Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 255: The Earth Shaker and a Silencer (Han)

Chapter 255: The Earth Shaker and a Silencer (Han)

And yet the door didn't open at all.

Timothy kept the door close and refused to open the door or couldn't hear himHan wasn't sure if the rooms were soundproofed or anything, but either way, it made him stop and frown at the door. He had to consider the chances that Timothy would actually hurt Iola and dismissed his mad thoughts from watching criminal shows every now and then.

If the man didn't want to study with him then it was fine. Han began to leave, "Suit yourself." And so he headed not back to his room but to the outside courtyard of the Academy, he had no time for breakfast, only practice.

When he reached the courtyardhe would find himself relatively alone. Except for some people, and not just anyone, it was the Professors already going at it in the relatively early morning. Professor Uriel gave no holdbacks and slashed the greatsword at his enemy. Professor Owen unarmed simply ducked and moved back, avoiding each one of them with relative ease.

Han's presence didn't even reach their radarOwen tapped his foot on the ground and sprung into the air, delivering a wild blow to the Swordsman's face if Uriel hadn't blocked it with his sword and threw him back to the grass.

"It's fun to watch, isn't it?" A voice asked right behind Han's ear.

That was enough to make him jerk back wildly and look behind him to see the Mage that Timothy had for a teacher. The one with the rod and huge pearlshe was holding it in her hand right now, even as she gave him a smile. 

"U-uh, is this not an allowed place to practice during the morning?" Han asked and tried to focus on her face and the spectacles she had on. Somehow, it wasn't only the pearl in her rod that was the big thing as she had a sizable chest. He scratched the back of his head, "I can leave."

"No, I wasn't trying to stop you." she smiled at him and shook her head. "I didn't know that someone in the Mixed Curriculum would be so hard-working, you are Han, if I recall?"

He gave a nod, "Yeah, that's me." She had probably remembered his name from the Test Trials or something. That was the only thing that came to his mind. He only managed a weak smile because he couldn't recall her namenot once. 

"Well then, I won't be disturbing you right now, young man." She gave him a small curtsy of her own, lowering slightly and holding the brim of her hat. The Professor would step away from him and then call out to her colleagues, "How did that potion work out for you, Owen? How about all three of us have some breakfast?!"

Whether it was something intentional or only happened to occur right when he was about to practice on his ownHan took it as an opportunity for himself. Once the Professors had left and with no other Student in sight, he took out his wand and the note of a Spell.

[ Earth Shaker ]

It's something that babies and toddlers of my Race, innately use when they're happy or throwing a fit with their parentsa stomp of their feet and then you're staring up at the sky and wondering if there's something wrong with how you rear children.

Great when you're barefoot and have a good innate connection with earth

"...he really just had to say that, didn't he?" Han might have pushed the sleeves of his robes down if he had any and shook his head. Written below the short tidbit were more words written down in natural and daresay, down-to-earth language, albeit most of them were telling him to connect and communicate with earth.

The young man tapped the tip of his wand on his hand, "It doesn't seem like the spells that you'd learn in this Academy, but maybe recreating the effects won't be that hard? Giving the earth a little shake." He said and then rolled his eyes. Han wasn't far off from the buildings of the Academy and so he began to gather mana from his surroundings.

Mana built up and charged through his wand that once again a light whirring sound erupted until he flicked the tip down to the earth. He visualized the effect and watched the blades of grass around him begin to quiver or was that just the wind? A tremor came up his feet and he nearly lost his balance.

Han cut the flow of mana and managed a weak smile, "Not too shabby. I'll have to check its range and see how strong I can make the earth shake." It wasn't as impressive as say a thunderbolt of lightning coming down from the heavens, but it really was easy enough that he got it under one try.

He would do it again and then againand though the earth didn't splinter and crack open, he figured out that he could make the earth shake and tremble around him to around thirty feet? The intensity was strongest at his starting point and gradually weakened with the distance. He sighed in relief and wiped sweat off his brow, "Phew, no more running around for this guy."

That Professor Carnus wouldn't know what would have hit him in the eye once he showed him this Spell. It was no [ Stone Dart ] or anything that grievous, but it was still under what the Professor told them and he'd win in technicality. That was probably one of the best wins anywayright when your Professor was about to fail you, they'd see that one project they'd given was an automatic pass and that'd salvage your grade.




There were only a certain number of times that Han could use it without exhausting this body of his and so he would end up walking back inside the Academy for some breakfast. When he checked the System, he still had forty-five minutes left for him to eat and that was better than skipping.

More than anything, he arrived at the dining hall and saw that there were less Students than usual, probably because it was early. He didn't even see anyone he knew personally, neither were there any familiar facesthat didn't matter much as he took a random table and plopped down. Exhaustion coursing through his body.

He tapped his fingers on the table and waited for food to arrive like always, magical enchantment carts to stroll and stop at his table. Whatever kind of enchantment Kraelonia Academy did, like maybe attune the carts to a specific person or something to get the food to their tablehe wouldn't exactly know but waited.

And then he waited some more

Until a shadow loomed over him.

Han jerked and looked back to see Caluml? That was the guy's name right? Part of the group with the man with the gauntlets, Diov. The guy that always followed them around and was included in discussion despite not talking alot. He scratched the back of his head and managed a smile, "Uh hey, wanna sit down?"

Calum gave a nod and then plopped down opposite of him.

"Hahawaiting for breakfast too?" What was Han supposed to say to a guy that was this silent? And yet he could distinctly remember this man as someone who took down a man even bigger with Donovan and had a mace. This guy choked them with a rope they had on them and had even darts as well? It was slightly scary, but also highly resourceful.

Was this guy an Archer or some other Class?

"Yes." Calum nodded. 

"Great, I've been waiting a while not sure if the cooks know what I want to eat?" Somehow he managed to talk with Ellynn when she didn't want him around initially, but this guy was just like talking to a block of stone or something? Han didn't know. He was a little hard to readwhere were their other companions?

Calum raised a brow, "Have you made your order this week?"

That might have been the longest thing he had heard from this guy barring the Spin the Bottle game. He shook his head, "Are you supposed to do that? I guess Sir Leon and the others have done it for me the last time and didn't manage to explain it to me."

"Hmm," Calum stood up and then left.

"Did he decide to just leave me?" Han craned his neck to watch and then saw the guy walk inside the kitchen. It didn't take too long after for the man to return with a quill and paper in his hands and then slid it over to him wordlessly.

Kraelonia Academy Weekly Meal Plan



Week No.

What Do You Want To Eat?

A Plate fit for a Warrior - a filling meal with lots of meat, starchy vegetables etc.

A Plate fit for a Mage - nourishing meals for the mind, fruits and light on stomach

A Plate fit for Anyone - a combination of the two above, filling but also nourishing

Special Request - fill out the space below to create your own meal plans

"Huh thank you." Han managed to thank the man. Sometimes the Academy was also refreshingly modern in a way. It was kind of cool. He began to fill down the form and then got it to the kitchen. The man would soon figure out that there really was some kind of tuning that they did to ensure that the meal was delivered properly to their respective person. 

He would return back to his table with a tray and breakfast, and saw that the others had arrived.

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