Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God

Chapter 2197 News

Chapter 2197 News

"Good news? Good news?" Berolt was so enraged that repeated himself, a dark laughter falling out from his mouth and sinking into the ground below.

"Believe it or not, there is still some good news. Remember, according to our original plan, it was my job to make sure he couldn't use any of the teleportation formations to leave our sphere of influence. If it wasn't for something extremely good, or extremely bad, do you think I would leave my station and come here?"

Berolt and Baron frowned, waiting for the answer Odelia seemed to be teasing.

"In order to fulfill your request, I created a network array that acts as a relay station for every teleportation array in our Dark Flame bubble world. From its center, I'm able to control and sense the activity of countless places all at once. It's similar to the system lower level worlds without a Spiritual Sage might use, except more tailored and more crude as well due to the time constraint I was under. But, I was still able to sense a great shift just moments ago… You know what, it's better if I show you directly."

Picking himself up from the ground, Odelia quickly brought the two of them to a place, but they were shocked to find that it had been the very place Berolt initially confronted Dyon… the world core!

"Open it, Berolt."

Frowning, Berolt did as he was asked. The world core was a place that had the absolute highest of security, but for him, it could be opened up no differently from a door. The guards who still stood around in a daze didn't even say a single word.

What they found once the formation had been opened, however, left all of them speechless.

"… This… It can't be… Just who is this boy…"

Dyon's words resounded in their minds.

"You're welcome."


News that a coalition arrest warrant had been levied against the third ranked mortal on the certification ranking spread like wildfire. It was already rare enough for such a warrant to be released in the first place, the fact it was a Tier 5 one was even more shocking, but for the person in question to be such a high profile figure in addition to all of this lit a fire that the Immortal Plane hadn't seen in a very long time.

The star segment of the Vio Clan and the Dark Flame bubble might have been in a state of turmoil due to the coming Void Surge, but they were but one corner of the impossibly vast Immortal Plane. Their plight was hardly on the radar of many other places.

That said… It was as though some didn't pick up on this oddity. This was already the tenth void surge in the last century. There was no connection between them, seemingly happening in completely different corners of the plane without rhyme or reason, but it was a fact that they were occurring more often than ever now.

As a result, the Void Coalition Army's influence was likewise increasing. It was the natural cycle of their existence. In times of peace, their overseers would be at their weakest. However, in times of peril, they would surge back up just when everyone remembered just how useful they were to maintaining the peace of the Immortal Plane and fighting off void beasts.

As a result of this, the coalition arrest warrant was at its most powerful now more than it had been in a long while. And… more powerful clans were far more likely to participate as well.


"What do you want to do now?"

Dyon smiled at Lilith's question. "Go to the battlefield of course."

Three incredulous gazes landed on Dyon. Void battlefields were where the influence of the coalition was the fiercest, and, unlike before where it was smartest to hide in the most dangerous spot, it wasn't this time around.

The reason for this was because the void would be the first place the Immortal Hunters looked for Dyon. While it was the one place the coalition had the greatest influence, it was also practically the only place a cultivator with an arrest warrant on their heads could go.

Due to the influence of the coalition, using teleportation arrays to enter a new bubble world was nearly impossible. Not only would your qi signature be memorized, but so would your soul signature. In any world at and above the level of the Dark Flame bubble world, and even a few of slightly lower level, you would be found immediately the moment you used a teleportation array to enter.

However, Dyon had an advantage many didn't, which was another justification for his high arrest warrant tier, or so those old fogies would have others believe: he was able to travel to these worlds under his own ability and shield himself from detection with his Immortal Sense.

Yet, he didn't want to use this very obvious advantage. To make matters worse, he was going to the same place that Immortal God had wanted to bring him anyway! He could have avoided all of this!

Dyon smiled but didn't say much more.

He had wanted to go to the void battlefield from the beginning, he just hadn't been quite strong enough yet. But now he was a little bit more confident in his own strength.

Where there was the most danger, there was also the most opportunity. And void beasts in particular were an interesting avenue that Dyon was eager to pursue.

"Alright, you're free to go now. I have no idea where the phoenix clan's hegemon is, but I'm sure you'll be alright to find out on your own, right?"

At this moment, Dyon hadn't actually left the Dark Flame bubble world. Or, he had, but not really. He had simply entered the Ancient Battlefield and was currently in the abode he had built for himself, Saru and Lilith.

Though he was able to teleport to a new world with his abilities, he was also aware of enough to know that such a method could be tracked by a skilled enough formation expert. So, instead, he faked his teleportation and entered his constitution's world.

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