Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 316 The New Plan

"Look," I said, leaning back into Liu Yu Zeng's embrace. "I know that we are going. I have somewhat come to terms that I probably not be able to spend the rest of my life in this space. I accept that. However, you have to understand that being pulled underwater like that is the single most terrifying thing in any of my three lives, and I have been involved in a lot of scary shit."

The four men looked at me and let me vent.

"I'm sorry," said Wang Chao as he leaned his elbows on the table and looked at me intently. "If I could find a way to be able to do all this without you, I would."

"Ouch," I responded with a smile. "That is a bit harsh, don't you think?"

"You know what I mean. If I could make it so it was only us that went back, killed the zombies, and saved you, then that would be the best outcome," Wang Chao continued. "But as you said, if you are not there, then the world is frozen, which means that we would be frozen as well."

"I know," I said with a sigh. "So, what's the plan?"

"This time we be smart," started Wang Chao. I couldn't stop the grin forming on my face. "What? Too good for the 'fuck it' plan? I thought it was ingenious."

"No," replied Wang Chao with a put-out sigh. "This time, we will figure out as many of the details as we can before going back. Sounds good?"

"Fine," I sighed, pretending to be put out. "If you insist."

"I really do. First thing we are going to do is make sure that everyone has working oxygen tanks on them, including a working backup tank," started Wang Chao and I brought out a purple pen and paper to be able to write everything down.

Given my memory, I would not be surprised if I completely forgot about the plan as soon as he said it.

"Number One: Breathing is good. Keep doing it," I said as I wrote it down. "Okay, what's next?"

"Next will be to have a weapon of some kind already in hand to be able to inflict the most amount of pain in the shortest amount of time."

"Number Two: Have something sharp and stabby. Hope it works," I translated as I furiously wrote down each point that he was trying to make.

  "It is incredibly important to keep calm at all times. The moment you panic is the moment they win. Keep calm and keep trying to force the zombie into letting you go," continued Wang Chao, and I stopped writing for a second so I could stare at him.

"Number Three: Drug Li Dai Lu before going back into the real world."

"I don't think we need to go that far," chuckled Wang Chao, completely oblivious to some of the main points. Like my crippling fear of open bodies of water.I think you should take a look at

"If your third point in your plan is to keep me calm, the only way that will happen is if I am either knocked out or highly drugged with the good stuff. The second of which I don't have a supply of and I can't get my hands on it before being dragged underwater."

"You know it will be fine, right?" asked Wang Chao and I almost lunged across the table to try and strangle the man.

"Why yes, sitting here on solid ground, in my own kitchen, in my own space where I control everything. I know it will be fine. When I am underwater, a zombie pulling me to God knows where, and I can't breathe, it is a bit of a different story." Sometimes men can be very… stupid.

"I wonder if you are holding onto one of us, if we would go back with you and not necessarily where we were," mused Chen Zi Han out loud.

"I have no idea," I said with a shrug. It's not like have even gone back and for with anyone. Even when I went back with Chen Zi Han in City Y, we were back in our original places. "Might be worth a try," I continued, now intrigued with the idea.

"I volunteer," smirked Liu Yu Zeng as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer.

"Nice try," retorted Chen Zi Han, clearly not impressed. "I will be going with Princess to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"You know I am just as capable as you, right?" said Liu Yu Zeng, dropping the joker routine and becoming much more serious. I could even feel a bloody aura surrounding me as he looked at the other man.

"I am sure you like to think that," retorted Chen Zi Han as he continued to look at the other man nonplused. "But in this case, leave it to the one that you always trusted to watch your back."

"I might trust you to watch my back, but that is vastly different from protecting our woman," snapped Liu Yu Zeng, more pissed off than I had seen him in a while.

"Alright," I said, holding up my hand. "I will not put up with you two fighting. Either both of you come with me or none. Those are really your only two options." The very idea of the boys not getting along was enough to make me break out in hives. And, up to this point, we had gotten along fantastically.

On the other hand, how you fought and got over it also said a lot about a relationship. Besides, these two have been through a lot together. I don't think this would be enough to separate.

"We do work better when we are together," smirked Chen Zi Han as he smirked at me. "Don't worry, Princess. We will both come with you."

I would fully admit to not being mature enough to not take that statement in a sexual manner. Sue me.

"Fine, you two go with Li Dai Lu and kill her zombie. Let us know if being transported even works that way," said Wang Chao, rolling his eyes at the three of us.

"Has anyone seen if they can use their powers?" I asked quietly.

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