Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 361 Agree to Disagree

Chapter 361  Agree to Disagree

"What? No?!" said Xing Xin Ya, shocked. She couldn't care less about the other woman's men. She had more than enough to deal with with her five that she wasn't interested in adding to it any time soon. "Just wondering where he was."

"Probably out trying to start a war," replied Violence with a shrug. "You know how men are. Now, if you are done being stupid, please feel free to turn around and deal with the bodies."

"Did you just call my wife stupid?" growled the biggest man in the group. Violence didn't particularly care to remember the names of inconsequential people.

"Yup," said Violence, not caring at all about his opinion. "After all, I was with you guys the entire time. When did I have the time and ability to kill the people? And if I didn't go and kill them in person, then I must be strong enough to do it from miles away. And if that is the case, which it was, and your wife still came to confront me about it, which she did, then what would you call it?"

"Stupidity," said Liu Yu Zeng with a smirk, his arm still resting on the back of the throne of swords.

"Idiotic," added Liu Wei as he adjusted his glasses.

"Death wish," finished Chen Zi Han.

"Ah, is that it? Your wife has a death wish, and she wants me to accommodate her?" Violence asked, tilting her head to the side and looking at Xing Xin Ya. "You know, there are much easier ways of going about it."

"Fuck off," growled the man as he took a step forward. That was all it took for the three men standing around the throne to take action. Before anyone could register what was going on, Chen Zi Han had the man by the throat. The other man's feet started to dangle in the air as Chen Zi Han continued to hold him up higher and higher.

The other four men tried to go help one of them, but they were all laid out on the ground thanks to the Liu brothers. The two of them stood side by side in front of the throne, both adjusting their leather gloves, just waiting for one of the men on the ground to get to his feet.

"Stop!" screeched Zing Xin Ya as she looked at her men. Four were on the ground, completely unable to move, while the fifth's face was turning blue from lack of oxygen. And still, none of the other men stopped when she commanded them to.

"They are not yours to command, little girl," said Violence as she got up from her throne and walked toward where Liu Wei and Liu Yu Zeng were standing. They parted ways before she even got close enough to touch them.

She more than definitely approved of that move. As much as she was a personality of Li Dai Lu, she was not her. And her men shouldn't be touched by anyone else. Besides, Violence didn't share any more than Li Dai Lu did.

"I don't know what your grand plan was, hunting us down and confronting us. Did you expect us to bring them back from the dead? I'm afraid that not even genies could do that. So, what was your purpose?"

Xing Xin Ya opened her mouth but then quickly closed it. She was pissed, and she felt betrayed. She thought that Li Dai Lu was one of the good guys. And a good guy could never kill that many people. She wanted an explanation, but even then, she didn't feel better. Summarizing all of her thoughts, she spoke a single sentence.

"You betrayed me."

"No, I didn't," said Violence with a sigh. She really had high hopes for this Fury, but apparently, that was all it was, hopes. "I never promised you that I would let them live. In fact, I told you point blank that I was going to kill them all. You made your case then, and I ignored it."

"But I don't agree with you that they all needed to die," Xing Xin Ya said, her hands clenched at her sides. She watched as Chen Xin Ya's face started to turn purple.

"And in that, we will have to agree to disagree. Listen, I want to be your friend, but you need to understand that there are things that I need to do," said Violence. She didn't particularly care if they were friends or not, but she knew that Li Dai Lu liked her.

"And you needed to kill them?" sneered Xing Xin Ya. "And can you tell your brute of a man to let mine go? It's no wonder someone would take his name if he wanted to put fear in people. Fucking criminal."

"Nope, sorry, just no," said Violence as she approached Xing Xin Ya and grabbed her by the throat. "A part of me understands that you are just hurt and need to lash out at anyone or anything. But that is my man, and no one speaks to him like that and lives." Violence started crushing the woman's throat, her eyes blinded by rage and you for handling Wang Chao when I couldn't. But I got it from here.'


'All right, time to tap yourself out,' came a voice inside of Violence's mind, and all of a sudden, she was back in her throne room. 'Thank you for handling Wang Chao when I couldn't. But I got it from here.'

'How much did you hear?' asked Violence, concerned.


'Enough to know that Wang Chao isn't the problem," I assured her. I didn't know what she was talking about with War and all that stuff, but I knew enough to know that the man that loved me was trapped with someone that hated me.

I was pretty sure that Wang Chao had it worse than me.

"Now, where were we?" I asked as I smiled at Xing Xin Ya, her throat still in my hand. Ah, yes, you were insulting my man." I was really not impressed as I squeezed a bit harder. I had killed the people that needed to be killed. It was not her place to interfere. She wanted to come here and start shit? Then I would be more than happy to finish it.

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