Ravens of Eternity

Chapter 240

240 Win Some, Lose Some

Night descended over the tournament grounds, and all was quiet for the most part. Any of the fields that were selected as fighting grounds during the previous couple of cycles were now in the process of being repaired.

Down there, countless swarms of nanites put everything back together, particle by particle.

The city ruins’ buildings were reformed from the bottom-up, the blown-out bunker was restored, and the trees were all rebuilt. While entire masses of nanites chewed through the rubble and the splintered wood, others still recreated their “default” forms out of the same material soup.

The night sky was dominated by multiple brilliant stars up above.

But they weren’t all that was up there. Floating above the tournament grounds was a huge luxury cruiser. Bright moonlight shone down on it and reflected off its sleek, beautiful curves.

Its top deck had been opened up and revealed the lavish wading pool below. Though, there wasn’t anyone in the water. Instead, there were multiple partygoers in small groups all around it. A wet bar in the corner provided them with the intoxication they desired.

Not that the top deck was the only place that was lively. Music thumped loudly on many decks below the top, where a massive party was occurring. There were hundreds of people in the ship itself, perhaps more than a thousand, most of whom were part of the tournament itself.

Pilots, of course, were the biggest stars at the party. But there were also the tournament organizers, various sponsors, and of course, the announcer. Tourney folk weren’t the only ones there. Politicians, businesspeople, celebrities were also in the midst of wanton celebration.

Really, anyone who had some significant interest in mecha or had massive influence in the scene made an appearance. Though a few extremely lucky or wealthy ticket holders also made their way inside.


Everyone chatted with everyone else, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves all along almost every deck.

Below the top deck was a series of rather subdued and classy bars. Each one was rather small and cozy, but there were multiple ones all over. They all had unique decor that separated them from each other. For example, one’s aesthetic was a rich, dark wood that was highlighted by antiqued brass, while another’s space was filled with curved, matte metals etched with patterned textures.

Each one had unique and beautiful lighting, from somber oranges to bright blues.

They all exuded unique vibes that attracted different people to them. Some loved them all and wandered between. Many of the more affluent attendees most certainly found themselves there, where they chatted amongst each other and drank the remainder of the cycle away.

The announcer was here, albeit without all the makeup and glam, or the ostentatious outfit. Though that shit-eating grin was thoroughly plastered, as though it was practically permanent.

He chatted it up with what looked to be some sort of dignitary and a decorated military general. The three laughed at a joke one of them said, though it was made more out of politeness rather than hilarity.

Below that deck was simply one large dance hall, and it was the source of the loudest music on the entire barge. There, the space was sectioned out into separate dance floors, and groups of people converged in each of them.

Multiple AV drones flew all over the deck, each one connected to the DJ’s station. They gave off light and holographic shows to the beat of the DJ’s music.

And up in the DJ booth that hovered above the dance floor, multiple DJ’s tapped on their terminals and pumped out track after track out to the floor. They bobbed and danced to their own music even as they spun and wove the various tracks between them.

Of course, everyone down there was absolutely into it. They were lost in the revelry of the moment.

Among them were Amal and Kali, both of whom had thrown out all sense of shame and humility and danced their asses off. Kali particularly had never had the chance to do anything like this before, and truly sunk herself into the freedom of it.

Whatever devils had been plaguing either of them melted away while they danced. It was all they could have ever wanted.

Both women were absolutely stunning, and most certainly caught the eyes and attention of many around them.

Two pilots came up to both of them. They wielded friendly smiles and good vibes. Amal noted that the patches on their flightsuits revealed they were half of the 8th Shadow Legion.

One of them leaned into Kali’s ear, and tried to speak over the music.

“You’re Kali, right?” he asked.

She smiled and nodded, and kept on dancing. Though she adjusted her posture and faced the guy. Just in case he turned out to be trouble.

Also, it was polite.

“Why are you wearing earplugs?” he continued. “It’s not too loud. I mean, it is loud, but not earplug loud. We’re not in a warzone right now.”

Kali gestured to Amal and herself.

“We’ve got really sensitive ears,” she replied.

“Oh! Are you two sisters?” asked the other pilot.

The two glanced at each other – they looked nothing alike. Except maybe the tone of their skin. But they nodded to him anyway. Besides, they both believed that sisterhood was something that transcended blood.

“Well, um,” stammered the first pilot, “we just wanted to congratulate you on your win. You really smacked us hard out there.”

Kali glanced at their patches and realized who they were. Then she grinned.

“Thanks!” she said. “The 8th did pretty well out there too.”

“Oh, whatever,” said the second. “We didn’t even get one of you in a critical state. That’s pretty embarrassing, honestly. And you took us both down yourself!”

One of them raised his hand.

“I’m Porkrinds,” he said. Then pointed to the guy next to him. “That’s Crackpot.”

Kali’s eyes went wide – these were the two pilots she nearly lost to. She looked them both up and down and reappraised them from scratch. Then she nodded her head in approval.

She had expected both of them to be goonish mercs with missing teeth and hard stares. At least, judging from the tactics they used against her.

Funny enough, they had expected something similar of her. The two of them imagined her as some kind of monster or demon – the kind that enjoyed slaughter for the sake of it. They expected to see killer eyes filled with remorseless antipathy.

But instead, they found her only somewhat standoffish, but still affable.

“You two did a number on my Rakshasa,” she said.

Porkrinds laughed playfully, but there was a hint of incredulity underneath it.

“Well you did a number on both ours,” he countered. “I mean, you tore my head off. And chopped off limbs here and there.”

Kali laughed heartily. She found Porkrinds’ frustration funny. And a little cute.

“You’re selling yourselves short,” she said. “If Xylo hadn’t taken out Crackpot, you both would’ve taken me down.”

“All four of you definitely covered each other well,” said Crackpot. “That’s really what won you all the fight. We only wish our teamwork is as good as yours, honestly.”

“We Ravens always have each others’ backs,” said Amal. “Through thick and thin. Right?”

“Right,” affirmed Kali.

“Anyway,” continued Amal, “we’re here to dance. And you two should join us. Interested?”

Kali egged them on as well.

“Yeah, come on! Let loose with us!”

The two guys sheepishly joined them. At first they were incredibly awkward and self-conscious. But eventually, they let their cares melt away as well and danced all through the night.

Not that they could keep up with the two, but they sure tried their best.


Eva pushed Pelli up against the wall in their private bathroom. It was certainly cozy enough for two, but not more. Both of them heard and felt the thumping of the dance floor below them, even as Eva’s libido rose higher.

She nipped and pecked at Pelli’s neck with kisses as she pushed her body up against him.

But, he was slightly resistant, and tried to push her off him.

“Wait,” he said.

She pressed on aggressively, and tried to devour his lips with hers, even as she spoke.

“Talk serious later,” she muttered. “Nookie now.”

He pushed at her firmly, and looked her in the eyes squarely.

“Seriously, wait,” he said. “We need that talk now.”

Eva huffed. The Ravens’ win really got her hormones raging, and she desperately needed to relieve it.

“Couldn’t you have waited at least until after?” she asked.

Pelli shook his head firmly.

“That’s kind of the problem,” he said. “There’s never really an after, is there? I mean, you and me are always in and out super quick. Then suddenly you’re gone, off to somewhere else in the galaxy. That after’s actually just a never in disguise.”

Eva pulled away from him, finally, and exhaled deeply. He was right, of course. She was always going somewhere, doing something, as though every minute of every hour needed to be filled.

She realized much of what she was doing was close to fleeting, and she never sat down and simply enjoyed the small moments. Not like she used to.

Her new life was defined by movement. She needed it. Practically craved it. If she didn’t move, she would have died going nowhere.

“I get it,” she said. “I’ve been unfair to you. I haven’t given you enough time.”

“Exactly,” Pelli replied. “It’s like the entire galaxy’s trying to get your attention. Pilots and corpos and fascists and Feds get your attention. Even those dinosaurs across the galaxy. But somehow I get the short end of the stick when it comes to your time.”

His head slumped down along with his shoulders. He felt utterly defeated. Then again, his opponent was the galaxy – how could he ever win?

Eva stepped up to him, and held him in a tight embrace. She cradled his head on her bosom, and ran her fingers through his hair. And thanks to that, his roiling heart eventually calmed down.

She stayed there for a few more moments before she stepped back and lifted his face to meet hers.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to ignore you so much. And I’m sorry for putting this talk off. It’s... been a long time coming and I’ve been running from it.”

“Are... are we splitting up?” asked Pelli.

Eva nodded and smiled, but it was the sad kind.

“I think we’ve gotta let each other go,” she said. “That way you can find someone who can give you what you want.”

“It’s you I want!” Pelli retorted immediately.


But Eva shook her head at him.

“What you want is someone by your side,” she said. “Someone who you can enjoy your time with. That’s not me, and that’s okay.”

“Oh, and you don’t want someone by your side?” scoffed Pelli.

“I do. Of course I do. But... they have to be able to fly next to me, and build their lives the same way I’m building mine. It’s not like I don’t like you Pelli, I really do. You’re kind and handsome and tougher than you look. And you deserve someone more responsive than me.

“And... I gotta be 100% honest with you. The Ravens – they mean more to me than anything or anyone else in this galaxy. No-one else comes close. Not you, not even myself. Everything I do is for them. And whoever stands with me needs to be the same way. We both know that’s not you, and that’s okay too.”

Pelli didn’t say anything, but he felt his insides turn around and tumble as his heart slowed to a crawl. His throat also dried up as he thought of words to say in response.

But he had nothing, and his throat stayed dry.

It wasn’t as though he wanted to end things with her – even though their relationship was on the incredibly thin side. But he understood what she was trying to say to him, even as his own heart rejected those same words.

After a time, he sighed. Deeply.

“Alright then,” he croaked. “I guess it’s time to end things. And we may as well be amicable about it.”

Eva smiled, a happier one this time, and gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Wanna go one last time?” she asked playfully.

He simply rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. She was already removing his clothing before he could tell her yes or no.

“Fine,” he said. “To hell with it.”

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