Realm Wars

Chapter 35: Reunion

Chapter 35: Reunion

On the other side of the mountain, Ryu was having a hard time with the undead. Since physical attacks didn't work on them, Ryu didn't have a choice but to avoid their attacks and ran for his life.

He was sprinting in wherever his legs carried him. The only light that guided his way was his seal. It glowed silver and started to sting, that meant he was far from Cecily.

Since he couldn't defeat the undead, he didn't want to waste time with them.

Without pausing for breath nor took in an air of caution, Ryu zoomed forward. He avoided all the specters that zoomed towards him and ripped the undead wolves who barge his way. And when the banshees cry, he let out an equal roar to null their paralyzing effects.

Ryu skidded to a stop when he sensed motion. His canines barge, and he leaped forward to attack whoever was on the other side of the fog.

A blurred silhouette weaved through the hazy fog, and Ryu was ready to rip it in half. But when he was just inches, a sword pushed thru the mist and went for Ryu's throat.

Good thing that he was fast, and he managed to avoid the sharp end of the blade with only a scrape on his cheek. He lost his balance and came rolling on the ground before going on all fours and growled when the fog lifted and his attacker's face was revealed.

"You." Valij was surprised to see that she almost killed Ryu. She thought that it was a beast who leaped forward only to find it was the halfbreed.

Ryu didn't let his guard down. His fine hairs rose, and his claws bared, ready to attack Valij.

Instead of attacking Ryu, Valij cast a spell, and all the dark pentagrams in their area exploded.

When the fog cleared, Ryu's senses somewhat returned. He sniffed the air and found that Valij wasn't a hallucination created by the mists, and he stood to his feet. He whiffed another mouthful of air to see if he could smell Cecily's scent. . .

None. .. Only Valij.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be by the Princess's side?" asked Valij, annoyed in her voice.

Ryu answered back, "You too."

Valij scowl deepened. She didn't ask anymore and ignored Ryu altogether as she moved forward. Her mood plummeted ever since she learned that Corpse mountain became a domain. To make matters worse, she was stuck with the halfbreed.

She must find the dominion as soon as possible, or she'd never see the Princess and her group.

Valij's forehead creased, and she pointed her sword at Ryu, who was trailing her. "Why are you following me?"

".. ." Ryu didn't get why Valij was asking that. Wasn't the logical thing to do was work together to find Cecily?

Ryu opened his mouth, but Valij beat him to it.

"Make no mistake halfbreed. The only thing that stopping my blade from slicing your throat is because you are the Princess's servant."

Valij dropped her weapon and turned to her heels. "You better not follow me. Servant or not, I won't ask twice."

Ryu suppressed a growl. He didn't like the tone of her voice. He had to constantly remind him that she was one of Cecily's people so he wouldn't be tempted to rip her apart.

He thought that, but his inner beast warned him to be careful around her. She's strong, and Ryu sensed it from just her aura as she walked.

Ryu sighed, and he looked left and right before he decided to take another path. But as he was about to take his step, he sensed something in Valij direction.

Ryu didn't think twice and charged in Valij way.

"You!" Valij was so angry upon seeing Ryu charging at her. Did he want revenge? She raised her claymore to slice Ryu in half, but the latter doubled in speed.

Valij didn't have time to retaliate when Ryu jumped towards her and toppled her to the side just in time that a massive creature leaped in their direction.

Ryu and Valij rolled on the ground before they stop. Ryu was hovering above Valij, but his eyes were never on her. Valij was the same. Her sight was captured by a strange beast looming not far from them.

Its skin was ghostly pale. Its fur stood straight and perfectly white while its eyes shone crimson. It was at least three meters in height, and its jaws were enormous with jagged, sharp teeth slobbered in saliva.

"That's.. ." Valij gulped. "A Vamperic Wolf."

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