Purple Romance

Chapter 31: Ad-Din is a scary beast when he is provoked 3

Chapter 31: Ad-Din is a scary beast when he is provoked 3

''There will be a PTA and board of directors meeting next week. I want you to come to the school''.

''Don't think I will be afraid of you because of your mysterious background. My parents are equally powerful people''.

''Fate? Ah, don't be ridiculous. What do you know about fate? Who told you Ad-Din and I are not fated? Ad-Din was warming up to me before Miss Lee came. She is the third party here. Is because she seduced Ad-Din that is why he is with her now. Who knows what kind of charm that woman used on my Ad-Din. I am going to expose her and her vixen ways. Ad-Din is just blinded by his emotions. After I expose that woman, he will see then the true colours of that woman''.

''I loved Ad-Din first. I fell in love with him and I have been in love with for three years now. What right does Miss Lee have to take him away from me? You can't stop me from destroying that woman. I hate her so much and I won't stop until she disappears from Ad-Din's sight forever''.

The recordings, the voice was undeniably Karen's and everyone heard it clear and loud.

When they first arrived, she was crying and even told the Denarius family how much she really wanted to save Ad-Din from the English teacher and how Ad-Din was being blinded but now it was clear who was in the wrong and who was in the right.

Karen stood up to snatch the phone but Calia was faster.

''I told you not to bite more than you could chew, didn't I, Karen? If you had listened to my warnings and didn't dare to do anything to Miss Lee, then we wouldn't have also being this vicious to you''. Calia look at Karen as she spoke.

''Is not true. This recording is not me. That voice isn't mine. Ad-Din did you have to go to this extreme?'' Karen couldn't control her rage anymore.

''If you hadn't dared to harm the woman I love, then I wouldn't have gone this far. I told you. You made the worse decision by coming with your parents to meet my family. Actually, I didn't want to go this far. If you had just gone to apologise to my girlfriend, I would have stopped targeting your family but no. You just had to go this far" Ad-Din turned to his family.

"Father, mom, grandpa. The truth is this. Maria and I are in a relationship but I was the one who chased and seduced her first. I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. You all know that I am not one to take relationships lightly. I have never been in a relationship even though I could have but I value relationships a lot and didn't want to waste my time by playing around. When I met Maria, I felt that she was the one for me.

Actually, she rejected me from the beginning because she was scared that a lot of people would be against us once it came out and I understood her. She is a woman after all. Women were the most vulnerable when something happened in a relationship and I didn't want her to face any backlash for going out with me.

I knew Karen had always had a crush on me but I have always been clear with her about my stand. I have never led her on even for a second and she knows it. When she approached me with these same pictures I told her to mind her own business and not worry about my affairs but she didn't agree. She went as far as to even go to the woman I love and threaten her and even used her family situation to blackmail her. She went as far as to involve her father and made him come to the school to cause a scene in an attempt to tarnish Maria's image. What kind of girl is so cruel as to use such dubious ways to get rid of someone?

I have always been honest with my feelings and where I stood. I am not someone who play with people's emotions. I warned Karen not to go too far because once I am provoked I can do anything but she didn't listen. She even brought her parents into this all because she doesn't want to see me being happy. Father, you are in the military and you value relations so much. Tell me, did I do anything wrong in warning her countless times to leave me alone because I can never be with her? Mom, tell me, was I wrong in doing everything I could to protect the woman I loved? Grandpa, tell me, should I sit back and watch another person snatch my happiness away from me? I grew up in a nice and harmonious family but do children get to chose their parents? Is it her fault that her parents were selfish people who only thought about themselves? None of that is her fault so why should anyone make her feel ashamed of her background?"

Ad-Din's words tugged at everyone's hearts and his family could feel his pain. They didn't even understand anything and started to criticise their son's decision and even thought of ways to separate them. They relied on an outsider's words and planned to caused their own son's unhappiness.

Mona Lisa Sun wiped her tears and hugged Ad-Din saying ''my boy is so grown now. Mom is sorry''.

''Mr. Kash, you have heard everything right? Your daughter caused my son so much pain. Say, how do I deal with the emotional damaged done to him?''

Ken Denarius asked looking at the Kash family members.

Mr. Kash felt so ashamed of himself and didn't know what to do. He was really blinded by his daughter's tears and came without verifying her words. It was her daughter who first provoked Ad-Din.

Hearing Ad-Din's words, it felt like a slap to his face and he felt ashamed. He was quick to believe his daughter blindly and even allowed his wife to get him convinced. What more embarrassment could one face for acting impulsively?

Mr. Kash fell to the floor on his knees along with his wife. Karen was still sitting down. She didn't feel remorse at all for what she did. She still felt that she was wronged.

"Mrs. Janet Kash, who was acting like her daughter and family were the victims was rendered speechless. She first wanted to use this opportunity to push forth an alliance with the Denarius family but now what she received wasn't praise but a slap to the face because of her daughter. Her face was ashen as she knelt down with her husband.

''I apologise for everything Ad-Din. Please forgive this old man's foolishness. I will make sure to discipline Karen very well when I get back to the house. Please, can you stop targeting my company?''.

''You didn't do anything wrong. Why is the one who did wrong still sitting so unconcerned. I seriously doubt your sincerity?'' Mona Lisa Sun said.

She was the best at poking people where it hurt. They hurt her precious son. She was not about to let them off that easily. She wanted them to feel ashamed of their actions if now, they would do the same thing to another family.

At her words, Janet Kash pushed Karen down to the floor and she knelt down with them.

''I just hope you can keep your daughter in check. Tell her to know her limits and not mess with people like they are her play things. We could have been friends but she destroyed that chance''. Ad-Din said.

"Karen, hurry, apologise to Ad-Din" Mrs. Janet Kash nudged at Karen.

"I'm sorry" Karen said halfheartedly.

"What kind of apology is that? Is there even sincerity in your words, little girl? Or do you think our family is easy to frame and toil around with?" Mona Lisa asked smugly and cocked her brows at the family of three.

"You, silly girl. Hurry up and apologise properly" Mr. Kash who had lost face completely was on the verge of giving his daughter a good scolding.

"I'm sorry for my behavior. I'm sorry for troubling the whole family" Karen said gritting her teeth.

" Old Mr. Denarius, Mr. and Mrs. Denarius, Ad-Din. I want to bow my head low and apologise properly for everything. I didn't train my daughter well and she acted unruly towards you. I promise to give her a good scolding once we get to the house. I will make sure she stays away from you especially in school. But, please, can you stop targeting my company? I worked hard all these years to build it into what it is today. I can't afford to lose everything" Mr. Kash said and bowed his head.

"Uncle, sit up. You didn't do anything wrong. Actually, I didn't intend to go to this extent. I will make sure all the contracts are returned back to you" Ad-Din said to him.

"Then, I am grateful. We will take our leave now" Mr. Kash said and stood up. He pulled his wife up before glaring at Karen.

Just like that, the family of three left the Denarius mansion with their heads held low.

Max Denarius who was quite throughout stood up and spoke.

"Since there is nothing here to do, I will go back to my quarters"

"Elder brother, I will go with you. I have an assignment that I need help with" Calia held unto Max's hand and followed him out.

Ad-Din stood up next and spoke "I am tired. Let's leave the questions for tomorrow" as if he knew they were going to question him.

The three elders looked at each other speechlessly.

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