Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 211: Breakfast at Kraelonia Academy ( Lu Rei & Ellynn ) ( Optional? )

Chapter 211: Breakfast at Kraelonia Academy ( Lu Rei & Ellynn ) ( Optional? )

The dining hall of Kraelonia Academy was filled to the brim with Students from various walks of life. There were young men and women who came from rich families that covered their tuition fees. Others a little older than average that saved up every copper coin they had to make it here.

But if there was one thing that they all shared together, it was eating breakfast.

Everyone was doing it.

If one were to seek a Treasurer or an Accountant to give a breakdown of expenses of the learning institution: a good chunk of it belonged to meals. A nutritious diet was vital when studying and especially when engaging in more physical classes.

But that was but one of the aspects in one's academic life at Kraelonia. Eating and studying was all good, and yet it was also expected that one becomes able to work in teams and partnerships. Cultivating bonds and relationships were of more importance. It was vital for future Adventurers and other chosen roles that required collaboration.

No man was an island.

"Do you think we should invite her?" Lu Rei asked her friends. She gave a furtive glance towards one of the Students in the hall, it was the Half Elf.

Ellynn sat alone at one of the tables in the corners near the walls. She was eating breakfast all by herself.

Teresa sliced her venison and raised a brow, "Am I hearing you correctly? Why would you want her at our table, she's a Mage."

"She was at the table with us last night," Russel said with a shrug. He continued to eat his own meal of eggs and loaves of bread.

"That was because that Han insisted on bringing her there." Teresa wagged her fork at the man's face, "And that only happened because Sir Harrington said yes."

Lu Rei frowned, "I really don't understand why you guys are so?"

"So what?"

"Nevermind" Glancing one last time behind her, Lu Rei tried to ignore the lurch in her stomach. She didn't think that Teresa wanted to avoid Ellynn because of her chosen studies. It was more likely because of her Race even if the woman claimed otherwise.

It was a little ridiculous, the experience was different in her home. The Lamias and Lizardfolks there had been friendly to Humans and other Races that lived in their communities.

But here?

In the Yegarian Kingdom, it couldn't be further from the truth. There were some other Races here and there but even then the stigma hung in the air. It clouded nearly everybody's perception. It was plain terrible even after the war had already elapsed years ago. 

It wasn't easy to forgetthere was no doubt about it. But this was simply continuing the cycle of hate.

"We could invite her."

Lu Rei looked up in disbelief, staring at the man who had placed his gauntlets on the side of his table. It was Diov Brande. Well, he had always been just Diov to the rest of them. He had always been part of the group, and he used to be more cheery, but now there was some distance between him and them.

He had never bothered to say that he was a Noble.

It shouldn't have mattered that muchand from the way he acted, he wanted things to remain as they were.

But it changed things.

"O-oh" Teresa trailed off. 

Her friend who was more than happy to share her opinions with anyone was now hesitant to contradict him. 

Teresa scratched her cheek, "I think we should get everyone's opinions first." She leaned over to the man at the other end of the table, "What do you think, Calum?"

Calum paused at the gazes that everyone gave himthe thick orange goop in his spoon began to drop right back into his bowl. He blinked for a moment, "Huh?"

"He's obviously fine with it." Russel rolled his eyes, "Nobody's on your side, Teresa."

The woman huffed, "Well, if she wanted to sit with us then she would have approached us already. I don't remember her speaking up at all last nightshe was probably forced as much as we were."

"I mean I could ask her now." Lu Rei stood up from her seat and managed a smile, "Let's see what she'll say." 

"...too late," Diov glanced behind her. "Someone beat you to it," A frown curled on his lips and his gaze scanned around the room. 



Ellynn raised her head and met his gaze. Green eyes stared back at her and she parted her lips in surprise, someone's name on her tongue. "Han" 

But it wasn't him.

This was a man with brown hair and green eyes. And compared to Han's simple shirt paired with trousersthis one was wearing pristine white robes. "I'm not sure if you remember, but I'm Roux Arcois and we were at the same table last night during the game before you left." He had a friendly smile on his face, "My teammates are still asleep, can I sit with you until then?"

She blinked and tugged her cloak over her head, frowning slightly. Ellynn didn't like the smile on his face, but it had been the same thing as with Han before. This much friendliness wasn't exactly something she got used to.

"Can you speak?" He tilted his head at her.

His tone didn't seem pushy.

She nodded slowly, "Yes, but it's better if you sit somewhere"

"Ellynn! I was just looking for you!" 

Someone else approached her table, the ginger-haired man had a tray in his hands and he also had a grin on his face. Theodore glanced briefly at Roux and then back at her, "Am I interrupting something?"

She didn't know if she should be relieved at his appearance. But Theodore's arrival was suspicious as well, was he looking for a chance to get her cloak again?

And yet before she could say anything, someone spoke up immediately. "You seem a bit familiar...we've met before haven't we?" Roux Arcois blinked,

"Miss Xanthe had her harp enchanted by Professor Alsmith. I was one of the Students observing back then in the workshop." 

"Oh, I can recall thatbut ah, I didn't know that you and Ellynn here were friends."

"She saved my life before." Theodore sheepishly grinned.

Roux's eyes widened, "Is that so? How?"

"You've been to the Hidden Library before, haven't you?" Theodore scratched his cheek, "It's actually a long story."

"Well, I happen to have a lot of time to hear about itfinishing our mission gave us a lot of free time. You could almost say we're simply waiting to graduate."

"That's great." Theodore smiled at him. "My current Professor is quite relaxed and just gives us projects to work on and assignments to study... but it's quite difficult without much supervision."

Roux laughed, "Is that so? I think most of the Professors here prefer we learn it ourselves, it really can't be helped. Although there are those who are dedicated to teaching. Everyone has the Professor Class but not all are interested in leveling it up." 

Ellynn continued with her breakfast and did her best to remain silent. Somehow, the two had come interested in sitting with her or some other agenda but now it changed. They were the ones talking with each other and enjoying one another's companythey could have done this elsewhere.

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