Purple Romance

Chapter 316: My boyfriend

Chapter 316: My boyfriend

Paula rushed into the Hilton Eatery, a five-star restaurant in District seven. This was where she was having the dinner with her mother and sister. She was a few minutes late because Leslie didn't arrive early to take over and she couldn't leave Lisa alone.

When she entered, she scanned the area and her gaze settled on the two women of her family. She walked hurriedly to them.

''I'm sorry for coming here late. I didn't see the message early and was also at the hospital'' Paula said and was about to pull the chair out when she heard her mother say.

''What is the use of the phone if you can't answer it? Your sister is still jetlagged but made time to have a family meal with us when she has other pressing matters. Shouldn't you be here early at least? Is that girl so important to you than your own family?''

''Mom, it's alright. as long as she is here. You said your friend was at the hospital, how is she doing?'' Mali asked and helped pull the chair out for Paula, ''sit down''

Paula looked at her mother and turned to Mali saying, ''she is recovering well''

''That's such a relief. What would you like to eat? It's my treat, so eat whatever you want''

''Thank you, big sister'' Paula picked up the menu card as Mali beckoned on the waiter to attend to them.

''Get us some tea first. Cinnamon tea'' Mali ordered.

''I would like primrose tea if you don't mind'' Paula said looking at Mali.

''You are going to drink it, so feel free'' Mali said with a smile. She looked at Paula and realised that her younger sister was walking on eggshells around her. it all started that year. She really wanted to make things right but she was conflicted. She didn't want to be hated by her mother.

''How is your new job coming up? Don't you have to be at work?'' Mrs. Emelia Abdul asked.

''I took a week off to take care of Lisa. I will go back to work next week''

''Are you allowed to take a week off? Which company has such low standards?''

''Should I leave the table? It seems you have so many uncomfortable concerns about me''


''Mom, please. We are here to have dinner. Paula is still young; you don't have to get angry with everything she says''

''If only she was just as good as you are or maybe if she had even a little of the talent that you have I wouldn't be so mad''

''You are right. I am different from her but isn't it that why you love her more than me? The last time we gathered like this for dinner ten years ago, you did this same thing and made I leave. True to your words that night, you never cared about me again. Ten years later, you are doing the same thing again. Aren't you tired of acting this way? We live in the same city yet we haven't seen each other in the last two years and this time that we are finally gathered as a family, you want to compare me to my elder sister. Why don't you two just have your dinner together without me? After all, I am not considered a part of your family''

''Paula, that's enough. Don't talk like that. No matter what happened in the past, we are a family. Do we have to always act like this in public?'' Mali looked at Paula sternly.

''Oh, so this is my fault? I will excuse myself before I say something that isn't good. I guess after today we will be seeing each other on dad's anniversary. Right, I am not supposed to appear before you that day because I am a sinner whose sin can never be forgiven. Dinner is on me, I now earn my own money'' Paula stood up and picked her purse, walking away.

Her mother and sister looked at her gasping in shock. Mali clenched her fist tightly under the table. this was what she was afraid of. Her mother's anger. The anger which never died and had stayed with her since their father's passing. The thought of been hated on by her mother brought goosebumps to her skin. She didn't want to face such fate. So, she decided, as long as Paula didn't open her mouth to say the truth, she wasn't going to do so either.

The truth? It should stay hidden forever. It was better for everyone that way.

Andy walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and another wiping his wet hair. He saw his phone going off and on, so he hurried to the dressing table and picked it up. he furrowed his brows as he read the message which seemed to have been sent by mistake but it was from Paula.

''Lisa, I quarrelled with my mom again. why does she hate me so much, when it wasn't even my fault?''

Thinking back to her behaviour at the hospital, Andy sighed and decided to call her. after it rang for some time, it connected and he heard her voice.

''Where are you?'' he asked worriedly.


''Where are you, little Miss?'' he frowned. Her voice sounded like a drunk person.

''Me? I think I am at a park, yes. There is also a big pizza house just across the street. Andy, I am jealous. Lovers are holding hands, some are kissing, some are''

'Wait for me there. don't you dare go anywhere'' Andy said and hung up the call.


''Oh'' Paula looked at the phone and frowned, 'he hung up on me. how dare he hang up on me? Should I just beat the hell out of him?'' she asked herself and chuckled.

''You can't beat him, Paula. You love him so much, how could you bear to beat him? It would hurt'' she said and picked the can beer and sipped again. Beside her, there were already four empty cans and a takeaway bowl of skewed chicken. She was sitting on a walking stairs that led to the children's park. This place was popular for dates, so couples often went there.

After leaving the restaurant, she had gone to but the drinks and meat at a nearby stall before going to sit at the stairs. She drunk alone and watched the evening close in on her and the lovers walking to and fro around her. she found it exhausting and decided to send Lisa a text which she mistakenly sent to Andy, but she didn't know that yet.

When she saw his call, she was happy but it didn't stay long because she found her situation pathetic. Her mother hated her for something she didn't do. since that year, she would often compare her to her sister. Nothing she did ever made her mother happy enough. This was why she moved out early when she was in high school. she started living alone as soon as she hit 18 years. Using her father's money, she made all her life decisions herself, which school to go to, she major to focus on. She made all those decisions herself.

She met Lisa when she was just in her first in the University. Studying all by herself, she didn't have anyone to depend on and had to do everything by herself until she met Lisa.

That year, she had fallen sick and had to undergo surgery but there was no one to guarantee for her. She didn't even know Lisa at that time but it was like she had known her for a long time. She felt a connection to her that moment and now they were best friends''

Looking at a distance, she saw a figure and rubbed her eyes. She felt like her eyes were playing tricks on her. she stood up and pointed at the distance and said drunkenly, ''oh, that's my boyfriend. he is my boyfriend. He is mine'' she shouted and the people around turned to look at her.

Andy sighed and shook his head. she must be really drunk to be acting this way, he thought. But he couldn't help but smile. She was boldly announcing to the world that he was her boyfriend and he loved it.

Paula smiled sheepishly and blushed as she stood in front of him. though he was standing a stair down from her, he was still taller than her.

''You are really drunk'' Andy said to her and she frowned.

''Don't scold me. I am having a hard time right now''

''What is making you have a hard time? Tell me!!

''First, hug me'' she stretched forth her hands towards him.

''Here'' Andy pulled her closer and hugged her.

''That's better'' she said and stepped away before sitting down and he joined her.

''So, what's giving you a hard time? Do you want to speak about it?''

''Whoa, I haven't seen you dressed this way before. You are blinding my eyes''

''You really leave me speechless each time with your drunk attics. I am beginning to get scared of what the rest of the night will bring to us, Paula''

Paula smiled and pouted her lips. She shifted towards him, closing the gap between them and whispered into his ears.

''I want you. I really want to eat you''

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