Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 284 Supply Run

"Thank you," I said to my protector as I kissed his cheek. "It means a lot that you don't think that I am some sort of evil creature bent on destroying the world."

"Nah," answer Liu Yu Zeng with a smile. "You are much too cute to be an evil creature. And why would you bother destroying the world? It seems like a lot more effort than you would be willing to put into something."

"What do you mean by that?" I yelled at him, a pout forming on my face. "Are you saying that I am not willing to put in effort when it comes to some things?"

"Not necessarily. I mean, when it comes to interacting with other people, you give off the impression that you would rather be home with a cup of coffee in front of a fireplace than deal with them," explained Liu Yu Zeng, his hands raised into the air like I was going to bite off his head or something.

Then again, the man wasn't wrong. I would much rather be at home someplace than deal with people. I didn't actively go out and find them, and if they were stupid enough to sign their own death warrant, then that was on them. 

Blowing a kiss at the man, I closed the door to my truck and got comfortable with a coffee and my blanket.

"Are you feeling okay?" asked Cerberus as the men climbed onto their motorcycles, and we drove off. The unexpected stop lasted for a few hours, and it was going to be dark soon. We would need to find a place to camp for the night.

"You are the second person in the last 10 minutes to ask me that question. Yes, I am alright. In fact, I managed to save a baby… hopefully… probably…" I said with a smile as I brought my mug up to my lips for a little taste of heaven. This time my mug said, "Let me check my giveashitometer… nope, still nothing." I felt that it was very appropriate, given the circumstances. 

Wait… "Do you guys need gas to run?" I asked Cerberus. If they did, I should have enough for all of them, but we might want to stop in at a few gas stations to make sure that we had enough for future use. Besides, it never hurt to gather some supplies. 

Thinking about supplies, I realized that we hadn't gone out for a while. If I was a normal person without a space, I would have been in trouble by now.

"Yes, we run on gas," said Cerberus, bringing my spiraling thoughts back to the topic at hand. "I do have some jerrycans in the back of my bed, but it wouldn't hurt to get some more if possible."

"How many more kilometers do we have until we run out?" I asked, unknowingly converting things back to the metric system that I was most familiar with.

"We can go probably about three or four more days straight without needing any gas," admitted Cerberus, and I was impressed. When it came to highway driving, I was used to filling up a car with gas at least once a day. To know that they could go three or more times that distance was impressive. Then again, they were impressive vehicles to begin with. 

"Well, the next gas station you see, let me know, and we can stop in. I would rather have too much gas than not enough," I responded with a shrug. I could always just take the tank at the gas station and throw it into my space. I had done it before, and the gas was still good. 

"Understood," chuckled Cerberus. Turing on some quiet music, I watched out the front windshield as the sun continued to set and daylight turned into darkness. 

That was one of those things that I always marveled about… that no matter how much your world had been knocked off its axis, some things still remained the same.I think you should take a look at

The entire human race was reduced to 25% of the population, and yet, the sun still rose every morning and set every night. This ritual repeated around the same time every morning and then again every night to the point where there was comfort in the routine.

"Did you want to try and get some sleep?" asked Cerberus as I fought off another yawn. "I'll let you know when we need you again."

I chuckled at his statement. "Are you that sure that you are going to need me again?" I asked with a smile on my lips.

"Of course," replied Cerberus, and I felt the heat being turned on. Letting out another yawn, I put my cup of coffee in the holder and leaned back against the seat. "We'll always need you."

"So sweet. Alright," I said. "Then wake me up when you need me for something."

"Sound good. Sweet dreams," he said, and I closed my eyes, letting the tiredness of the day float away. 


"She wants to do another supply run," said Cerberus coming through Chen Zi Han's helmet. He figured that the rest of the guys had heard it, too, since Li Dai Lu's truck would not bother to speak to only one of them. "You guys have been dropping the ball on that."

"Sorry," scoffed Liu Yu Zeng as his voice came over the speaker loud and clear. "We'll get right on that."

"You are trying to sound sarcastic, but you are only managing to fail spectacularly," interjected Lin.

"We were a bit busy fighting off a zombie tide and finding you guys," snapped Liu Yu Zeng in reply.

"And technically, we managed to get a few good supplies from the Sanctuary before we left it," added Liu Wei.

"Well, stop at the next gas station anyways," said Cerberus, not really caring about the petty squabbles going on around him. "She wants gas and supplies."

"Understood," growled Ares as he sped up, Wang Chao gripping the handlebars tightly in case the bike decided to ditch his driver in favor of pleasing Li Dai Lu.

"Anything that she wants," agree Reaper as he, too, sped up. Liu Wei simply smiled his response while Chen Zi Han and Cronus remained silent.

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