Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 181: Red rock canyon

The twenty-seven days marching of soldiers from southern star city to the Red rock canyon was spread all over the dukedom.

The main source of this news is the traders. As they travel a lot, the news also spread in so many parts of the Dukedom.

Some of them are in awe as they imagined the scene, some of them just brushed off the news as an exaggerated rumour.

Anyway, one twenty-seventh day, the march of the battalion came to halt as they reached the Red rock town.

The town has two main entrances and one of them is in the direction of the southern star city and the other one towards the Canyon where the military post is located.

Even though, it is called a town, it is no bigger than a normal village. The only reason it is called a town is because of the better economic state than a typical village.

This is one of the smallest border connections with the enemy empire. The Red rock canyon narrows down the path connecting the two empires making it a strategic location which can be a path into either of the empires.

If one empire compromises, the other empire will easily occupy the other town and if that happens, the balance between the two empires might break.

If any of the two empires wins in this location, the winner can use this chance to penetrate into the loser empire. Since, the border is small and the both sides are covered with Cliff making it almost inhabitable and difficult to send the troops from different directions, the losers will have only one way.

That is to gather the troops and attack from their other cities. But before they could gather enough troops and clear the citizens to make an attack, there is a high chance that the winner’s forces would enter their empire and they will have a strategic advantage.

Even if the winner who entered the empire, has a hard time dealing with forces, he can use this canyon as a retreat path to back down easily. The other party’s army wouldn’t be foolish enough to barge into the canyon and follow them into their territory before defeating the army as there would be a high chance of landing into a trap.

For this reason, this became a delicate location due to the natural terrain around.

Sam read this report given to him by Deputy General, he also read something interesting and that is, a few decades ago, the armies of the two dukes are heavily stated near this red canyon and town and the counter part of this town in the enemy empire.

The civilians were forced into the dire states with lack of food and enough space and a safe environment. The red rock canyon became the battle field and the two armies faced some serious casualties.

But both the parties didn’t budge and didn’t want to give up on the place, as the first one who manages to occupy the red canyon and town of the other empire, they will have a strategic advantage.

They can take control of the surrounding villages slowly or they safely retreat into the canyon which would be an ideal location to defend as they can bring their enemies to a head on fight.

But the problem is when the two sides wanted to get it, they are wasting so many resources and lives, so they can only come to consensus.

They both retreated their armies and only left a battalion each. Both sides of the canyon are cliffs which divided the two empire completely and the next city with connected border is more than a week away.

So, whatever regiment that is in charge of that city’s border will arrange a battalion here.

There are some more delicate spots like this and they are all guarded in the same way.

The enemy duke proposing this challenge will not only help his son to get some exposure from those people behind the scenes but also recognition from the emperor by resolving the stalemate in this place.

Sam has to say that this plan is amazing, the only variable is the win or loss of the battle.

If the plan really failed, then the life Duke’s son be at stake.

So, Sam felt that there might be something else going one behind the scenes.

Will the Duke really leave his son to die in this place?

Will he really not care about this?

Sam felt that it is highly unlikely, but Duke still sent his son to the battle, there are only two possibilities, the Duke is so confident that they are going to win this battle or the Duke might think of a backup plan to save his son even if he lost.

Sam is thinking on what might be the case. He knew that, even if the battle is an opportunity for him to get the points for assignment, it is also a high-level risk.

He is an enemy of general and he more or less pissed the Duke off and even messed up their army. So, they might hold quite some grudge.

Even though, Duke’s proposal might sound like an opportunity, Sam thought otherwise.

The duke could have sent Nicholas or any other person who is on close terms with him, better he can even send Zeke or Blue fire.

After all, this is an opportunity to amass the points. If they really won, they can hoard enough points to leave the second place in dirt and if they lost, the duke can sugar coat the words by saying that the candidates bravely led the troops and tried his best.

But sending Sam, who is their enemy, there might be only two cases and one is that they are trying to curry favour Sam or they want Sam to lose here and die. Sam felt that the second option is most likely.

He shook his head and sent Zoi termites and four shadow mice out.

As Sam expected the remaining two couples also started expecting soon after he took care of the first one. And soon ten new shadow mice joined the family.

Now the parents are still teaching and taking care of their children, now Sam can only make use of the four young ones.

Their jog now is to see, if there is any tampering down to the terrain.

Generally, there is a restriction that both parties shouldn’t do anything to the terrain. If the canyon collapse, the connection between two empires would be lost, turning a strategic location into a dead end, which will anger the emperors.

After a whole night of scouting and making sure that there is no underhanded scheme involving the terrain, he was relieved, he retired for the day.

For the next three days, Sam only has to prepare his soldiers for the battle and after three days, they would have to fight and by the fifth day, Sam want to start the return journey.

He doesn’t want to wait here, test waters, make strategies and everything.

Honestly a battle involving only two battalions means a thousand people, for Sam this isn’t a war at all.

And he is highly confident that his soldiers will win and there is a high chance that they are going to win with zero casualties.

Even if the other party has whole army full of Novice elites who are individually stronger than the his soldiers, he can still confirm that it was his win.

Because, the main strength of the Sam’s army lies in the teamwork which was drilled into them until it was committed to their muscle memory.

But he has only one concern and that is if there are any shady means involved, there is a high chance that the soldiers might be in danger, which he didn’t want to happen.

So, for the next three days, the four mice and the termites and even locusts are in full time watch mode.

They didn’t even bother to enter the enemy’s army, rather they are only responsible for watching the canyon.

That’s it.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with terrain and there is only one way that something might happen and that is a conspiracy which involves the army of the enemy or some hidden experts arriving.

On the day of the war, before dawn, the soldiers are already awake and marched their way towards the mouth of the canyon. On the other side of the canyon more than two thousand meters away, they could see their enemy empire also preparing for the war.

At this moment, a Great mage came towards Sam.

This guy is one of the supervisors of this battle.

There are five Great mage experts from both sides and these ten people are here to supervise the match so that nothing against the rules will happen.

"I hope you know the rules. In this battle even if you are killed, we wouldn’t interfere. The most we can do is carry your body back and give it a proper burial with the rest of the soldiers.

The same goes for the other army, their Great mages also won’t get involved.

We are only here to keep a watch at things and make sure that no party breaks the rules.

That being said, I do hope you will win."

As the supervisor said, he extended his hand for a hand shake, which Sam returned.

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