Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 271 - 259: Entering the Inner Heart (Thanks to kateliu and Mr. Bi+Update)

Chapter 259: Entering the Inner Heart (Thanks to kateliu and Mr. Bi+Update)

Translator: 549690339 |

■m not good enough for him… Let’s not talk about this. Tell me more about your good woman instead.” Xiaoqian desperately needed a new topic to divert her half-empty heart.

-There’s really not much to say. She’s just an ordinary woman going through life, neither good looking nor plain, has a stable job, decent family background, exactly the kind of daughter-in-law my parents would approve.” “That sounds great, why not settle down with her then?”

“Chen Xiaoqian, do you think that marriage or love is enough with just these things?”

-Then what else is needed? What is love? It’s just mutual attraction between hormones. How long can this hormonal attraction last? 3 months? That’s why many people find love tasteless after the passionate phase is over, even the advantages that initially attracted you become the very things you despise. I’ve seen so many people enduring many years, even a lifetime, for the sweetness of those 3 months, ending up holding onto a marriage out of sheer habit. So why not choose someone you don’t have feelings for at all to spend a lifetime with, someone of equal social status, no drama or turbulence, or even just be alone, it’s great. I believe both men and women, when they become strong enough, don’t need a spouse.”

Xiaoqian drained her cup of wine and refilled her glass again from the bottle. Zheng Xu clicked his tongue, circling around Xiaoqian before returning to his spot.

“Your brainpower seems to be back. I thought you intended to be lovey-dovey with that Husky forever. You sound pretty rational.”

-I’m just speaking from the perspective of a psychologist, objectively commenting on marriage and love.”

-You and your Husky, you’ve been together for more than 3 months right? Has your hormonal attractiveness faded? If it has disappeared, how can you still sit here, with words of feigned indifference, speaking as if you’re free and easy. Wait a moment, Chen Xiaoqian, I’ll find you a mirror so you can see for yourself how irritating your unwilling-to-let-go expression is.”

Xiaoqian slapped her hand on the table.

“Zheng Xu, are you a friend or not? I’m like this, can’t you just say something to comfort me? Why are you so annoying? I should never have cured you in the first place. I should’ve let you be afraid of saw blades for the rest of your life. Now you’re cured and you have the nerve to come and annoy me as Mr.


-Are you throwing a tantrum in your embarrassment? Fine then. I’ll pretend you’ve moved on. So, beautiful lady who has already moved on, would you accept my pursuit?” Zheng Xu caught Xiaoqian’s hand and kissed it. Xiaoqian reflexively struck him. After she hit him, she felt unbearably sad. She still hated it when others touched her, not even her good friend Zheng Xu was allowed.

But the only person she used to hit had been driven away by her.

Now she understood why she found it irritating whenever someone touched

her, except for Yu Minglang.

She finally found out who her life-changing benefactor was.

Fate had reached out to them long ago, and she and him had never escaped.

-Look, now you just need to carve ‘Fourth Brother Yu’s woman’ into your forehead. How can you compare with me, carefree and happy? No matter how many women I dump, I can still have fun. You, on the other hand, are tormented to death by a mere breakup with a Husky.”

-I feel like… I owe him too much, too much that I don’t know how to repay.”

“No matter how much you owe him, I can help you repay it.

-One heart, one love, one life, half a lifetime of time, what can I use to repay…” Zheng Xu didn’t understand at all what Xiaoqian was saying, he looked at her incredulously.

“How long have you known him? There’s heart, life, and all this about a lifetime. The most exaggerated part is that you came up with a life debt?” -You won’t understand, no one will.” Xiaoqian lifted the glass and drank it all. “Fine, I don’t understand. If you truly feel like you owe him that much, just continue being close with him. Go on, repay him with your body, stop torturing me with your half-dead appearance!

Zheng Xu didn’t comprehend why Xiaoqian was so heartbroken, but he could tell that she couldn’t let go of Yu Minglang.

■•What does being good to someone mean? Is it being with him? But if being with him hinders his prospects and puts him in danger all the time, then what will I become? He’s not mature, am I any better? I’m already so old, shouldn’t I be the one to make the hard decisions if he can’t? These are simple matters. How can people who want to do great things be so indecisive?

Without a second thought, Xiaoqian picked up the bottle and began to chug. Yu Minglang is a man with a strong sense of justice. Xiaoqian knew this since their past life. Yet, she unfortunately appeared during the rise of his career and became an obstacle.

“You’re so young but you sound like a little old lady. You’re too worldly. Look at what that Husky has done to you.” Zheng Xu shook his head.

“I’m the one who ruined him…” Xiaoqian reached for the wine but realized it was already empty.

“Being ruined by you is his honor. Many people want to be ruined but don’t have the chance.” Zheng Xu wanted to give Xiaoqian a hug but hesitated and stared at his hand.

“Chen Xiaoqian, did you do something when you hypnotized me? Your aversion to contact with others, did it rub off on me? Why does it feel suffocating just thinking about making contact with you?” Why does his chest feel so constricted whenever he thinks about making any physical contact with


“If Fourth Brother Yu upset you, I’ll get people to beat him up for you. Stop fussing.”

Xiaoqian looked op. She was seriously considering her problems. Why did Zheng Xu think she was fussing?

“Chen Xiaoqian, what you expressed to me today seems to be that you broke up with him because you thought you’re not good enough for him, and did it for his well-being. But why do I feel like you’re just putting on a show?” The souls of spiritual twins connect in ways that are unimaginable to most people. Xiaoqian’s behavior may seem grand and valiant, like the female lead in a Korean drama, in the eyes of others.

But Zheng Xu sees through her performance, reaching straight into Xiaoqian’s heart, a place that even Xiaoqian herself might not fully understand.

“Putting on a show? I’m fucking tormented to death, and you say I’m putting on a show?” Xiaoqian felt like she could fall out with this guy.

-You want to try breaking up to show you’re noble, but in the end, if you can’t break up, you’ll just peacefully continue being with him, won’t you? Don’t ask me how I know this. The feeling you give me is like a food lover standing in front of delicious food, trying to find all kinds of excuses not to eat, making a struggle, just to soothe his uneasy conscience. But in the end, guess what, will he eat or not?”

As expected of Chen Xiaoqian, she could not only put on a show for others but also deceive herself when pushed to the edge!

“Why would I lie to myself?”

-We both know what kind of person Fourth Brother Yu is. Don’t teU me you don’t. Can he let go of the meat that’s already in his mouth? You yell about breaking up a couple of times, and he’s gonna agree? That jerk, since young, he knew how to guard his own food. Even when his dad chased him around the yard with a stick for snatching food from his second brother, he wouldn’t let go If this guy grew up and agreed to break up, that would be a real surprise. If you truly wanted to break up with him, there are countless ways to leave him. Why choose the least effective one? To say you’re not lying to yourself would make even a ghost laugh.”

When Zheng Xu was talking to Xiaoqian, it was as if Xiaoqian saw her own self talking, wasn’t what he was saying just her subconscious? It was incredibly useful to find your soul twin among billions of people.

Damn useful, Xiaoqian felt inexplicably guilty..

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