Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 374 18th Century Pirates

Chapter 374  18th Century Pirates

The small boat crashed through the waves as we got further and further away from the land. The 'seasoned' Sea Dragons held onto the overhead metal bars, leaving the four of us to adapt to the up and down motions on our own. If they thought they were proving something, they were utterly wrong.

My three men stood at the stern, their legs parted and knees slightly bent in order to maintain their balance. No matter how the boat rocked, they didn't move. And because I was wrapped firmly in Liu Wei's arms, I wasn't going anywhere either.

The sea air filled my lungs, and the spray from the waves hit my face and skin. I could see why people liked big boats and yachts. Maybe I'll grab a couple if I find a marina nearby. Or perhaps I would go looking for a marina.

"Do you know where I could find a few yachts?" I asked, looking up at Liu Wei. I figured that if anyone knew where to find some, it would be him.

"You want a yacht?" he asked with an indulgent smile on his face. "I think we have a few in one of the harbors in City H. Maybe we can go check them out there. If not, I think there are a few marinas around where we can find one. The problem with doing it that way is that you are never guaranteed where they might be. It would depend on the will of their owner."

"But you guys own a couple?" I would fully admit to being surprised. I mean, I knew they were rich before the world ended. But now that that didn't mean anything, it was something that I overlooked.

"Sweetness, not to rain on your parade, but you know that most yachts are completely electric," said Liu Yu Zeng giving me a slightly guilty and upset look. "So, unless they were out in international waters, they will probably not be working right now."

Way to rain on my parade. I felt my shoulders dropping in disappointment. There went the pirate fantasy.

"That doesn't mean that we won't go looking," said Chen Zi Han in a reassuring manner as he turned to glare at his friend. "There is nothing saying that they weren't out in international waters at the time and then came back to harbor."

"So, I can still picture you as 18th-century pirates?" I asked with a sly grin on my face. It was enough to make the other three men laugh, dispelling some of the tension. Goal achieved.

But now I really wanted to yacht.

"You can picture us however you want," growled Chen Zi Han in my ear. "And once this crap is done, you can bet I will be showing you just what Liu Yu Zeng and I can do."

Well, fuck. Now I wanted to hurry up and get the device.


Wang Chao sat on Ares, looking at the gate and fence surrounding what was once City A. It looked to be something out of a post-apocalyptic movie, but then again, that wasn't far off from their current situation.

The chain link fence that was at least 10 feet tall was topped with barbed wire, looking more like a prison than an entrance. Four guards stood at the first chain link gate. They were carrying the standard issued Ak-15, their uniforms impeccable.

On the other side of those gates were two 6-foot-long A-frame barricades manned by two more military personnel. They had on helmets and gas masks, their rifles at the low ready position, and they paced back and forth in front of the closed beam.

Just a few feet from them were another barrier, a portable folding safety barrier that looked to be installed at one end and latched together in the middle. This third barrier was also manned by two military guards, pacing back and forth in an opposite manner to the guards in the previous barrier. It honestly looked like the hypnotic manner that the zombies had marched in when they descended on City J.

The fourth barrier was comprised of three black spike strips that seemed to disappear into the road. Most people would never be able to see them and either run over them or impale their feet on them if they tried to rush the entrance. And that was only if they managed to get through the first three barriers. That was also not counting the four guards that paced back and forth, two in front of the spikes and two behind.

City A was clearly not taking any chances. It was no wonder Li Dai Lu wasn't able to get in here in her last life. Wang Chao didn't think a frigging rat would be able to get in.

After the spike strips was another chain link fence that four more soldiers guarded, and the last barrier to get into the city was a guard house with what looked like another three guards inside of it. That meant there were six barriers and 19 men guarding it within the space of maybe ten feet.

Really, Wang Chao had no words. The sheer number of supplies needed to support just the guards alone would be astronomical, let alone all of the people in the city. It made him wonder how long the people in charge knew that this was coming and prepared for it.

'Are we just going to sit here for the day, or are we going to join the line?' demanded Ares, not impressed that he was stuck with his rider when he could have been with his Queen and the rest.

"Well, might as well get into line," sighed Wang Chao, spinning the bike around to line up.

'You get in line? Kill them all and take the city!' growled a voice deep in the back of his mind. Wang Chao felt his face twist into a sneer that had nothing to do with the voice taking control of his body.

"What? You think you are king shit? Fuck off. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't even have to be here right now," replied Wang Chao with a growl of his own. Ares revved his engine showing his own version of displeasure.

'So weak, that is why that bitch was able to walk all over you. You even submitted and made promises!' sneered War. Wang Chao walked his bike up the foot of space that appeared as people were being refused entrance.

"That woman is mine, and you will never speak about her like that again," snarled Wang Chao.

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