Rebirth Of The Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 82: Flirting is a Skilled Task (1)

Chapter 82: Flirting is a Skilled Task (1)

The hatchling was small, only at the size of an arm’s length and around the thickness of a finger. At first glance it looked identical to a snake, but upon a closer inspection, one would notice a pair of miniature horns protruding from its head.

Not only was it premature, its immature body was also dominated by a powerful existence for quite some time. Thus, its already weak constitution was nearly drained of all vitality.

At the moment, the hatchling looked extremely tired, all shriveled up on top of Ye Qingtang’s hands.

It could also transform like this? Ye Qingtang was rather bemused as she observed the exhausted hatchling. When she held it carefully to her bosom, the hatchling shrunk its size further, making itself easier to carry around.

“I’ll be off to meet up with his Lordship then,” said Ye Qingtang.

Ye Ling gave a nod, and Ye Qingtang went on her way.

As he watched her daughter leave the courtyard, Ye Ling could not help but heave a sigh.

“Tang Tang’s all grown up now.” The Second Elder related his thought with a smile. It was all thanks to her that they finally managed to defeat the Great Elder.

“Indeed.” Ye Ling replied in kind as he shrugged off his lonely thoughts. Both of them proceeded to clean up the scene quietly thereafter.

Ye Qingtang left the Ye residence and traveled towards a certain building in the city, stated in the address given by Mu Su.

Given her past experience, she was well aware Mu Su was not someone to be trifled with. If it was not for her need to join Xuan Ling’s Clan, she would had preferred not to come in contact with him.

Ye Qingtang arrived at her destination, a posh and tranquil building.

Once she reached the entrance, a foyer attendant came up to greet her.

“Good evening my lady. Are you, by any chance, Miss Ye Qingtang?”

“Yes I am.” Ye Qingtang replied with a slight nod.

“Wonderful. Please excuse me for a moment. My master will be with you shortly.” With that said, the attendant went into the building.

Within moments, Mu Su was seen coming into the foyer. Once he saw Ye Qingtang, he had a gleam in his eyes whilst he approached her: “Welcome Miss Ye. Perfect timing, I’ve just related your situation to the person I’ve mentioned. Please, follow me.”

Ye Qingtang gave a nod. Although she had not met Mu Su in her past, she knew he was a big shot, rumored to be quite aloof and taciturn. But after meeting him in person, he seemed rather amicable instead.

Mu Su escorted Ye Qingtang to the second floor of the building, where they stopped in front of a chamber. Pushing the door open, Mu Su ushered her in. Illuminated by the flickering candles, Ye Qingtang noticed a layer of mystic veil draped across the inner chambers, shrouding her view of what lied within. However, from the light of the candles, she was still able to make out the faint figure of a person seated on the other side.

Though she could not discern the person’s features, she could clearly sense the overwhelming aura that engulfed the entire chamber.

That definitely belonged to a powerful entity, whose prowess was even beyond Mu Su’s!

That person’s identity had totally piqued her curiosity.

After closing the doors behind them, Mu Su’s smile went rigid before the presence of that layer of veil.

What’s going on? He had just stepped out for a moment and his highness had already erected a “wall”?

Didn’t he agree to use this opportunity to get to know Ye Qingtang better and build a good relationship?

How on earth is building this “wall” going to help achieve that?

Though all those thoughts crossed his mind, Mu Su maintained his composure without revealing any hint of his bafflement.

“Your Highness, may I present, Miss Ye Qingtang,” Mu Su kept his nose clean and proceeded on with the introductions.

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