Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 71: Lewd Lover’s Bond

Chapter 71: Lewd Lover’s Bond

Jadis was so hard she felt as though she could shatter stone with her dick alone.

She had almost forgotten what it was like to bring someone else to their climax. The feel of someone else’s movements that she couldn’t quite predict, the ecstatic moan of someone who couldn’t anticipate what she would do to them, the unpredictability of every reaction to her actions, all of it made for a world of difference between pleasuring herself and pleasuring another. Jadis loved herself, loved her sexy body. She’d come to terms with the fact that she had some kind of narcissistic kink going on with the way she loved to fuck herself. But touching Aila’s exquisite body was doing things to her that self-loving did not.

Having someone else’s hand on her cock, even a light, tentative touch, made Jadis’ core clench and tighten, pressure rising to almost undeniable heights, in record time.

Fucking hell, she needed to get a hold of herself or Syd was going to pop from just a simple caress, not even a proper hand job.

Jay dipped her head back down, tongue running along Aila’s sweet pussy for one quick moment, drawing out a delightful gasp and delicious wiggle of her hips.

While Aila was distracted, Syd quickly slipped out of the rest of her clothes and then scooped the still reeling Aila up in her arms, prompting a stifled shriek, before carrying her over to the nest of blankets and pillows. Syd then dropped down into the pile, sitting with her legs splayed out in front of her and Aila in her lap, the redhead facing the same direction as her.

Aila’s wet folds rubbed against Syd’s throbbing member, sending shivers through them both.

“Jadis, this isn’t going to work,” Aila said shakily, staring at the massive cock sticking up between her long legs. “This thing is bigger than… bigger than anything I could ever physically take inside me. It’s a damn battering ram!”

“She is pretty ridiculous, isn’t she?” Syd agreed, wrapping her arms around Aila. One hand went to play with her small but perfectly shaped breasts while the other stroked and played with the small, well-groomed patch of red hair Aila had above her nether lips. “By rights, she’s too big for us, too, but we’ve got a skill that’s supposed to make it easier to fit and it seems to work. Pretty sure it’ll work on you, too. Guess we’ll take it slow and find out together?”

The last was phrased as a question, but Jadis was almost certain of Aila’s answer. Despite her protestations that Jadis’ dick was too big to handle, she was still rubbing her soft thighs together as they wrapped around the pulsing shaft, sliding her slick core against the base of her cock.

“I’ve never heard of a skill that can do anything like that,” Aila said, her right hand reaching out to stroke a finger along the crown of Syd’s cockhead.

She had to grit her teeth to keep from coming right then and there. The exploring touch made Jadis’ insides clench and she was forced to take a deep breath and clear her throat before continuing her teasing talk.

“Never heard of a skill that duplicates bodies before, either. Yet here we are. Speaking of, I know my cock is amazing, but take a look up, yeah?” Syd said, craning her neck down to whisper into Aila’s ear.

Aila finally looked away from Syd’s member and gasped.

Jay and Dys were both naked now, having disrobed while Syd was entertaining Aila. Both stood shoulder to shoulder, looking down at Aila, their bodies on full display and highlighted by the slight glow that came from under her skin while the ritual was active. Jadis was always impressed with the sight of her own body and she was certain her freckled friend was feeling the same by the look on her face.

“Wha—Ah, what exactly, um, are we supposed to do, now?” Aila asked in quivering tones.

Maybe Jadis was a little too impressive after all. She needed to take things a little slower, probably. She wanted to give Aila a memorable experience for the right reasons, not the wrong.

“Technically,” Dys said, crouching down and taking hold of Aila’s right leg and running her hands up and down the smooth length, “we don’t have to do penetrative sex for this ritual to work.”

“That being said,” Jay said as she too lowered down and put her hand around Syd’s cock, “it’d probably make the most sense to. Though maybe not? With three of me, we can do another three-way kiss and make it work, I’m pretty sure.”

“I don’t follow,” Aila said, eyes glued to Jay’s hand stroking up and down Syd’s shaft, rubbing the copious amounts of precum flowing from the tip into her smooth white skin.

“We need to share a kiss,” Syd explained, groaning slightly. “But one that also shares our mixed fluids.”

“What?” Aila asked, eyes glazed over. Her hand had reached out again and her fingers were running spine-tingling circles around the tip of Syd’s cock.

Well, time to be blunt. Aila didn’t seem sheltered but she probably didn’t have anywhere near the perverted experience Jadis had, not with her previous access to the internet and all its dubious glories.

“We have to kiss with each other’s cum in our mouths,” Dys told her bluntly.

To punctuate the statement, Jay leaned down and sucked on the top of Syd’s cock, gathering some of the pre up in her mouth before darting forward and pressing her lips to Aila’s mouth.

Aila instinctively opened her mouth, small tongue wrestling with her own much larger one. Savoring the experience of kissing the lithe redhead, Jay drew the tongue-dual out for as long as she could before pulling away and grinning at the panting woman.

“Like that, sort of.”

Licking her lips, Aila shot Jay a questioning look. “Why are you so sweet? It’s nothing like what I’ve experienced before…”

Jay shrugged. “Just how I am. Perks of being a Nephilim.”

Before Aila could say more, Dys’ hand moved up and dipped one long finger into Aila’s wet sex, drawing a strangled groan out of the sweat-drenched woman. Liking the sound of that lewd whimper, Jay added her own finger, stroking Aila’s sensitive clit. As both worked on her, drawing out her cries of pleasure, Syd cupped Aila’s breasts and fondled her rosy-pink nipples, loving the feel of playing with the erect little nubs.

She played with her for a while, savoring the sound and touch of the beautiful redhead. Jadis managed to tease a second orgasm out of Aila before long, using the opportunity to ease a second and even a third of her large fingers inside of the moaning woman. Sensing the time was right, perhaps influenced by her own horniness reaching critical levels, all three of Jadis worked together, effortlessly lifting her up and holding her in place while Syd’s cockhead was positioned at her slit, rubbing the slippery tip against her folds.

“Like I said, we’ll take this slow,” Dys murmured, finding it hard to hold back from helping her other self just thrust straight up into the hot dripping warmth she was pressing against. “We’ll see if my skill has any effect and work around the result.”

“O-Okay,” Aila gasped, her hips twisting and rubbing back at Syd’s twitching cock. “Go very slow, though. Very, very slow.”

Jadis did just that, lowering Aila only slightly, letting her weight bear down on her rigid shaft. The tip spread her lips but did not enter her tunnel, glancing off and rubbing against Aila’s tight rear end. She pulled back and tried again, gently but firmly pressing up against her tight entrance. The second time was more successful and both Syd and Aila cried out in surprise as the tip of her cockhead penetrated her.

“Fucking fuck,” Syd groaned through gritted teeth. “You’re fucking hot, Blue.”

Even with just a relatively small intrusion, Jadis could feel how tight, wet, and hot Aila was. The sensation had her craving for more and it took a supreme effort of will to not thrust her hips up into the enveloping, melting heat that was Aila.

“Holy gods,” Aila moaned, her head lolling back as her body was held supported in the air by Jadis’ hands. “I already feel stretched and you haven’t even started.”

That statement pleased Jadis in a strange way she hadn’t ever felt before. The way Aila spoke about her cock stroked her ego. She felt she needed to reward her for the compliment.

Dys leaned in and flicked her tongue over Aila’s exposed clit, causing her to shudder in delight and squeeze down hard on the tip of Syd’s cock.

Syd’s body reacted immediately; the impulse too difficult to control. She bucked her hips up, thrusting her shaft up into Aila and fully burying her cockhead inside her wet folds.

“Fuck!” Aila cried out.

“Shit, are you okay?” Jadis asked in unison, worried she might have gone too fast by mistake.

“Yes!” Aila almost shouted, her voice strained. “I’m fine. It’s just so… so… full. It feels good. Really good. Don’t stop now…”

God damn, it was hard for Jadis to not cum right then and there when Aila was practically begging her for more.

Jay and Dys eased Aila down her shaft, strong hands wrapped around her legs and waist while Syd supported her back and ass. She’d go down an inch, then back up, then down another couple, slowly easing Aila further and further. She took her time, turning the easing motion into a rhythm, fucking Aila up and down and taking her time to do so, dragging the act out.  By the time she’d reached past the quarter mark of going down her dick, Jadis could make out a visible bulge in Aila’s stomach.

“Fuck me that is so hot,” Jay moaned, watching Aila’s hands rub at the growing mound.

Syd could actually feel Aila’s hand putting pressure on her cock through her abs.

“Shit, I don’t think I can hold off any longer,” Syd admitted, voice and hands trembling. “I’m going to cum!”

“Wait, fuck!” Jay blinked, looking up into Aila’s glazed eyes. “Can I cum in you? I didn’t think about any fucking protection!”

Jadis started to move Aila off of Syd’s cock, feeling her climax moments away. She had been so caught up in the pleasure of the moment she’d completely forgotten about the risks. She didn’t know if she and Aila were compatible, but she was pretty damn sure the goal-oriented woman wouldn’t want to have to deal with an unexpected pregnancy.

Though, the thought of knocking Aila up was not making it any easier for Jadis to hold back Syd’s climax. She’d have to reexamine that peculiar thought later.

“It’s fine! I’ve got a potion in my bag!” Aila cried out. Her hands reached down and grasped at the shaft splitting her, fingers unable to fully wrap around the girth, and futilely tried to pull herself back down onto Syd’s cock.

That was too much for Jadis. Syd came with a pained groan, her cock pulsing with each thick blast of seed pumping straight into Aila’s core. In moments her body was full, the bulge in Aila’s stomach growing rounder as white cum seeped out around Syd’s shaft, pouring out in a lewd waterfall.

“Gods,” Aila shuddered and Jadis sensed that the redhead was close herself.

Jay leaned forward and began licking and sucking at her clit, Aila’s wetness mixing with the seed still pulsing out of Syd. Dys joined in, her mouth and tongue working across Aila’s stomach, even dipping into her belly button.

Aila’s fingers went into Jay and Dys’ white hair, wrapping and tugging at her locks as she came, her tunnel quivering as she writhed in her held-aloft position. The gasping, panting moans escaping her pretty lips were music to Jadis’ ears.

Eventually Syd’s climax came to an end, as did Aila’s. Syd flopped backwards into the nest while Aila seemed to lose all the bones from her body, going limp as a doll. Jay and Dys gently lowered her to Syd’s chest, not withdrawing the portion of her cock she had in her pussy but letting Aila go so she could pull away if she wanted to.

Aila made no attempt to, panting like she’d just run several miles, one arm tossed over her eyes, her other hand laboriously reaching behind her and ran her fingers through Syd’s hair, stroking her in an almost loving gesture.

“So, I think my skill works,” Dys said a little breathlessly, lying down next to Syd and Aila, hand stroking along the still visible bulge in her stomach.

“How deep are you?” Aila asked with a moan.

“About a quarter of the way, maybe more?” Dys answered.

“That’s all!?” Aila half sat up, shocked.

She looked down at where Jay was between her and Syd’s legs, tongue lapping up a mouthful of cum. There was indeed a lot of real-estate exposed still on Syd’s hard member.

Smiling up at Aila’s stunned expression, Jay crawled up and over her while Syd’s arms wrapped around her and Dys leaned in to whisper huskily.

“Time for that kiss.”

Aila made no resistance as Jay closed in on her. As their lips met, their mouths opened and the combined mix of Syd’s sweet seed and Aila’s slick juices flowed across their tongues. A dual moan of pleasure and delight came from both of them as they twirled their tongues together. Jadis was pleased to find that not only did Aila not balk at the expectation of sharing a sloppy, cum-drenched kiss with her, she apparently relished it.

As the kiss lingered and Dys watched it from an excellent vantage, Jadis realized that her skin was glowing brighter. She hadn’t realized that they had spent so much time already, but it seemed the ritual was nearing completion.

Gasping for breath, Aila pulled away from Jay and stared at her, blue eyes glowing in a surprisingly literal sense.

“I’ve been asked what attribute I want to apply the Lewd Lover’s Bond to,” she said, licking her lips.

“Nice!” Jay grinned. “Better hurry up and apply it, these rituals have a short window to use them.”

Aila nodded and Jadis could see her eyes flicker as though she were reading something visible only to her. A moment later, her mouth fell open in obvious shock.

“My arcane attribute just went up by thirty-nine points! That’s more than I earned from nineteen levels of doing everything I could to only increase my arcane stat!”

“Hey, happy to help,” Syd sighed, running her hands languidly up and down Aila’s sides.

“You have seventy-eight points in eldritch and you’re only level thirty-four?” she asked incredulously, twisting her hips in such a way that made both her and Jadis shudder briefly.

"Seventy-nine, actually," Jay corrected, drawing a further look of incredulity from Aila.

“Yeah, well, what can I say? We’re gifted in more ways than one.”

“Indeed,” Aila breathed out a laugh, one hand reaching down to stroke the lump in her stomach.

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