Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 246 - Two Hundred and Thirty-Five: Half a Son (350+ Monthly Tickets Update)

Chapter 246: Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Five: Half a Son (350+ Monthly Tickets Update)

Translator: 549690339

Chen Zilong was already completely dumbfounded.

Shuixian said, “So, he’s your Schrodinger’s brother-in-law?”

Yu Minglang used Schrodinger’s Cat quantum mechanics thinking to deceive, oh no, I mean explain.

In this world, the top students always have a lot of critical hits against the

slacker students, just like now…

“Who is Schrodinger?” Jia Xiufang listened for a long time and only caught this name, not understanding anything else.

Yu Minglang explained with a smile, “Schrodinger is an Austrian physicist, one of the founders of quantum mechanics.”

“So, you guys are tutoring Da Long in homework?” Jia Xiufang felt confused.

Xiao Qian and Yu Minglang exchanged glances and smiled, with a hint of mischief in their eyes.

They couldn’t really say they were tutoring, but it was true that they were pranking Chen Zilong together.

Jia Xiufang slapped the dazed Chen Zilong, “Look at you, you know nothing but eating!”

“It’s them talking about obscure theories, and I always feel like I was cheated…”

The slacker student’s world was now in chaos.

“Don’t talk nonsense. Your sister, Brother Lang, and Fairy all know about this physicist who keeps cats. Why don’t you?”

“It’s so unfair…” Chen Zilong muttered.

“How dare you complain! Go back to your room and do your homework!” Jia Xiufang slapped Chen Zilong and turned her head to smile kindly at Yu


“Ming Lang, have you eaten yet?”

“Not yet, Aunt!” Yu Minglang replied enthusiastically.

“Wait for a while, I’ll heat up some food for you.”

“You certainly don’t consider yourself an outsider.” Xiao Qian glanced at Yu Minglang.

Yu Minglang said seriously, “Do I need to pretend when I come here? Right,


“Oh, I like people who don’t pretend. Wait a moment, it’ll be ready soon.” Jia Xiufang laughed happily.

The mother-in-law looked at her future son-in-law, increasingly satisfied.

“Mom, can you fry some meat? I’m hungry too.” Chen Zilong said with a greedy face.

Jia Xiufang slapped his head, “You won’t grow any brains no matter how much you eat. What are you eating for? Haven’t you been eating with your bad friends? Go figure out that cat-raising scientist’s stuff before you eat!”

Chen Zilong pouted and left, “Mom, you’re playing favorites. He’s not even your son-in-law yet. Even if he really marries my sister, he’s still just half a son-in-law. I’m a whole son!”

“You’re an incomplete son, not even as good as Ming Lang, this half-son. Go do your homework!”

“I don’t know how to… what should I write? I’ll go watch TV, they’re showing ?Golden Four Talented Youths’. Let me watch it.” Chen Zilong was about to leave, but Jia Xiufang pulled him back.

“If you don’t do your homework, I’ll turn you into a Golden Four Big Bear.

Qian’er, tutor your brother.”

“I don’t want her to tutor me. She always hits me!” Chen Zilong protested.

Yu Minglang said gently, “Aunt, I’m free. Let me teach Da Long.”

“Alright, go tutor him. I’ll make you some food.” Jia Xiufang glared at Chen

Zilong, “Learn from your Brother Lang! How did I give birth to you? Your sister always ranks top in her grade, and Brother Lang is the College Entrance Exam champion. How come when it’s your turn, you’re at the bottom of the heap…” “Brother Lang isn’t your child… besides, I haven’t complained about you giving all the good genes to my sister.”

“He’s not my child, but he’s the one my girl has her eye on, which means my girl has a good eye! Don’t you give me that!”

Yu Minglang laughed innocently, “Right, Auntie has a point. Let’s go, Da Long, to your room.”

Chen Zilong looked at the fierce Xiao Qian and the smiling Yu Minglang. He decided to ask Brother Lang to teach him, because Brother Lang seemed more gentle… right?

From the current performance of Yu Minglang, he seemed very nice and model-like. However, Lily Tang, who witnessed the whole process of how Yu Minglang collaborated with Xiao Qian for the prank, felt a little schizophrenic. When Yu Minglang took Chen Zilong to his room, Lily Tang asked Xiao Qian.

“Is he schizophrenic?”

-The playful him and the serious him exist at the same time. Once you interact with him, the other him collapses. So what you see is the Yu Minglang in your eyes, but the true Yu Minglang exists in two states simultaneously.” Xiao Qian explained very seriously.

“I understand, he’s Schrodinger’s Yu Minglang!”

“Right, there is a parallel space where both of him exist at the same time.”

The two female top students looked at each other and laughed at the same


Chen Zilong took Yu Minglang into his room, and as soon as Yu Minglang entered, he frowned.

Not to mention how much bigger the room is than Qian Bao’s, it’s also so… dirty?

The quilt on the bed wasn’t even folded. There were messy garbage on the floor, and a seemingly thick layer of dust on the desk was covered by a dried-up noodle stick on the dusty table.

Compared to Qian Bao’s room, it was as if one was heaven and the other earth. Chen Zilong didn’t think his room was all that messy. He grinned at Yu

Minglang, “Brother Lang, there are comics here, do you want to read them?”

“Aren’t we studying?”

“No, we old masters can’t listen to the nonsense those ladies talk about. Right, Brother Lang, my future brother-in-law?” Chen Zilong flattered Yu Minglang to death.

“Don’t want to study? Fine, let me show you what housekeeping is.”

Yu Minglang walked to Chen Zilong’s bed, pulled his quilt, and was about to fold it when Chen Zilong’s dirty socks and underwear hidden in bed were exposed.

“Good housekeeping helps build character. The quilt must be square and the sides must be octagonal!” Yu Minglang pretended not to see Chen Zilong’s embarrassed expression and quickly folded the quilt.

Chen Zilong’s face turned red with embarrassment as he watched helplessly. He wanted to grab but couldn’t outdo Yu Minglang. And so, his pile of messy boy secrets was exposed like that.

“Next, I’ll demonstrate how to organize the wardrobe and under-bed space Yu Minglang pretended to look under the bed.

Chen Zilong’s bed was full of things that couldn’t be seen. The wardrobe was full of dirty things that could crush a person. How could he let Yu Minglang actually touch them? He quickly begged for mercy.

“No, Brother Lang, I give in. Study, can we study?”

Yu Minglang pointed to the desk, and Chen Zilong quickly took off the underpants on the bed and wiped the dust off the desk with them. He made a gesture to invite Yu Minglang, who knocked on the table.

“Bring your textbook.”

“Textbook, wait a minute.”

Chen Zilong began to rummage through the house for textbooks. He doesn t usually take his school bag to school. Going to school is just to talk nonsense, and the teacher ignores him. This is a thorough bad student.

The textbooks had long been lost.

“So, Brother Lang, can I just find my language book? Is that ok?”

Yu Minglang glanced at it. “Let your sister teach you language.”

“She always hits me, I don’t want her to teach me.”

“Oh? How did she hit you?”

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