thought that with her intelligence, she wouldn’t stand a chance against Yu Minglang’s mother and would be lucky not to be taken advantage of.

Fortunately, Yu Minglang’s mother was also a very kind old lady. Her arrangement for Yu Minglang and Xiao Qian to get married made Xiao Qian both touched and a little puzzled.

It’s unusual for a woman from that generation to be so liberal, and most mothers in the world tend to unconditionally side with their own children, just like her mother, Jia Xiufang.

Although she constantly criticized Xiao Qian, she was actually protecting her daughter from being bullied by others.

Surprisingly, Yu Minglang’s mother even hit Yu Minglang directly. This made Xiao Qian a little surprised. In fact, if Mother Yu had some thoughts and thought Xiao Qian was a girl who didn’t love herself, Xiao Qian would not be unable to understand. After all, how many open-minded old ladies were there in that generation?

It seems that her luck is not bad.

Xiao Qian later learned that her luck was indeed pretty good; she had met a good family, which would be proven by a series of events later on.

“With your skills, you could burn down the kitchen by just cooking. Only Yu Minglang won’t mind you. You’d better get married quickly. If you really get engaged, don’t act foolishly and let people find fault with you. No, during this holiday, I have to teach you how to cook and see what you’ve done to the kitchen.”

Upon hearing that she would have to cook during her vacation, Xiao Qian suddenly felt like running away…

Dinner was settled near Xiao Qian’s house, where she had a big meal and made Ni Jianren pay the bill when she was just reborn.

It’s only been a few months, everything has changed, and she’s about to get engaged to the man who was her child’s father in her past life.

Jia Xiufang ordered many dishes and was especially enthusiastic about Ming Lang, making every effort to interrogate, oops, question him directly.

Questions about his future plans, when he could get promoted, when he could move into his house, how he would handle the renovation, when he planned to get married, how many children he wanted to have, and if he preferred boys over girls…

Xiao Qian tried a few times to stop her menopausal mother, but Jia Xiufang simply ignored Xiao Qian and kept asking questions.

Now that they were about to get engaged, she couldn’t afford to be as subtle as before.

Yu Minglang acted like the perfect son-in-law, answering Jia Xiufang’s questions perfectly and to Jia Xiufang’s satisfaction, with no room for criticism.

Chen Zilong kept his head down and ate, showing no interest in the gossip his mother was asking about. Bored, he turned on the TV in the private room.

News was being broadcasted, Chen Zilong wanted to change the channel but suddenly put down the remote and casually made a comment.

“Kidnapping case solved, four abducted victims were rescued, including two girls from our Qiang City!”

Xiao Qian and Yu Minglang raised their heads simultaneously. The news on TV was reporting the major cross-provincial human trafficking case that had just been cracked.

They said that three traffickers were caught at the scene, and the remaining accomplices were all arrested in the morning. Normally, this kind of news should be delayed.

But due to the recent panic caused by human trafficking, the news was broadcasted immediately to stabilize public sentiment as soon as the suspects were caught.

Xiao Qian raised her head and saw several blurred criminal suspects being taken into a police car on the screen. Although their faces were unclear, she could tell they were the bad guys by their body shapes.

She glanced at Yu Minglang, who gave her a reassuring look. Xiao Qian then continued eating.

“These bastards should be sentenced to death when they’re caught. It’s too much! If their children are kidnapped, it’s so pitiful. Ah, there are also two girls from our city…”

Jia Xiufang stopped interrogating her son-in-law and talked to herself while watching the screen.

“What about the other rescued girl? Isn’t she also from Qiang City? Weren’t there supposed to be five of them? How come only four were rescued?” Xiao Qian asked Yu Minglang.

She was from Qiang City, and Xiao Yu was from another city. Among the five girls rescued, two had been abducted earlier, and the three girls, including Xiao Qian, were just abducted.

“Of the two who were kidnapped earlier, one of them has already given birth to a child. It is said that… for the sake of the child, she doesn’t want to return to her own family and has settled down in the mountain valley.”

Yu Minglang’s words made Xiao Qian purse her lips. It was the most helpless situation; the families who bought the daughters-in-law used their children to tie the mother to themselves, taking advantage of maternal love to fulfill their propagation hopes.

“The seriously injured girl is from Qiang City and might not be too far from your home. Her situation is not good, she has suffered a great shock.” Yu Minglang didn’t want to look at that girl.

Because seeing her would remind him of the fear.

If he had been late, would his own Xiao Mei have been like that too? It was a reminder that he hadn’t taken care of her well.

“I’ll ask a classmate to check on her and see if I can help.” Xiao Qian felt a little guilty about the girl.

The girl was beaten and abused right under her nose. Xiao Qian managed to protect Shi Yu but didn’t have the power to protect another girl.

On the one hand, they were unfamiliar, and she didn’t know how good the girl’s acting skills were. She didn’t have the rapport with Xiao Qian and Shi Yu as roommates or best friends, so communication was easier. Another reason was that the girl didn’t have a chance to communicate in the first place; Xiao Qian would be caught if she talked to her.

Under the circumstances, all she could do was protect herself and Shi Yu.

Now that the girl was rescued, Xiao Qian wanted to see if she could use her expertise to help her through this psychological barrier.

“You don’t have to go and see her. If you feel uneasy, I’ll pay for her to see another psychologist, but you don’t have to go there.”

“Mmm, I know, it’s not appropriate for me to go there, I’ll find someone else.”

Xiao Qian knew in her heart why she said she would find a classmate instead of going herself: so as not to remind the girl of the bad memories and to avoid making her feel unbalanced because Xiao Qian was unharmed while she suffered such a huge shock.

Jia Xiufang didn’t notice the strange conversation going on between her daughter and Yu Minglang. She continued watching the news.

While watching, she couldn’t help but lament indignantly.

“These people are too mean! It’s not easy for anyone to raise a daughter. Just like that, they’re kidnapped into the mountains. Do their parents not have enough worries? Now, these girls have such weak defenses. How did they get abducted?”

Yu Minglang immediately nodded in agreement, glancing at the guilty Xiao Qian, “Right, some silly girls even dare to take an illegal taxi at night. It’s no wonder they got sold.”

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