Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 156 156

I put the cap on my pen with a satisfying snap and vanished it into my space. Picking up the paper in front of me, I reread everything that I just wrote down:

How to Survive the Apocalypse: Version 2.0

#1. Let them all die. You can't save everyone so don't even bother.

#2. Build a good fence. Good fences make good neighbors, especially when your neighbors are zombies.

#3. Build communication towers. It is always important to be able to call home. Mom is a worrywart.

#4. Take over the surrounding area. Don't need anyone living rent-free.

#5. Gather every last supply in the city. If there are any questions or concerns refer to step one.

#6. Install and maintain solar panels because 'lights, lights baby'.

#7. Have a designated area for supplies. Have one (1) person in charge. Remind them that only death awaits them if they fuck up. Seriously, I'll sic Liu Wei on them.

#8. Start designated teams.

#9. Did I mention supplies? We definitely need more supplies.

#10.  Wipe out every last zombie in City J.

#11.  Rename City J to Elysian City.

Satisfied with my list, I then took out a blue marker to start making notes under each one. The more details I could come up with now, the easier it would be tomorrow when I made everyone submit to my will… I mean, when I asked everyone to help out. Yeah… that sounded better.

Completely lost in my thoughts, I was startled when a knock sounded at my door. Glaring at the offending line now on my paper, I sighed and crumpled the whole thing up, and started again from the top.  When the second set of knocks came and another blue line in places that it should not be, I remember why I had to rewrite this page of notes in the first place.

"Yeah?" I yelled at the door as I crumpled up the second page of paper. Oh well, at least I wasn't as far as I was with the first one.

"Dinner is ready," yelled Chen Zi Han, not opening the door.  Looking around the room, I was glad that he hadn't stepped inside his room. Cringing at the mess, I once again completely forgot about the man at the door. Rushing around to pick up all the crumpled balls of discarded paper, I snapped when I heard another set of knocks at the door.

"What do you want?!" I yelled as some paper balls fell out of my overfilled arms and back onto the ground.  "Dinner is ready," said Chen Zi Han again, this time with a hint of a smile in his voice.  "Right! Dinner!" I squealed as I dropped all of the paper back onto the floor, no longer bothering to clean it up.  I mean, I was absolutely phenomenal in the kitchen if I do say so myself, but it was also amazing to have a man be willing to cook for you. The fact that he is almost as good of a cook as I was, was just a bonus.

And yes, I said almost. I was still in charge of my kitchen. He had parental rights to it every so often when I was not in the mood to cook. Unfortunately, I was not in the mood more and more, but it happens, no point in beating myself up over it.I think you should take a look at

Rushing to the door I flung it open.  "What's for dinner?" I asked, my eyes wide.  Seeing his smiling face, a part of me absolutely melted. I knew that everything was fine when he smiled at me like that.

"Steaks, potatoes, carrots, and a Caesar salad. Chocolate cake for dessert if you want to share," he said as he took my hand in his and brought me to the dining room table where the rest of the boys were.  Sitting down at the head of the table, I started spooning sour cream onto my baked potato.  That reminded me, I would have to make some more sour cream. Well, add that to the list of things to do, I guess.

"You boys figured everything out?" I asked as I cut into my steak. I would joke that it was still mooing (I liked my steak rare) but in this day and age, with all my luck, it really would start mooing. 

"Yes," said Wang Chao from where he was seated on my right. "Liu Wei and Liu Yu Zeng will take two teams out tomorrow to gather supplies and hunt down zombies. Chen Zi Han and I will stay here to help you with that list."

"List?" I asked in confusion, completely forgetting that he had a front-row seat to all of my thoughts and probably knew my new steps better than I did. "Right," I said rolling my eyes as I took another bite of my steak. I closed my eyes and just sighed as the juices coated my tongue. There was the perfect amount of salt and pepper on it to make my mouth water. I let out a low moan as I took another bite.

Looking up, I saw four pairs of eyes just staring at me. "What?" I asked, my eyes wide. Did I drool? Did I spill something on my shirt? Why were they staring at me like that?!?  "Unless you want us to make you sound like that again and again, I would kindly ask you to not make that sound right now," said Liu Wei as he turned his attention back to his steak, meticulously cutting it into small pieces.

It took me a second to understand what he was trying to say and my face turned bright red. "Right," I agreed and turned my attention back to my own plate of food, trying not to moan again at the taste.


It was another early morning as Liu Wei and Liu Yu Zeng wanted to get a head start to the day.  Once again meeting everyone in the lobby, I stood in Chen Zi Han's embrace as the Liu brothers went over everything that they wanted to accomplish that day.

They were taking Feng Dong Yang with them to see if the zombies really were hunting down his old team. The poor man was going out a bait but he still had the biggest smile on his face. Whatever floats your boat, I guess. The only thing that was stopping me from completely freaking out was the fact that Liu Yu Zeng's white flame was flickering slow and steady, just like a heartbeat. I gently brushed my fingers along the outside of the flame, watching as it began to flicker wildly.

Completely engulfed in Liu Yu Zeng's flame, I was taken off guard when the man himself stormed towards me and roughly grabbed me by the back of the neck. Slamming his lips onto mine he took complete possession of my being, not caring that Chen Zi Han was still a solid pillar behind me. Moaning into his mouth, not caring about the audience around us, I was left wanting more when he pulled his lips off of my mouth.

"Next time you want to play with my flame, Sweetness, remember the consequences," he growled. Moving his hand so it was no longer at the back of my neck, he entwined his fingers into my loose hair and pulled back hard. With no choice but to tilt my head back, I started up at him, my eyes glazed over still trying to process what just happened.

"Consequences?" I asked, a look of confusion passing over my face. Weren't consequences supposed to be a bad thing? How was any of that a bad thing? My toes had yet to uncurl from that kiss.  I would like to say that I didn't know what came over me and why I did what I did next, but I knew exactly what I was doing.

Staring deep into his smoky grey eyes, so much like his brothers but also uniquely his, I smirked as I gently stroked the white flame up and down. His eye almost rolled back into his head before he tightened his grip on my hair even more, pulling it down so far I had to arch my back just to get a hint of relief from the pressure. Chen ZI Han took a small step back, giving me a bit of room, but refused to let go of my waist.

This time it was Liu Yu Zeng that let out a soft groan before the captured my lips, so softly and gently that it was a complete juxtaposition to his grip on my hair. Ever so slowly he continued his administrations on my lips like he was tasting the most succulent of feasts. Trailing down to my jaw and then my neck, I heard him moan again inside of my head. 'You don't play fair, Sweetness,' he groaned as he started to gently suck on a sensitive part of my neck. 'There is no way I can do to you what I want with all these people looking on. It is enough that the other three get to see what is mine, to have anyone else know about your sweetness, it is enough to send me into a murderous rage.'

I shivered as his words floated over me, causing a special tightening in my belly. I don't know if I should be concerned about the idea that he was willing to kill his own men to keep me to himself, or if I should be turned on.  Because I was definitely turned on.

'Just be safe and come home to me. I don't care who has to die to make it happen, but you and your brother need to live,' I whispered into his mind as he brought his forehead down to mine. 'Always,' he said, the softness in his voice carrying a steel promise. 'No one and nothing will keep us away. Now give my brother his kiss so we can hurry up and leave. I can practically feel the bastard's eyes burning holes into my back.'

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