Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 251: Cutscene of a Pride of the Fey

Chapter 251: Cutscene of a Pride of the Fey

The Wood Elf blinked and nearly staggered backthe Fey assuming that he had gotten the upper hand with the revelation of the full view of the world the human in front of him almost got his name right and had butchered it by a bit. Almost enough to invoke their True Name. A shaky but exuberant laughter escaped his throat, "I suppose you owe me again."

"Oh crap." Han Jing said.

And his name was 'Han Jing'the Wood Elf understood that when he checked their Alliance tab, but unlike him, either he couldn't read or there was another veil of protection in his name. Something that the Wood Elf recognized when they had walked across the city, the characters he couldn't hardly understand.

Han Jing's true name was written in characters he didn't knowthe Creators only providing the pronunciation. The Wood Elf, Hazelleaf, Faeranduil gave them a smile, "Fear not, I understand that you humans are tribulated and beset with needs that I cannot understand. I will take advantage, er, claim what is justly mine some other time. Do not worry, I have already sent the wands via Trade."

"Wait how did you..." Han Jing's voice trailed off, another memory coming back at his mind.


The Wood Elf's method of interacting with the otherworld, the world of the Creators were far too different from him. Han Jing would assume that it was similar for the Demon Lord and other Racesthey could access the game while being fully conscious. Could they split their consciousness or something? That was what he could grasp.

"Ah, it is not the same for youyou told me that when we first met." the Wood Elf snapped his fingers. "I even recall that I did want to test your words by killing you back then haha. You would have been gone now if that were the case, don't you agree?"

"Is this information not publicly known?"

"Not everyone would go through and pore through countless documents provided by the Creators and Moderatorseven I would be bored of reading them."

Maybe that was why all of the other Races were too light about killing one anotherunlike him, their deaths weren't in stone if it happened. Unlike him. Han Jing who literally had to stake his Soul, make sure it was strong enough and would not be eaten by Soul Eaters as he traversed between worlds. He hadn't paid much attention to it before, now it started to make sense.

Even the disconnect between that of the Demon Lord and of her people could stem from the fact that it was still separatemaybe only empathetic ones, or those who enjoyed the world too much would get attached to those that were wrought forth from them. Like Ellynn and the Wood Elf here. "Wait a second."

"What is it?"

Han Jing gave him a look, "I saved your daughter back thenyou promised a reward too for it!" What were the chances he could still finagle a wand now from the Wood Elf? If he couldn't do that then he would have to get the next best thing possible.

"... Oh right." the Wood Elf nodded a bit.

"Don't tell me that you've forgotten about it."

"Of course not! It simply slipped through my mind." He grinned back at Han Jing, and it wasn't too kindly. "I would have assumed that you would have done it out of care for her as wellafter all, the two of you do seem close. Quite strange isn't it? Perhaps we were always meant to have an Alliance after all."

This was the sound of a father's upset voiceat least what he could remember from movies, and that one time he nearly got a girlfriend but her father hated his guts. Han Jing managed a laugh, "I mean yeahbut you also did promise something, so I do expect that you'd hold up the end of your bargain."

And as if he said some magical wordsthe Wood Elf sighed and nodded.

"Very well, what is it that you want? Are you still interested in grabbing ahold of a wand now despite knowing how your frail human body can still drop dead if you attempt magic now?"

Han Jing sighed and shook his head. "No. Unfortunately I can't take that offerI want a magical tome."


The Wood Elf had already previously said he had no magical armor, swords or even any kind of weaponsand yet he still managed to make two powerful wands from the wood in Enchanted Forest. Surely he still had something if it were under the name of a bargain. The look on his face wasn't exactly happy, but it wasn't also of despair.

"I think I could at least get a few useful Combat Spells from you? I remember that epic wooden spear you made and threw at the city barrier that you said was a Tier 5? 6? It shattered when you had hit it."

"You can't a Spell of that velocity with your puny body."

"Well, I bet you have other useful Spellsnot as dangerous as it, but something around beginner level, eh?" Han Jing offered a grandiose and big suggestion first to get rejected and then offer a minimal and even pithy one when compared to it. Even a Wood Elf would understand how small it was in comparison to a Spell Book or Tome.

"Something that is beginner in my eyes may still be too much for you."

The memory of a tome in Timothy's hands made his spine tingle, but the man wasn't as stupid as him. That thing was dangerous enough to injure ChanIola, so he wouldn't budge it. And so that left Timothy trying to learn a Spell right now for the Ranking Test of Professor Carnus, Han shouldn't be left behind if that lucky dude could learn a Spell quickly. Han Jing coughed, "Then really beginner beginner? Like easy pease? Something you'd teach a young Elf to protect themself from danger?"

The Wood Elf snorted, "Even a baby Wood Elf would have so much mana in their pinky than you have in your body."

"What?" Han Jing's jaw dropped for a moment. The Wood Elf was exaggerating wasn't he? Ellynn was far from a baby in his eyes, a Half Elf toobut that meant that their mana levels from a normal human had that big of a gap? "You're not seriousargh, anything easy? Something like this dumb and infantile human like me could learn?"

Hazelleaf's lips curled up lightly, as if praised with Han Jing's own disservice to himself. "Well, if you do insist then I cannot refuse it. There is a Spell that I know that will certainly be usefulif only you could hear the wind like me and that child Ellynn, you would be able to perform powerful gales with the help of the wind."

A soft burst of wind broke between them, as if tousling with Han Jing's hair in that very moment. "You mean that wind has a language?"

"Everything has a language. Can you not hear the murmurs of earth and the rock? The very dust that birthed life and began your creation? Do you not hear the laughter in the flames? The fire crackling and exploding along with the hissing and churning of water? The breath of life that came from the air and sky a shame, it seems that it's once again a thing lost among your people."

"You're saying that besides magicI can bend the elements too?"

A look of horror crossed the Wood Elf's face, "Bend he says?" Another stronger gust of wind blew in between them as if dividing him from the Wood Elf that raised his hand to let the air run through his fingertips. "One cannot ask the fire to bend its head and neither can you ask the wind to blow to the west when it wishes  to go to the eastwhere did you hear of this monstrous thing of bending elements? May the Sylphs blow through your clothes atop your apartment and drop them in the east sea for the Undines."

Han Jing coughed and waved a hand, "I just watched somethingbut about that Spell, Mister Wood Elf, Mister er, Faeran?"

The wind died down in that moment, the Wood Elf staring at him. "You shorten my name?"

Crap. Was this another bad thing? What if he ended up bethroting himself to this guy because of this? Han Jing scratched the back of his head, "Uh was it a wrong thing to do? Friends usually do it here, call each other by nicknames?" 

Most people called him by his full nameonly a few would call him by first name. Heck, it was pretty weird being called 'Han' because he had started the game by nearly inputting his real name, but had shortly gotten used to it after this time.

"I suppose you consider me a friend then?"

Han Jing managed a weak smile, "I guess so?"

"Why do you look so harassed when you say it?!" the Wood Elf complained and tapped his foot on the grass. "What a spiteful little man, I will have sent a parchment with a Spell for you to learn written in simple and comprehensible language. Consider that a debt is paid between us nowit is easy but useful."

"Really? T" Han Jing bit down his tongue. He didn't want to rack up more debts.

"Why stop your gratitude?" the Wood Elf raised a brow. "Is it not a common and prolific thing amongst friends? It is a terrible thing when even Humans forget the benefits and the pride of it is to be considered a friend of one of the Fey."

"Wait, you think of me the same way too?"

"It would be a pitiful thing if this were all one-sided, consider it an honor granted few among your kind."

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