Purple Romance

Chapter 318: Leave Andy

Chapter 318: Leave Andy

''This man is he taking advantage of me right now?'' Paula frowned and was about to wake him up when her eyes met with his and she tensed up.

''What if I am taking advantage of you?'' Andy said and shifted his face closer to her.

''You'' Paula didn't get to complete her sentence before her lips were captured. She moaned at the sudden intrusion and Andy moved closer, deepening the kiss. He pulled himself on top of her and placed his palm around her head so that she wouldn't hit it against the head post.

Paula blushed and responded to his kisses, kissing him back passionately. She wrapped her arms around his body, pulling him closer to her body.

After an intense morning kiss, they both stopped to catch their breaths as their breathing became hazy. Andy looked at her with a loving gaze as he said to her, ''that was payback for torturing me last night, you little vixen''

Paula blushed and asked, 'did I keep you such a hard time?''

''Oh, you got me totally wiled up. I didn't think I could survive''

''But, you did''

''That's because I slept next to you''

''Then, I will pay you back with this'' Paula captured his lips, surprising him. she chuckled and bit his lips saying, ''why do you look so surprised?''

Andy shook her head and pinned her down saying, ''you won't leave this bed until I am fully satisfied'' he took over and started kissing her again but it wasn't for long until Paula's phone started ringing on the side.

''Andy'' Paula tried to stop him but he kept kissing her until the constant ringing put him off. he reluctantly let go and frowned.

Paula stretched her hand and picked the phone and looked at the caller ID. She sighed before answering it putting it far from her ears as if she had anticipated the scream that came next.

''Hey, you wretch, after pissing me off, you didn't call to apologise, right?''

''I didn't do anything wrong. why should I apologise? That would mean I am accepting the way you treat me. Mother, I know you don't like me, but please can you just leave me alone?''

''What? Your sister is at your place but you aren't home. Don't tell me you found another man this soon after that boy dumped you? Why can't you be wise like your sister? Who is that boy? Are you sleeping with him already?''

Andy suddenly covered the phone's speaker and Paula looked at her. He leaned closer to her and said into the phone.

''Paula, let's go and register our marriage after breakfast''

''You'' Paula looked at him, flustered by his audacity but Andy didn't mind. After saying that he hung up before the other person on the phone could say anything.

''Are you trying to mess with me?''

''I am serious. If marriage will make her believe that I am for real, then I don't mind doing that. I've been wanting to tell you that for a while now''

''But, we just started dating?''

''You can never know someone fully, Paula. Just as you are trying to know and understand me, I am doing the same thing but we can never fully know each other unless we try to work it out. I will be good to you''

''No. Don't let what my mother said make you decide on such a thing. In this world, no matter what I do, no matter whom I am with. That woman would never be satisfied with me, so don't ask me to marry you just because you want to prove to her that you are serious about me. that will make me angry with you. I stopped trying to prove myself to her a long time ago, so don't try to prove anything to her. She will never understand you. only I need to know how good you are to me. Only me!!''

''I'm sorry. I said that rashly, but I don't regret saying that to you. I love you, Paula''

''I love you too''

''Let's go down for breakfast. I will send you home afterwards''

''Alright, I will wash up first''

Andy took her hand and helped her down the bed before leaving the room.


After washing up, Paula came out and saw a pair of neatly folded clothes on the bed and she took them and went back inside the bathroom to change. She finished and returned to the room. After been satisfied with how she looked, she smiled and went out.

Andy was serving the breakfast that the housekeeper had prepared before leaving. He looked up and smiled at Paula saying, ''just in time for breakfast, my love'' he pulled out a chair for her.

'Thank you''

Andy sat beside her and picked some of his eggs and placed them on Paula's plate, ''eat a lot. You've lost weight''

''Losing weight is fine. I get to be slimmer without working out''

''No, I love the Paula I met from the beginning but then again, I don't mind how you grow. Whether you gain weight or not, I just love you''

''You are oddly sweet this morning''

''I'm trying to impress you so that you can move in with me when Lisa leaves the hospital''

''Move in with you?'' Paula asked and bit her lips.

''You look sexy when you do that in front of me. Just don't do it in front of other men''


''Didn't you think about it? When Lisa leaves the hospital tomorrow, she will be moving in with Leslie. I don't want you to stay in that apartment alone. Since you won't accept me moving in, then why not move in with me?''

''But, we are not a married couple. There will be a lot of rumours going on at the hotel when people find out that we are staying together''

''Are you worried about what people would say?''

''Not really, but my sister just returned and is trying to make things work between us even though I doubt how that is going to happen with my mom always criticising me but, I still want to be open for anything she has to say or do with me''

''Alright, I won't force you to move in with me, but I will also do whatever I can to ensure that you are save. I will get you a bodyguard. He will be with you wherever you are that I am not around. Don't say no, please''

''Alright, I won't say no to your efforts. Thank you for caring about me''

''You are my woman, I should look after you and protect you, eat''

Paula smiled and nodded her head before she started eating.


Andy pulled over and got down first. he went over to Paula's side and opened her door for her.

''We are here. I don't see your sister anywhere'' Andy said, looking around.

''She is probably inside. Let's go in, I promised to introduce her to you''

''Alright, let's go'' Andy held her hand and they were about to go inside when his phone started ringing. They stopped and he took the phone out, ''it's sister Godiva''

''Oh, it must be important. Answer it''

''Alright'' Andy smiled and answered the call, 'hello sis Godiva'' he turned and looked at Paula after Godiva said something. He smiled and looked at Paula saying, 'darling, go inside and keep your sister company. I will join you after the call''

''Oh, I will go in then'' Paula said and went towards the door.

Andy made sure she was inside the apartment before his gaze turned serious as he asked over the phone, ''Paula is gone, why did you ask me to let her leave before speaking to you?''

''Andy, where are you right now?''

''I am at Paula's apartment. She is going to introduce her sister to me''

''Don't go inside there. Let's meet first, there is something I must tell you''

''Is it that serious?'' Andy asked confused and sceptical.

''Yes, you must leave that place right now. You can't meet her sister''

''What are you talking about?''

''Let's meet first, please'' Godiva sound anxious.

Andy looked at the door and sighed before getting into his car. By the time the door opened and Paula walked out, he was gone.

''Was that your boyfriend?'' Mali asked, standing behind Paula.

''Yes, he must have left because of an emergency''

''Emergency? What work does he do?''

''He is the managing director of a hotel''

''The same place that you work?''

''Yes. He is so sweet'

''Which hotel?''

''Hotel Senora''

Mali furrowed her brows as she turned to ask Paula, ''did you just say Hotel Senora?''

''Hmm, why? Big sis, do you know that hotel?''

''Yes, and that boyfriend. is he Andy Bassey?''

''Yes, he is wait, how do you know him?'' Paula asked and her body stiffened as she suddenly remember all that her sister told her when she returned from the country.

''Big sis, the man you came back because of. He is not he is not'' Paula's lips quivered.

''Turns out you are the new girlfriend?'' Mali asked with a stiffened smile as they looked at each other.

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