Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 261: A Companion's Menu (Han)

Chapter 261: A Companion's Menu (Han)

[ Welcome Player to the Companion Menu! ]

[ You Have One Existing Companion. Would You Like to Check Their Information? ]

[ Yes / No ]

Of course it was a 'Yes!' a 'damn, yes!' even! That was the whole reason why Han even bothered checking it now. There had to be something good that'll help them out of his mess, and so Han began to scroll down and skipped information to find something useful.

Companion Name: Timothy Cook

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 19 years old


Level 15 Cook

Level 1 Student

Level 1 Peasant


Based on the data gathered from the Kingdom, the young man is slightly an above-average level person based on their statistics and data. Not including the unconditional class of Peasant given to all inhabitants in the Yegarian Kingdom under the reign of King Indrus Sargon, the young man has leveled up at least once yearly for the past fourteen years. 

Classes that are of non-combat variety tend to level up more slowly, and most people take more than a year to level up. It is common for people under the age of thirty to have at least three Classes and fifteen levels divided between the three.


[ Fire Starter ]

Obtained on his first level, like most Skills, its use becomes stronger as one levels up. During its initial achievement, the Skill was enough to start a fire even without the use of flint.

At its current point, the Skill has been able to function similarly to [ Fire Jet ] and [ Fire Ray ] with some exertion on the part of the user.

[ Weak Fire Affinity ]

Obtained on his second level, this Skill allows the user to receive less injury from fire accidents which is perfect for aspiring cooks and chefs

This Skill has evolved with the user's levelling up that small flames are capable of being absorbed to use for [ Fire Starter ]

[ Sharp Nose ]

Obtained on his third level, this Skill allows the user to detect subtle fragrances and changes in ingredients which is perfect in detecting spoil in food as well as the freshness of ingredients. Its drawback is with the character

[ Ingredient Sense ]

Obtained on his fifth level, this Skill allows the user a certain range of about hundred meters and below to detect nearby ingredients. It is also capable of distinguishing between poisonous ingredients and non-harmful ones.

[ Double Rations ]

Obtained on his tenth level, this Skill is similar to a Cleric's Miracle Rations or Soldier's Extra Pack that allows the user to obtain twice the number of food from the ones available on hand

A powerful Skill received in part due to lesser Skills on average and user's desire

[ Quick Memory ]

Obtained on his first level, this Skill allows the user to understand and recall information quickly


[ Light ]

[ Bolt of Affliction ]

Statistics ( based on Races: Online measurement for Humans )

The highest number one can receive is ten with five being the average.

Strength 5

Dexterity 7

Constitution 5

Intelligence 8

Wisdom 5

Charisma 4

Spirit 4

Luck 5


Large Mana Capacity

Natural Aptitude to Magic

Villager's Temperament

[ Special Feature ]

As the Human Representative in this particular server and with the Person accepting your Companionshipthere are boosts that you can give them. Improve their Statistics up to three times, for a duration of six minutes per use.

Han didn't even have the time to check all the data on the screen and immediately boosted Timothy at once.

[ You Have Use Player Intervention ]

[ Randomly Boosts A Statistic of Companion ]

[ +3  to Companion's Constitution ]

"Dexterity and not that!" That wasn't what he wantedHan rubbed his face and he finally looked up in anguish. He would have even taken Luck if that was possible, or even Wisdom to make the man evade them through insight and good perception.

The Constitution statistic was just them being a potato sack.

And soon his fears were proven to be correct. The winds howled loudly in his ear despite the [ Elemental Air Orb ] spun around Timothy and tried to sweep him off his feet.

Han could barely cover his eyes with his arm and lookdirt was flying across with the wind and whipped through the air. It made his throat dry and his nose itchy, somehow Ellynn's wind had turned into a dusty hurricane combination.

But the other two who she was staying with were determined to put his friend down.

In the air bolts of lightning cracked and thundered which controlled Timothy's movements and limited them to a certain extent and the lashes of water came along and effectively curtailed his own moving board. Unlike Professor Carnus' [ Tri-Elemental Orb ] where the man had to focus on two moving opponentsthe three of them were free to bully his friend into a corner like some kind of rat trapped in a box.

However, whether it was due to his life in the village or maybe something elseTimothy managed to be slick like soap. When it seemed like he was in a dangerous moment, he would slip out at the last second or so and it was already a decent amount of time.

One wrong move and the young man would be electrocuted.

Unlike Han, he didn't have any Skills for that.

Soon enough, even with the boost to Timothy's constitutionhe began to make some mistakes, and even slowed. He got hit by a Water Whip and had hit against a rock, but the Professor said not a word. His friend was forced to get up and so the young man continued to lose stamina.

Trying to catch their breath and maintain their breathing was difficult.

Somehow the lightning stopped, but the attacks of the water were relentless and pursuing. Penelope's brother somehow held a grudge that even Han couldn't understand, but surely that boy would also lose out of mana like the others, right?

It was there that he realized that he was wrong.

Kyse hadn't used up his mana at all, instead the boy was charging his Elemental Orb. Within it was the swirling and explosive charged lightning building up within the orb and its color even changed to a deep hue. Ellynn on the other hand was the only who had stoppedbut it was because she was staring at Kyse as well.

That wasn't a good sign either when your resident Half Elf looked a tad nervous.

All it now took was for a moment of weakness.

His friend ran and escaped the attacks from the young Mage's Water Orbbut he failed to notice the rock. Timothy's foot collided with stone and he lost his footing. Ellynn turned back to the young man and forced her orb to send a gust, but it was too far away. And it was exactly the opportunity Kyse had been waiting forand with a flick of a hand, the thunder clapped and something exploded.

Flashes of deep purple met their gazes and blinded all of them for a moment.

The entire area around them was struck with threads of lightning. Han who was sitting near the front felt a jolt course through himbut was negated by his [ Lesser Resistance ] Skill. Ellynn's own wind gust hadn't been enough to blow him out of the way or save. 

A bolt of lightning struck the boy in the back, sparks erupted across his body and he fell to his knee.

Searing pain had surely blasted all throughout Timothy's body, but instead of probably seeing whites flashing in his vision and dropping dead in the instantthe young man reached out and placed a hand on the grass.

Han blinked.

Timothy panted heavily and was catching his breath. He rubbed his face and removed the grime from his face before the young man then forced himself back up his feet, and then ran again. Until the Professor himself stopped in front of Timothy and looked him in the eye. "That's enough... did you have an artifact with you?"


Even Han wanted to put his hands up at the situationthe boy got electrocuted and the Professor thought he was cheating?! He threw a look at Kyse's direction and found that the young man was the one shell-shocked and rooted at this moment instead of Timothy. "What exactly had gotten through your mind to do that?" Han shouted at him and raised a fist threateningly.

He hoped it looked that way.

Before the boy could say anything else, Han turned to look at Penelope who also looked pale-faced at this moment. He gave her a narrowed eye look and motioned for her to move, "Tell your brother to stop or get him that Healing Potion in your hands now."

The young woman pulled herself up to her feet and made a move towards the Professor and Timothyher brother had already stopped the moment that the Battle Mage confronted his friend. Everybody else was just watching, and Han could only do the same. He had wanted his friend to not get attacked at all but the Constitution boost had also done its job.

However, something else had caught his attention while he was checking Timothy's status. His friend had lied all along about not learning a Spell...

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