Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 160: In The City of Gloria and the Kraelonia Academy...

Chapter 160: In The City of Gloria and the Kraelonia Academy...

The hubbub of the City of Gloria started as early as dawn. It was the time where many travellers took advantage of the chance to reach a good distance, and it was without the heat of the sun beating down on their backs. Although that didn't apply to everyone. The inhabitants of the City all had different schedules, restaurants and inns were one of the earliest to rise along with the market. 

Guardsmen had shifting schedules to ensure that the city was well-protected.

Although they were still running a bit low on men.

And so it was in the dawn where a certain Diplomat was racking up levels as they entertained the travellers arriving in the city. Not that they were actually recognized as a Diplomat, but the man was starting to see how useful and neat it was. Others were less early in waking up, each one having their own schedulea certain Magic Shop opened up whenever the owner actually woke up. A Councilman woke up a little after the sun had risen and was greeted by his wife and in time to see his daughter off.

Some people didn't even get the chance to even sleep.

Or they had their own businesses that kept them up late at night. The good folks woke up in the morning while the no, one didn't have to judge a certain Thief as a 'bad' folk just because they worked at night. It wasn't fair. Besides, there was news of an even scarier trio around the city. Their excuse was 'touring' but they beat up Gangs and Crooks whenever they met one.

It even gave some trouble to part-time crooks like Doug.

Age was not an exemption.

And yet those were only background events. The City of Gloria was known more as the City of Adventurers, but in a way, that also needed much clarification. Councilman Barth had already explained to the Bodyguards before that it was where most young men and women gathered to begin their track on becoming an Adventurer. As for Actual Adventurers? Well, they were most often in dangerous places. From Dungeons, to dangerous forests hunting Goblins, and even trying to cross the Endless Passes and venture forth into new lands and destinations

Needless to say, the City of Gloria was more well-known for Kraelonia Academy and it was finally time to focus on a certain someone who had just woken up. Once again, Han woke up and it was exactly his third day of stay in Kraelonia Academy. It was amazing when one thought of his upbringing and situationhow exactly had he gotten here? How could an orphan from a backwater village actually imagine being a student to the prestigious institution? 

And it wasn't even him alone. It felt like...

"Fudwhat happened last night?" Han rubbed his forehead and shook his head. A stream of memory and consciousness filled the young man as he recalled what had happened yesterday and the earlier hours. "Did I actually do those?" Han had hit a wall while trying to get back to Dewrowan Tower? What kind of Soul Waves did he even leave behind? 

And yet that wasn't half of it.

Secret libraries. Fighting pseudo-Spectres. Getting back into his room.

The man sighed inwardly and pulled himself up from the bed. He checked the time and found himself waking up a little earlier than usual "I can probably still grab breakfast." He muttered to himself. It was another day to him and he prepared for it, although, he wasn't as enthusiastic as he thought he would be.

Somehow the problems from his own world chased him even now.

And his main reason for being here was not thinking about it. One world already had enough problems. Having both on his shoulders was just too much. He didn't feel like he was progressing as much as he thought he would be. "I haven't actually been" Han Jing didn't want to check the Inventory. He had cleared out not only the Enchanted Toolstick but he wasted a dagger? And he still hadn't even bought himself a Spellbook.

"Quit it. Complaining won't do you anything." Han murmured to himself. He would take it from day to day. "These are just minor setbacks, and I saved my friend's lifeshouldn't that amount to something?" The Wood Elf still hadn't gotten back to him either, so it was time for him to go into Student-mode. 

He went out of his room and found it odd that Timothy wasn't still outside.

Han moved to the man's room and knocked, "Hey, Tim? Are you still there? Or did you leave me already" The door swung open and shut quickly as the dark haired man slipped outside of the room.

Timothy gave him a bleary-eyed look, it seemed like the guy had woken up and just walked out to meet him. Were they wearing the same clothes as yesterday? The man was carrying his bag and opened it, "I wouldn't leave you behind, idiot, here." The man took something out from his bag and tossed it to him.

"It's a book." Han caught it in his hands and read the title, "Fighter Combat Basic Guides." He raised a brow and then looked at Timothy, "I thought you didn't get the books from you know where?" There were still some Students coming in and out of the dormitory, and so he tried to keep it vague. Honestly, with how the thing spiraled out in the library, Han also kept his eye out for the Mage and the Enchanter.

"These are different obviously." Timothy had another book open in his left hand, "We came here half-way the semester so we have a lot of catching up to do, theory and practice."

The situation was essentially cramming, but in a magical school. Han tucked the Combat Book underneath his arm, for him, it wasn't Physical Combat he was having trouble with. "...I can already imagine Professor Howard kicking us out of class, you know?" That was the thing he was dreading. 

"Because we can't even cast a single Elemental spell." Timothy frowned.

His companion didn't get it did he?

"It doesn't help that we kind of sucker, we're still complete beginners." To be more specific, it was Han who sucked while Timothy seemed to be blessed with godly mana affinity or something. And it was Han Jing who had some kind of cheat from the Creators. And yet the two of them were still in this bad position."We came here to learn, so it doesn't make sensewell, we are behind but it's not fair that we're thrown out of class."

Han continued his rant, "The least that he could do is give a few pointers? We're paying money to get taught, well, others are." It was hard to forget how universities functioned in Han Jing's worldthe Battle Mage would already have been reprimanded if they tried kicking out Students and refusing to teach them. "But I doubt he's going to do that, so did you get a book on Spells?"

"I've gotten the Hundred Evocation Spellsbut if you can't form mana properly, you'll just end up blowing the entire Spell in your face." Timothy shook his bag.

Han didn't expect that his companion would bluntly say that. But then again, it was Timothy he was interacting with. Han coughed for a moment and waved a hand, "I'm doing much better, I'm a fast learner so how about we practice?"

"I guess it's natural for a Hero like you to learn better huh?"

He coughed and eyed his companion, "You're still going to call me that? I don't have that Class, I swear." Han eyed the other Students passing by and hoped that they didn't take his friend seriously. Who was even the type to announce that they werehe remembered Old Man Joe and forgot about it. "Let's just get through today and do our best to catch up."

"If we didn't, we're going to get kicked out. You really don't have to remind me." 

"Right." Han was ready to start the day and push through it. 

.. .

Introduction to Magical Theory

[ Obtained Introduction To Magical Theory - Lv 2 ]

[ Obtained Introduction To Magical Theory - Lvl 3 ]

[ Your Learning Rate Is Hastened By 'Textbook Material' ]

[ Evaluation: Study More To Become A Mage ]

...It was weird since Han was just holding the book open in front of him. It was Timothy who was actually listening to Professor Pierce and flipping the pages, but he was obtaining some knowledge too. 

Basic Combat Spells

"Stay out of my class if the two of you don't even know how to do a [ Mana Shield ]." The Battle Mage eyed them and didn't even bother hiding the look of scorn.

"We weren't there when you taught it?"

"Don't give me excuses. Stay out."

Before the two of them could get kicked out by some Wind Spells or have an [ Ice Spear ] shoved down their asses, Han and Timothy left the courtyard and were back in the hallways of the Academy. This was the third time they were rejected by the Professor to even sit and actually listen and it was doing a tank on their rankings no doubt. 

[ Failed To Obtain Basic Combat Spell - Lvl 1 ]

[ Learning Rate Is Staggered Immensely ]

[ Evaluation: Extremely pitiful learner ]

Han dismissed the notifications and turned to Timothy. "Let's just study on our own." Once they actually manage to do their own Spells, well, he'd like to actually prove it to the man that they didn't need him in the first place. 

Timothy quirked a brow at him, "You should show me if you can actually use mana though."

It kind of hurt when even the guy who saw him save their village didn't think he could do magic.

"Just watch me! I'm going to be a Wizard!"

"...you should have taken the Mage Curriculum if that had been your plan all along."

"I'm already Multiclassing, mind you."

"But did you get the Mage Class yet?"

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