Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 179: Fair Trade

Philip finally got the words he wanted.

From their brutal display these noble kids certainly don’t want to fight them. These guys are pampered kids, how can they deal with the brutal nature of battle.

So, Philip used this intimidation to make them cough up what he wants and he also made those guys offer what he wanted.

Philip placed his hand on his chin as he slightly tilted his side ways while looking at the team leader in his eyes.

"I heard that you guys are in the restaurant business and you guys even have the best spot in the Inner zone. You see, our restaurant is in outskirts and doesn’t have much exposure, how about we trade it."

The five noble kids are dumbfounded for a second before all of the shouted in unison.


"Oh, seems like you guys think I am making a request."

Philip’s remaining hand was immediately surrounded by the blood red flames. The noble kids immediately took a step backwards.

"Guys, I don’t want to make unnecessary damage to you, I am actually quite easy to talk to and in our whole group I am the friendliest person. I am like the nicest guy ever."

When he paused here, everyone looked at the subordinate whose limbs got destroyed and then looked at Philip.

"Oh, come on guys, you should leave those minor details and shouldn’t care about them. Do you see, my friend right there? He is like a sword maniac; he doesn’t sleep if don’t get a chance to cut something up every day."

Philip pointed at Jack as he said. After a brief pause, he said.

"There is another guy named Sam who is in military right now. You might not know, but let me tell you, he is a big gigantic asshole. He doesn’t even know how to smile. He always has a poker face and he kill people without batting an eye and do you know what’s worse is, the people who got thrashed by him wouldn’t even get a chance to negotiate or explain themselves.

Even their parents would have hard time recognising them. He is extremely evil and he is quite bloodthirsty. He doesn’t even have any interest towards girls and I highly doubt that he is gay and he is even stronger than me. So, think about it, if you encountered him instead of me, what would happen to you guys?

Look at yourselves, you all are fair and handsome."

*Cough* *Cough*

Jack and Kelly almost choked to death by Philip’s words.

"Are your balls made of metal too?" Jack directly asked. He is quite shocked at Philip’s guts.

He wondered if Sam heard this, he would beat up Philip and force him to have intercourse with some men. Judging from Sam’s way and resoluteness in taking revenge this is highly probable.

"Philip you better make sure that Sam don’t hear these words, otherwise..." Jack didn’t finish these words. Meanwhile, Kelly was thoroughly embarrassed.

She thought of Sam and then Philip’s words, that handsome and ruthless man didn’t match with Philip’s words. Even she wanted to bash him up.

The five noble kids though are having different thoughts. They didn’t meet Sam at all and from Philip’s serious and ’concerned’ expression they felt like he is not lying at all, which made them shudder in fright.

Philip didn’t let them think before adding.

"I am not asking this just for my sake, you know Sam is the leader of our team and when we report these things, we have to report the fact that you guys created trouble and he has quite some status and very vengeful.

You might not know, but he is rank 5 Artisan, so if he comes after you guys, even your families can do little help, so if you just trade the place with us, I can convince him that the restaurant is the compensation you paid.

What do you think?"

When the five noble kids imagined what the consequences if the Rank 5 artisan targeted them and when that person has some weird ’tastes’, they didn’t even feel like thinking further and the leader immediately took the deed for the restaurant.

After half-an-hour. Philip and the rest are walking home. Philip is quite happy as he whistled while looking at the scroll in his hand, this is the ownership deed of the restaurant that belonged to the noble kid’s team.

He really made huge bargain this time, then he suddenly remembered something and looked at the remaining people in particular, Jack and Kelly.

"Hmm, I think we don’t have to say the details about this incident to Sam, so we can just inform him that we got a new restaurant by making those noble kids pay. As for the rest, just tell him it was nothing.

After all, he is quite busy training a battalion."

He said with his signature shameless smile.

Jack snorted in disdain.

"What? Don’t tell me you weren’t able to find any nobler excuse? You dared to say those words about him, just you wait, I bet you are going to lay in the bed for quite some time."

Kelly also couldn’t help but tease him. "You are going to suffer. I can still remember how he beat you up until your clothes are destroyed. This time you are going to get it.

But I am looking forward to Watt’s reaction. You know, that guy is quite sensitive to everything related to Sam. I think we are going to watch a much-awaited fight between Watt and Philip."

Hearing this, Philip became stumped. He totally forgot this. He just wanted to make fun of Sam to vent his anger for the previous beating, he didn’t think of Watt at that time.

Even though, he is a late stage Novice and Watt is in middle stage, he is not completely sure if he can defeat Watt.

If that guy really became serious and fought him to death after he learnt this incident, there is no way he would escape unscathed.

The main thing is, he couldn’t even kill him and even if tried, he is pretty sure how Sam is going to react, even if thoughts come to his mind, he might as well start making his funeral preparations.

"Guys, you see... We are such close friends; we have to help out each other, right? Be a dear and just forget about the whole situation and then we all can live happily. How is the proposal?"

He shamelessly begged after envisioning the situation.


Jack and Kelly burst into laughter. The batch went to the estate as they laughed and chatted. This is the first time; the group was carefree in a while.

When, Sam rejected their request to help and even not giving them any suggestions, they began to panic. They felt that they have being carried by Sam and he must have been tired of it, so he gave up on them.

Well, at least Kelly and Jack thought so. But they don’t have any misgivings, after all that is almost real. Sam really did help them a lot and now that he is busy, he decisively rejected.

But after Philip’s beating session, they understood what is really happening.

Sam isn’t sick of helping them, he is sick of helping them when they are not giving their best effort.

Now that without Sam everything else is resolved they are finally at ease.

At first, the general’s men, hindered them and make them lose the first advantage.

Later, Sam resolved the general’s issue and the rest of the teams started picking on them. They didn’t even have a proper place for the restaurant.

Now, Philip solved the issue.

That night, Philip and Kelly didn’t go to the impact crystal back yard. Watt is working with Sam’s new Impact crystal collecting machine. The process is a lot easier and he can just freely farm the ore.

Even the beasts are working.

So, they can take rest occasionally and don’t have to work every day.

The next day, the inner zone of the city, particularly the business zone where the restaurants are usually run was in turmoil.

After the restaurant which is obviously much bigger than their previous ones, and one of the biggest even in the whole street, along with a bustling location, in short, this restaurant is one of the most suitable and profitable ones in the city, was transferred to Philip and the team, how would he leave this chance.

He brought Mackey and the staff as they made preparations for a grand reopening. They are sick of opening and reopening the restaurants so, they clearly hoped this is the last one and this time they hoped to make a profit in this business.

They made a huge commotion by loud announcements which made the noble kids almost vomit blood in anger.

This was their restaurant after all.

Philip even made bold statements that most unique cuisine in the whole southern star.

Of course, those bold claims although attracted attention from the customers, it also made the remaining restaurants’ owners to frown in displeasure.

Because, they are already having a hard time due to the involvement of candidates now out of all the candidates this team seemed to be most troublesome. This conclusion was further solidified the food’s taste as this is really the most unique cuisine.

They never tasted it after all.

This way, the team’s business was back on the track.

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