Purple Romance

Chapter 51: 51 A psychopathic boss VS Photocopier room girl 1

Chapter 51: 51 A psychopathic boss VS Photocopier room girl 1

Maria stood in front of the company building. It was a Monday and she had gone there very early. In fact, she was earlier than the females that worked at the reception. Maria clutched her bag as she stood at the entrance ready to go inside. She was determined to work her way up to the top. Let that masochist boss know that she wasn't an ordinary 30-year-old woman.

Maria waited at the reception until it was 9:00AM and saw that most of the people that worked for the three companies in the building were now arriving. She soon saw Paul entering the building and rushed to him. Her appearance startled Paula and he moved back the moment he saw her.

'Good morning'. Maria smiled and looked at Paul.

'Miss Lee?' Paul looked at his wrist watch and asked 'when did you get here?'

'A few minutes ago'. Maria lied.

'I see, well come with me. I will show you to your office'. Paul said and walked towards the elevator and Maria followed behind closely. Paul pressed the elevator and waited for it.

'Is your boss not in yet?' Maria asked and Paul turned to look at her. The elevator dinged and opened and he swallowed his words and entered inside. He frowned at Maria and she immediately followed suit.


'Here will be your office for the main time'. Paula opened the door to a room and Maria looked inside and noticed it was a place where they kept photocopiers and scanners inside but there was a table and chair situated at a corner of the room. Maria frowned and looked at Paul.

'Is this really my office?'. Maria asked.

'Yes'. Paula answered calmly. Maria scratched her head and pointed at the items in the room saying.

'This is the photocopier room. You do all your photocopying inside here?'.

'Yes, please'.

'And it is now my office?'

'Yes. You will be in charge of doing all the photocopying that will be needed by the CEO. This is the CEO's floor and there are a lot of paperwork so your services are greatly needed here. The CEO said that'.

Maria looked at Paul as if he had grown a second head before nodding and chuckled, she lowered her voice cursing 'psychopath'.

'Did you just cuss?' Paul heard her and asked and Maria shook her head.

'Off coursenot. that been said. When will I meet the CEO?' Maria asked.

'Only important people meet the CEOThose were his words. He only meets each department once a week that is on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Other days, he is busy handling other stuff'.

'I see, so which department do I belong to?' Maria asked anticipatorily.

'Youdon't have a department'. Paula said.

'Huh? Maria looked at him. What kind of situation was this? What did he mean by she didn't have a department?

'All your work will be handed to you through me and off course, you will only report to me on everything you do'.

'So, in short, I have no department and I just work as an errand girl and now a photocopier girl for the whole CEO's floor? And I also have to report to you? You are my direct supervisor, right?'

'You have such a good memory, Miss Lee'.

'Then, I won't ever get to meet the CEO?'

'NO! Unless it regards an emergency or something I can't handle then you will see him but I doubt that will ever happen'.

Right. Then, can I ask you something? Does your CEO know me or is just my gut feeling?' Maria asked and looked at him.

'Miss Lee has a sharp memory and also has a wild imagination' Paula said.

'Right. He doesn't know me. I just have a feeling that he was doing all this intentionally but if he doesn't know me then he has no reason to bully me, right? Is just my thoughts running wild, right?'

'I will leave you to get acquainted with the machines. When the CEO arrives, you might need to get him his breakfast. I will let you know in advance'.

Paul said and turned to go and Maria called him.

'Assistant Paul, right? I do have a good memory but I hold grudges too'. Maria said and looked at him warningly.

Paul smiled and nodded before closing the door. Why did he feel like she was just like his boss? Did they learn how to threaten people together in the past?


Ad-Din watched Maria's every action from the camera he placed in the room and laughed satisfactorily. Paul knocked on the door and entered holding some documents.

'Sir, I did as you requested'

'You can leave them on the table and go'. Ad-Din said and focused his attention back on the screen in front of him.

Are you a pervert? Paul really wanted to ask his boss that question. How could he place a camera in the office just to watch over that woman's work? He really wanted to find out what happened between them 8 years ago.

'Boss, Miss Lee asked if there is work for her to do today?' Paula asked and Ad-Din frowned and looked at him seemingly annoyed.

'Work? She just came and wants to work? How diligent? Well, there is nothing for her to do today. As I said. She should just sit and do nothing and wait for the month to end and she will collect her pay'.

'Are you running a charity?' Paul wanted to ask him that too but kept quiet.

'Why? Do you feel that I am been childish or petty?'.

If you are not petty then what are you? Paula again suppressed the urge to ask him.

'What I'm doing is nothing compared to what that woman did to me 8 years ago'. Ad-Din said.

8 years ago again. What exactly happened between the two of them? Was his boss dumped by that woman? Is that why he is acting this way towards her?

'You can leave'. Ad-Din said bringing Paul back to his senses. Paul nodded his head and went out.

'Miss Lee, how dare you appear in front of me so many times and rob it into my face? Do I need to be reminded of your new found happiness? And that girl, why is she so clingy and protective towards her mother? Am I going to eat her?'

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