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Chapter 227: To Raise A Stink During Lunch (Han)

Chapter 227: To Raise A Stink During Lunch (Han)

Before one could even know it, their class was finally over and the scent of numerous meals had pulled the weary and worn out Combat and Mixed Curriculum Students to their seats for lunch. And even the battered Han had the same intentions when he joined the eight other Students to the table.

The group was big but it was still incomplete with their friends from the Mages study yet to join themperhaps still preoccupied with making potions and brews.

Han's stomach grumbled however, even when he was pulled to multiple trains of thoughts. Calum received pats on the back from his friends whereas Sir Leon de Harrington and the others were more somber, the huge group still divided into two.

Well, three.

Han had his own agendas separated from the rest of them. The sparkling notification screen in front of him contained words and a button that made him a bit nervous.

[ Would You Like To Send a Message To Mermaid? ]

[ As This Is The First Time It Will Be a Message Request To The Recipient ]

[ Confirm Yes/No ]

What was there to fear? The Demon Lord had sent a message to him before and he hadn't batted an eye over it. This was just a Mermaid, with legs when he met her, but a Mermaid nonetheless. Now that he thought of it, Penny and even Angelika shared the same color of hair to her, but even their looks were pale compared to her. There was a supernatural and ethereal look to the Mermaid, something so real that it made her unrealas if the world around her was saturated in intensity. 

He didn't get much of a chance to appreciate it when a Colossal Wyvern was at your back.

And added along the fact that the Mermaid was accompanied with Elves and a Tiefling. Each of them had that otherworldly sense to them that when all of them were together it had somewhat made it normal Or maybe he wasn't thinking straight.

Regardless as the others waited for the enchanted carts to arrive and serve them food, he constructed a message for the merfolk. Was there any proper way to address her? He hadn't given much thought to either the Wood Elf and the Demon Lord, while he adopted a respectful tone in the Universal Chat.

Would a purely business tone make her shy away?

And yet this was a mercantile endeavor

The silver bell-shaped cloche was placed in front of him, it was placed none other than by Lady Angelika. Or rather it had been passed to her and each one received the same lid-covered meal made especially for them? "Oh thanks?"

"You're welcome," she smiled briefly and nodded. The Lady passed the other meals to the rest of the people on the table, there was no waiter to serve them and so she had taken the responsibility along with a helpful Lu Rei.

In this world, his body still functioned like his body would normally doexcept somehow his body was sturdier here. Perhaps it was the mana in the air or the food that was eaten here, either way his stomach growled and Han decided not to message the Mermaid while having an empty stomach.

"But where are the others?" he asked. Han craned his neck across the room and found no Timothy or cloaked Ellynn. What was taking them too long?

Lady Angelika this time was once again the one who answered, she shrugged despite her armor, "I would think that there might be some kind of task that has taken them quite some time to accomplish. But if you're famished..." her gaze scanned their table. Lu Rei, Russel and Calum were already eating their meals without any chagrin, "There's no problem with it, others like to wait but this is fine."

"Oh, I see thanks." 

Sir Leon de Harrington seemed to be engrossed with a conversation with Diov, and with the man at his side, Donovan listening along. How all three of them had the time to talk was surprising.

Did their own spars do nothing to exhaust them?

Professor Uriel hadn't exactly chewed them out so that must be the reason.

Han lifted the lid and saw the plate of once again some kind of luscious red meat cooked and drizzled with something that looked like honey, a bowl filled with milk laden oats and then some mashed vegetables at the side. He had his own utensils along with a glass of shimmering liquid that he might have assumed it came from glowing spring waters.

Which might actually be a thing if he asked.

Well, this might be even better than Mou Gu or his mother's own cookingmostly because he expected there was something magical to it. Even when he scooped up a hefty serving of oats and tasted the goat's milk, he swallowed it down greedily. And on the off-chance, he wondered what kind of creatures did the Farmers fight to acquire this?

Some kind of Oat Ogre?

Did the one who milked the goat faced as much trouble with him as it did when he fought off Becky's cows? Just some thoughts as he filled up his stomach and satiated himself. And once he was done with it, he found himself ready to make a bargain. A Trade. But in real life, to change his life for the better.

With that much as stake, he kept himself cool and composed the note.

'Greetings to Miss Odele,

I would like to thank you for saving my life and of the others during the Colossal Wyvern's attack, which I probably should have done right at the start. Now that is not the only reason why I'm addressing this message to you. I also wish to form a mutually beneficial relationship between the two of us in real life, the Wood Elf mentioned that you are also on Earth? If there is anything that you wish for me to procure, I would do it in exchange for precious pearls.



and sent. Sent before he could chicken out and overthink over the contents of the letter. It was finished. Han sighed in relief and continued on with his lunch, now finally able to listen in slightly to the ongoing conversation. 

"I was thinking of organizing an event for all of the Students in the Academy. As the representative for all the first years, I'll be raising this to the committee of Studentswhat are your opinions of this, Diov?"

"Something similar to what happens during the Crystal Spring Ball?"

"A little less formal, a more relaxed event."

"Don't we already have something like that?" Donovan muttered, "During the Entrance Ceremony."

"That was to welcome the new students into the Academy, this one is more of a social eventa chance for every year level of Students to gather together and speak in more equal terms."

they were planning a party? Han made a face and gulped down the water, "Ick."

"Pardon?" Sir Leon de Harrington glanced at him.

"Ah, this vegetable thingtoo bitter." Han replied with a sheepish grin, "A party huh? Sounds like fun."

"A gathering for everyone too?" Teresa spoke up. Perhaps the only talkative one in Diov's group besides Russel. The young woman raised a brow, "It does indeed sound enjoyable but when will it happen? In between Ranking Tests and studying I'm usually all ears for this, but it might be a little distracting?"

"She's only worried because she won't get a chance to talk with boys and pass her studies." Russel chimed in, "If there's a lot of food and exciting activities for us to do"

"The way you say that doesn't sound pleasant."


"Those romance novels aren't doing yourself any favor," she snorted at him.

The two Students broke off from the conversation and argued with one another. Han could almost feel the bead of sweat rolling down from the forehead of the others in the table, but the two Nobles resumed their conversation. Sir Leon de Harrington already seemed decided with the decision but was only informing the others.

Seeking for approval maybe?

Compared to them, Lady Angelika seemed also caught up in her own reverie. It seemed like the missing presence of her siblings had begun to take a toll on her mind, but finally the door swung open and a nauseous fume erupted like rotten eggs.

The culprits were obvious.

A batch of future accomplished Mages walked and received the stares of the Students, and the group splintered off into smaller ones. Three of the Students walked up to their table, namely Timothy and the two Primrose siblings. "There's been a little mishap during our potions classthe scent will wear off on its own," Penelope informed and plopped down on her seat beside Angelika, followed by her own brother.

Before Han could even say a word, Timothy shut him a glare that clearly told him to keep his mouth shut. Han decided to do as the man said lest he received a mini fireball in the face, but he tolerated the younger man slipping in between him and Donovan.

Donovan pinched the bridge of his nose, "All of you smell."

"Haven't you heard what I said?" Penelope blustered. Her face was a delicate shade of red, completely discomforted by the comment. Especially even her own sister inched away from her and moved closer to Lu Rei.

Sir Leon de Harrington managed a pained smile, "An unfortunate event, really. It seems like your Professor Wizard Lavelda hasn't been able to mitigate it?"

"It's that Half Elf's fault."

Han frowned at that remark, glancing at the dining hall for the girl. "You said it was a mishap, I doubt she meant to do this."

But where exactly was she?

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