Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 805 Defeated in Their Game

There was a small village in a snowy area in mainland northern Europe. For a glance, there was nothing out of the ordinary about that village with a majority of hunters. However, an irregularity could be noticed upon closer inspection.

The nature spirits shared their knowledge based on their tracking.

‘All right, thank you, good spirits. Now, please hide around me. Yes, that is the place. There are four deities and their underlings. The villagers aren’t human either, and a massive trap formation covers the entire village area.’ Lifa announced the results of her inspection to everyone via telepathy.

‘We are at a safe distance and in disguise above the night clouds. Let’s consider they haven’t noticed our presence. What is our plan to ambush them? That large-scale trap formation is dangerous, right?’ Nell scratched her head. She could detect the trap formation in question but couldn’t estimate its effect.

‘There is always a core for every formation. I can manipulate the formation’s rule and rewrite the effect to not hurt us. Bring this, and everything will be fine regardless of the trap formation’s effect.’ Lifa distributed a small leaf to everyone.

‘Are you sure you can do it for the results you expect? I had a bad feeling about the formation. Perhaps, it can seal our power or something more terrifying.’ Xero twirled the little leaf with a bit of hesitation.

‘You are an authoritative proud Heretic God. Since when did you become easily indecisive and doubtful? I just need one chance, and it won’t let anyone down.’ Lifa gave an ok hand gesture.

‘I believe in my capability, but not in your current situation. I don’t know how far you’ve recovered. I will reconsider my decision if it is your past glory because you are very dangerous.’ Xero frowned. He felt insecure if he acted in a large group from time immemorial until now.

‘Oh my, am I that scary? Is it just your feeling? I’m so generous, gentle, compassionate, and helpful. Don’t you think so?’ Lifa covered her mouth and glanced at the others for testimonials.

‘Well, I don’t know you very well, but somehow, you are quite familiar with Ely. So, you are good.’ Ai tilted her head.

‘My apologies. I cannot comment due to lack of information.’ Yuuki bowed slightly. She couldn’t give an opinion when she didn’t know anything.

‘…’ Lynn only gave a silent apology.

‘No way, right… We’ve spent about two to three weeks together, and you still treated me as a stranger? I feel sad…’ Lifa wiped her nonexistent tears.

‘Well, you are a great figure, but most of your time is spent with Ely, Aria, Lena, and me. You should spend more time with the others. Anyway, we’ll go with your plan. You’ll sabotage that trap formation, then we’ll ambush them in one fell swoop.’ Nell brokered the decision.

‘Good, give me one minute. We will punish the bad guys and teach them a lesson.’ Lifa raised her index finger.

After that, she flew down near the trap village in perfect disguise. It was as if she became one with nature, and no one could detect her arrival.

The four deities were still relaxed in their secret dungeon when the dangerous trap formation was sabotaged by Lifa. They held a small banquet with various luxurious alcoholic drinks while waiting for the prey to arrive.

“Hehe, they’ll probably come in a day or two, considering they aggressively eliminated all the participants yesterday.”

“Ah, I feel sorry for my little lambs because they won’t be able to put up any meaningful resistance to those executioners. They will be slaughtered so easily.”

“Hey, what do you think, what fate awaits the deities they managed to defeat? Did they slaughter the losers?”

“That could happen. The aura of those losers disappeared from this world completely after they were defeated. They came up with the name executioner for a reason. Since they are ruthless and vile, we need to eradicate them for our greater goal. Keke…”

The four deities chatted while enjoying their vodka like a reunion of old friends.


A minor earthquake occurred, indicating that something had happened up there.

“Hou, the executioners came sooner than I thought. However, this land will become a graveyard for them. They will pay for ruining the God Game. Our God killer trap formation will punish them!” One of the deities put his plain white mask on his face and stood up.

“Well, they might get slaughtered because of our trap formation and that horde of demon assaults. Ahh, I want to watch them get tortured to death.” The deity took out his mainstay weapon and put his knight helmet on.

“…” The other two deities only responded with silent approval. They also prepared to watch the so-called executioner beaten in their ultimate trap.

When they arrived at ground level, there was no chaos. Everything was still so eerily quiet.

“What’s going on?” The white-masked deity asked in wonder.

“Oh, you’ve finally come out of your underground hideout. We’ve cleared those weak demons. You don’t have to thank us.” Xero jumped down from the top of the tree and landed a few meters away from the four deities.

“The trap they set up was frightening, but it can become friendly after being tamed. It is now about to pay homage to the formation’s owners like the good dogs. Hehe~” Ai emerged from the shadows and chuckled like a psychopath.

“This can’t be justified. They intend to kill us without the slightest bit of mercy. What kind of punishment do we need to give before judgment day for them arrives, hmm?” Yuuki spoke with a cold glare from the top of the tree. Her extreme ice cold ability took effect out of reflex.

“Nee, their trap formation makes them unable to use their magic. How about we beat them so badly that no one can recognize them anymore before imprisoning them?” Nell gave a rather wicked suggestion enthusiastically.

“That’s what they say blow off some steam, right?” Lynn folded her arms and shook her head slightly.

“Hmm.” Gio just nodded his head.

“Grr!” Cherub came out of the nearby hut, dragging a dead demonic beast. He was just a tiny dragon, but his mouth suddenly enlarged and swallowed that large beast in one go.

“What, what in the world-” The armored knight deity widened his eyes when he saw that little black dragon.

“My power! Why can’t I use my magic and divine power!?” The white-masked deity looked at his hands as if he couldn’t believe his trump card had betrayed him.

“That’s shocking. You’ve sabotaged our trap formation, and now we’re surrounded without being able to use our power.”

“Apparently, our plan has been leaked. However, did you think it would be that simple?”

The two identical twin Gods responded to their situation with calmness.

“Why don’t you give it a try and let your plan prove their devotion to their owners?” Ai folded her arms.

“Heh, let’s see what you can do with that confidence.” Xero pulled out his spear of divine darkness from his chest. He instantly slashed horizontally at the group of deities.

“!?” The four deities dodged just in time before the slash grazed them.

“Activate!” The twin Gods have a golden talisman on their fingers and activate their advanced traps.


The energy fluctuation occurred, and the advanced trap formation instantly took effect. The surrounding air seemed to turn yellow-black, and a destructive gravitational force gradually emerged.

“Heh. So we will use our trump card at the first encounter, huh? If so, then it’s the end.” The white masked deity smirked behind his mask. Even though there were unexpected events, these black executioners still wouldn’t be able to win against them.

“Yeah, but not for us.” Xero used the blunt side of his spear and smashed it into that white masked deity’s head.

“Hmm-mm~ Let’s finish this quickly so we can return sooner” Ai made a claw hand gesture and created hundreds of sharp shadow threads. She controlled them to attack all four deities at once.

“!?” The four deities immediately dodged, relying solely on their godly physical strength. However, the gravitational force and stifling aura soon assaulted them due to the harmful effects of their own formation.

“How is this possible!?”

“This is impossible. Only we can control this advanced formation!”

The twin Gods stared at their golden talisman in disbelief. The situation was already unfavorable since the battle hadn’t even started. They had been defeated for a reason they had not previously thought of. Perhaps, their opponent had a lot of support from unforeseen factors, and it would be fatal if they stayed there any longer.

Therefore, the twin Gods immediately fled from the vicinity with all their might.

“You won’t be able to escape.” Yuuki immediately gave chase to Lynn and Gio.

“Ara, why are you in such a hurry to leave when you are so looking forward to our visit? The festive welcome you prepared was thoughtful, and we really appreciate it. How about we sit down and have a cup of tea?” Lifa landed from the sky and blocked the escape path.

“So, it’s you!” One of the twin Gods exclaimed as if he realized something. His body was getting heavier because of their ultimate trap formation. Still, he tried his best to keep moving and take another escape route with his brother.

*Clang* *Clang*

Yuuki’s arrows and Lynn’s throwing knives bounce off when they hit their target’s body.

“They still have their godly physique. We need more powerful attacks.” Lifa adjusted her shadow mask and shot off like lightning. She suddenly appeared right behind the twin Gods.


Lifa managed to knock one out with a jolt of supergravity, but the other one avoided her ambush just in time.

‘Gio!’ Lifa called out and immediately chased the other one.

“Hmm!” Gio jumped high and landed on the man lying on the ground.

“Ghak!” The poor deity’s godly defense cracked and collapsed instantly. He then received a barrage of punches from the dragon-like man.

“Brother! Argh, you leave me with no other choice! I shall summon the wrath of the deepest abyss to the world. Come at my call, the-” The deity on the run decided to deploy his final ace card here and now. Unfortunately, it didn’t go according to his wish.

“Dispel, crush!” Lifa drew a rune in the air and threw it at the giant golden magic circle on the ground. She kicked her opponent and shackled him to the ground with Elena’s signature cocoon binding technique.

“Hmm, hgh, mm!” The deity inside the cocoon squirmed and rebelled.

But, the cocoon slowly began to lose power gradually as Lifa absorbed her opponent’s magic energy through the invisible roots in the cocoon.

“Phew.” Lifa wiped her nonexistent sweat. She looked at Nell, Ai, and Xero in the distance and smiled behind her shadow mask.

This hunt would be much easier with a larger group and a well-thought-out plan. Otherwise, it might be a difficult battle. These four powerful evil deities were defeated in their own game.

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