Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 187: The Conversation in the Mage's Guild [ Timothy and Gesth ]

Chapter 187: The Conversation in the Mage's Guild [ Timothy and Gesth ]

The Mage's Guild was the hub for all practitioners of magicespecially those interested in keeping up with the latest news in regards to magic and its developments. That was to say, only birds of the same feather flock together. The Mage's neighbor next door wasn't going to be interested in the recent spell matrix found in an ancient tomb unless that Spell was something that they could use and even more so, afford to have someone use.

Not everyone was capable of paying Mages for their often expensive servicesand even then, who had the need to make a [ Water Spike ] when you were a Baker looking for a solution to prevent rats in their shop?

And so, Mages were also forced to do other services, some that may have been 'menial'.

Teaching in Kraelonia Academy was probably an option that was prestigious if not successful, but the sending of messages through the [ Message ] Spell happened to be one of their most lucrative, well, most paying services of recent times. Lucrative in that, people at least kept up with one another despite the distance.

But it so happened that there were two people currently conversing with one another face-to-face and as far as any snoopy Mage could hear and seeit wasn't going too well. And yes, some Mages were also information brokers.

"...that's really vague, old man." Timothy frowned. "And what do you even need them for?" He really wasn't liking how their conversation was going on.

The older man scratched the back of his head. "I'm interested in them."

Timothy shirked away and wrinkled his nose. Was this old man some kind of pervert that preyed on young men? He glanced around the room for an escape route

"No, it's not in that way." The older man sighed and rubbed his face. "Young men these days really. There's something about that boy that's special from the moment that I saw him, and there's an important matter I'd like to discuss with him in the near future."

Good things always happened with Han. Somehow it really just solidified Timothy's assumption that Han had the Hero Class. There was something like [ Uncanny Luck ] and [ Blessed by Gods ] Skill often bestowed by them, and he could guess it was something like that. Still, he really couldn't just believe strangers outright. "How do I know that you don't have evil intentions?"

"My name is Gesth Carter and we can have someone cast a [ Truth Detection ] Spell if you're that too suspicious of me."

"Alright." Timothy nodded.

The old man sighed and muttered something underneath his breath before he called for one of the Mages to join them. Unlike Professor Lavelda and Professor Carnus, this Mage was wearing comfortable trousers and a shirt as they greeted the two. "Good evening, we're about to close soon so if you could make this quick?"

"I'm already paying for your time."

"Ahaha, yes, sir." The Mage waved a hand and chuckled, "My apologies."

If there was anything already suspicious about this person, it was the mere fact that he was already spending what was probably enough silver or even gold for the off-chance of seeking for their mystery boy. Couldn't this old geezer approach someone else?

A silence formed in between the three of them.

"Ah, were you expecting me to say something first?" Gesth sighed and scratched his beard. "Alright, I am here seeking a young man with dark hair and green eyeshe is supposedly a Student in Kraelonia Academy. And I assure you that I have no bad intentions in wanting to meet up with him."

Timothy jerked his head to the Mage, and in an attitude, he didn't know he had to strangershe said. "Does it come out as the truth, Mage?" Maybe he should have been more polite but he was running out of time already with this situation and he needed to get back.


He still hadn't gotten her food

"checks out."

"Are you satisfied, boy?"

Timothy blinked and turned to the Mage again, "Everything checks out with what this old man said?"

"Every word."

He clicked his tongue and turned back to the older man, "It's quite vague."

"I'm not allowed to say anything for privacy reasons."

"False." The Mage shrugged and soon received a glare from the older man. He coughed and waved a hand, "The first portion sticks out the most, the 'not allowed' doesn't seem right to my Spell."

"Not very reliable then." Timothy crossed his arms over his torso, he somehow managed to do it while carrying the things he bought in his hand. He looked at the older man from head to toe and managed a smirk, "Seems like you just don't want to say it. And I see no reason to trust a person who can't tell me the entire truth."

"Silence Circle please." The old man rubbed his face.

The Mage's eyes widened and raised a finger, "That would be an additional cost"

"I'll pay for it, so cast it already." The old man took out a pouch and dug out a smaller purse string and placed it in the Mage's hand. "I believe that is enough, even for you. Although is there no other higher-leveled Mage who can perform it?"

The Mage peeked at the small purse string and made it disappear, "For you, Sir, we have a private room where the two of you can discuss this with complete privacyit was cast by a Level 35 Enchanter. Very reliable."

"Alright then."




Perhaps Gesth had already gone farther than he should have. The younger man in front of him was giving him a narrowed eye look. They stayed close to the door, looking ready to bolt at a moment's notice. It was obvious that the man didn't trust him, and he could only understand it.

He could still break the boy's wrist before they even considered it.

Still, he could have gained information elsewhere. There really was an option to approach the Kraelonia Academy himself and perhaps make contact with the HeadmasterBut there was also something about this boy's attitude that made him want to see how long he could keep them around. At least realistically speaking. Perhaps it was the rubbish thing that they called affinity. Maybe it was just the fact that the young man in front of him was willing to debate over meat at some random shop for a small reason.

It reminded him of someone familiar.

"Alright, Mister Carter will you be explaining what are the reasons behind you seeking for this boy?" The young man crossed his arms and raised his head to meet them eye-to-eye.

Gesth didn't think they would remember his name or even call him something else beyond old man. But the man sighed inwardly, he wasn't too sure of what his former employee's response was, but he made it clear that they should come here regardless.

It was the least that they could do.

Even just remembering them made him annoyed, Gesth looked at the young man. "I have the reason to believe that this young man is what my prior employee was looking for." It wasn't the exact truth but there was no truth-detecting Spell now so this much was fine.

"...and they're not looking to cause trouble for this person?"

Gesth's jaw tightened. If they decided to do something like that "I doubt it. The reason for them needing to see this young man is perhaps, family related."


Were they surprised about what he said or for another reason? The young man muttered something underneath his breath.

But the Bodyguard caught it.

"He's an orphan."

"An orphan you say?" Gesth raised a brow. And it matched with the profile of the young man that he and Liam encountered on the street. Who would have guessed that his luck would be high today for him to find someone who actually knew the boy he was looking for?

The young man was quick to glare at them, "I didn't say a thing."

"Regardless of whether or not you said anythingwhat I told you is the truth. I'm looking for them because of a family-related matter and I hope that you can cooperate with me." Gesth checked his bag of holding once again, "I do not mind paying you for such a service."

He scoffed. "Do you really think that I'd accept being paid for this?"

"Everybody has their price." Gesth checked his purse strings and grimaced. He ended up spending much more than he expected to do so, but he was already at the age where he could spend with much liberal and leniency. It was only himself that he had been taking care of for the past years. This much was fine. "I can approach other people for this, you know? And you do not seem well off, boy. You should accept this offer while you can."

The young man clicked their tongue, "...Fine. I'll help you, as long as you don't approach anybody else."

He chuckled, "Afraid that I'll contact someone else?"

"...Yes, something like that. I'll do the best that I can to help you find this boy."

"You already know him."

Their silence was an answer in and of itself. Although the young man didn't avert his eyes and simply stared back, challenging even. Gesth took out some coins and gave them to the boy, "Consider this as an initial feeI'll be back as soon as I can and I will look for you. What's your name, boy?"


He raised a brow and chuckled. "A full name would be better when I ask for you in the Academy." This young man's inability to trust a person, even after they got paid was amusing. It meant to him that the young man at least had a good head over his shoulders.

The young man pocketed the coins and frowned, "I'm Timothy Cook and I study in the Mage Curriculum."

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