Rebirth Of The Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 42: Gossips and Rumors (1)

Chapter 42: Gossips and Rumors (1)

“You want me to remove my face veil?” Ye Qingtang asked abruptly.

Duan Tianrui stated matter-of-factly: “It’s not my personal want, it’s a matter of decency and respect for the Sabbath’s traditions. Miss Ye, you can rest assured, we are just conscientious of the rite’s proceedings, even if your appearance is undesirable, we would not take heed of that.”

Although Duan Tianrui glossed over his words, everyone could still infer that he was criticizing Ye Qingtang for her hideous appearance.

And Duan Tianrao and Ye Xun, who stood beside him, did not seem the least concerned to stop him.

Ye Qingtang gave a derisive laugh as she looked Duan Tianrui in the eye and said: “As you wish.”

In the next moment, she lifted her hand and tore the veil from her face.

When the veil was removed, gasps of awe and disbelief resounded instantly throughout the entire plaza.

A face with such exquisite features, that was akin God’s gift to mankind, was suddenly unveiled for all to envy. That flawless and snow-white skin accentuated her sensual and luscious lips which had curled slightly into a faint smile.

Just witnessing that could be considered a blessing from the heavens.

No one expected such beauty to exist behind that flimsy piece of face veil.

“Well? Are you satisfied now?” Ye Qingtang asked while a radiant smile played on her lips, which apparently enthralled the crowd, rendering them a speechless lot that could only gawk at her pretty face in a daze.

Duan Tianrui was at a complete loss for words. For the life of him, he could never imagine Ye Qingtang was a beauty queen.

Ye Xun, whose looks garnered the crowd’s praises previously, could never hold a candle to Ye Qingtang. In fact, Ye Qingtang’s appearance was beyond comparison, even for the rumored ‘City of Lin’s Number 1 Beauty’, Ye You.

While Duan Tianrui remained dumbfounded, Ye Xun and Duan Tianrao displayed quite a spectacular array of expressions on their faces.

All color drained from Ye Xun’s face in an instant. If she had not witnessed this herself, she could never believe that the stunning beauty standing on stage was Ye Qingtang!

How is this possible…. She remembered clearly…. Ye Qingtang had a hideous blemish on her face ever since birth….

Duan Tianrao gawked at Ye Qingtang’s gorgeous looks like the rest of the crowd. In the limelight under the sun, her presence on stage was akin to a Goddess’s advent from the heavens who no mortal maiden could hope to contend with in appearances.

“That’s hideous? Who claimed Miss Ye was hideous just now? If she’s hideous, is there anything beautiful in this world?”

Feelings of exhilaration swept across the common folk in the plaza, for it was the first time they had laid eyes on such a gorgeous young lady.

“Only a girl with her looks deserves the ‘City of Lin’s Number 1 Beauty’ title.”

As everyone sang praises for Ye Qingtang’s appearance, many recalled Duan Tianrui’s criticism just now and began to realize, due to his spiteful nature, he might be trying to defame her and thus allegedly coerced her into making a fool of herself.

Without knowing….

Ye Qingtang was the epitome of beauty itself!

At this moment, everyone began inferring their thoughts from the recent string of events.

Previously they had assumed the reason behind Duan Tianrao renouncing their engagement, was because he could not put up with Ye Qingtang, whom was lacking in both strength and looks.

But now….

With Ye Qingtang’s apparently gorgeous looks, on top of her impressive strength displayed when turning the Sky Wheel, people started thinking otherwise.

Regardless of looks or strength, Ye Xun obviously paled in comparison to her.

Unless Duan Tianrao had lost his mind, why would he give up marrying Ye Qingtang in exchange for Ye Xun?

Translator’s Rant

Apparently, marrying a person because of love for his/her character is unthinkable…. XD

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