Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 219 Kill Everyone

(NSFW… seriously… don't they know there is a tide coming?!?)

I looked at Chen Zi Han, trying to get my brain to process his words. My back was healed? There was no way. I shook my head. "Not possible, those claws would have ripped me down to the bones, not to mention the infections." 

I had seen many people, even those lightly scratched by a zombie, have their wounds become infected and die as a result. It wasn't like the zombie put emphasis on hygiene and washing their hands after every meal. In fact, if I was to be completely honest, I didn't know if I would make it through the night, or at least, not without waking up to a raging infection.

To hear that I was completely healed? That just didn't seem possible. I wanted to reach my hand around to my back in order to feel the wounds, but the very idea that I might touch a staple stopped me cold. I had a few surgeries in my first life where they were used, and I wanted to puke just by looking at them. There was no way I could touch them.

I shuddered and brought my arms back under me, once again turning into a turtle but for a completely different reason. "We have time to slowly figure things out," said Wang Chao as his fingers drifted over top of my sides. It tickled, but that was not what was causing me to squirm.

I was almost completely naked in a bed with all four of my men. If you honestly thought that my mind was on my back, my healed state, or even staples at this point… well, I hate to disappoint you… because it really wasn't.

Wang Chao snickered at my thoughts, his fingers never stopping their delicious torture. "Let's get these things out of you first and then we can work on all those thoughts in your head." I turned bright red as soon as I realized that he would be able to see everything that I wanted them to do to me.

Stupid spirit user.

Chen Zi Han let out a low chuckle that cause me to shiver in delight as my body reacted to him. He stood up and walked over to the first aid kit. Opening it up, he took out the staple remover and poured some of the rubbing alcohol onto it, making sure that there were no bacteria on it.  Not like it seemed to matter, I was already healed apparently.

The device looked more like scissors than a staple remover you would use on paper… thank god. But the blades were incredibly small, like the size of one of my fingernails. I knew from past experience that they weren't 'removing' the staple, more like cutting it in two, and then each half would be pulled out afterward.

Trust me, the first time a doctor asked for the staple remover for me, all I could picture was the one you would buy at an office supply store and I freaked right out. Good times.

I maintained my position completely over top of Wang Chao as he gripped my hair and started to massage my scalp, making me think of things other than staples. Things like what else I could do to him to have that same grip on my hair.

I felt him take in a deep breath and he moved me up and down. "Don't let her move," warned Chen Zi Han as I felt the cold brush of metal against my skin. One snip and the staple was cut and the halves were pulled out by Liu Wei, who was acting like Chen Zi Han's nurse.

Wang Chao snorted. "If you only knew what was going on in her mind right now, you would forgive me for that," said Wang Chao as his grip on my hair tightened.  "You are doing this on purpose, aren't you?" he growled low at me and my mind flashed to something else.

I might be untouched, but that didn't mean that I didn't have a very good imagination and more books than any one person needed on the subject matter. In fact, there were a few scenes in those books that I would love to try once we didn't have a zombie tide hanging over our heads.

Hearing the man groan under me and feeling his hardness, I pictured exactly what I had read, down to the tiniest of details.

I was a bitch, what could I say?

"Want to share with the class?" asked Liu Yu Zeng as his eyes drifted between my satisfied smile and the look of pain on Wang Chao's head. I looked at him and after running my tongue over my lips, I bit my bottom one, dragging it inside as I smile at the man.I think you should take a look at

Now it was his turn to squirm. "Hold that thought, Sweetness," he said as he pulled me in for a slow and languorous kiss. He didn't push too hard, but at the same time, he maintained dominance over the kiss, nipping at my bottom lip every time I tried to take over.

"All done," said Chen Zi Han's voice cutting through the haze. "And I better not have to ever put 35 staples into you again, do you understand?" I nodded my head as I looked at him. He ran his hand down my back as if in complete disbelief.

"The only marks on your back are currently from the staples. And, given your rate of healing, I wouldn't be surprised if they were gone within the hour," said Liu Wei as he placed a kiss on the small of my back, right over top of my ass.

"Now, about those thoughts," he continued as he continued to kiss up my spine until I was trapped and helpless between him and Wang Chao. Laying on top of me, his arms keeping the majority of his weight off of my back, he licked the back of my neck just under my ear.

I tilted my hips, bringing my ass up and into his hardness while simultaneously causing the small bundle of nerves to press down harder onto Wang Chao.  My eyes practically rolled back in my head at the feeling. 

I was right where I wanted to be, experiencing something that I thought would forever remain a fantasy, and yet, here I was.

I could feel myself becoming wet again, my panties, ruined from earlier, were absolutely no help when it came to containing it. And right now, there were four layers of clothing standing between my body and where I wanted to be.

As if he could hear my thoughts, Wang Chao angled his hips up while at the same time, Liu Wei pushed his down, the sensation of the two causing me to moan.

Liu Yu Zeng chuckled and my eyes flew to where he stood right beside my head. "Maybe we need to find something to quiet you down," he said, and the look in his eyes caused yet another gush of need to flow out of me. I had never done that before, but today was a day for firsts.

Keeping his eyes on me, Liu Yu Zeng undid the button on top of his jeans. Slowly, he pulled down his zipper and I could swear I heard each one of the teeth separate until I was looking at… oh God….

The movements between Wang Chao and Liu Wei increased in both speed and pleasure and, as I stared at the long, hard member right in front of my eyes, I couldn't stop the moan that came out of me. I needed them, and I needed them inside me now.

I was almost frantic with my desire, but the men played me like a violin, doing everything to make me lose my mind, guaranteeing my pleasure first and foremost. I reached out to Liu Yu Zeng and rubbed my hand over top of the black briefs that, up to now, were keeping him contained. But I could see the head starting to poke out of his waistband, shiny and dripping with its own juices.

I licked my lips and Liu Yu Zeng groaned as if he was already in my mouth. Pulling himself out, he stoke himself a few times, the smirk on his lips telling me that he knew what they were doing to me.

Feverish, my hips moved with even more speed and determination. My insides clenching at nothing, I felt like crying with the overwhelming feelings.

Liu Yu Zeng, seeing the look on my face, step forward, inches away from my mouth. I opened my mouth, desperate to taste him, when there was a banging on the outside door of the RV.

We all paused for a minute as the banging continued, but my body was not willing to stop. I was so close, so desperate that I let out a whine of need as Liu Yu Zeng stepped back and tucked his cock back into his briefs before doing up his pants again.

"I think I am going to kill everyone at this base. Is that going to be a problem for anyone?" he asked in a light tone, a smile on his face belying the look of pure rage in his eyes.

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