Purple Romance

Chapter 267: Miss, do you have something to say?

Chapter 267: Miss, do you have something to say?

''Thank you for coming here, I am your host and my name is Max. I want to assure you that you are at the right place and I promise you will enjoy every bit of your stay here. I know you all are tired and will like to freshen up and rest, so I will not waste much time, all you need to do is go over to the counter and present your card to the receptionist and take your room keys. We will gather here at 12: 30 noon for lunch and then the manager Mr. Andy Bassey himself will be here to welcome you and together we will all go to the beach''

Paula furrowed her brows, finding the name familiar but before she could ponder over it, she heard the three ladies talking in front of her.

''Andy is the young heir of the Senora group of companies. His twin is in charge of Senora travels'' one said.

''I heard they were branching into the Pharmaceutical business and is about to sign a contract with Faze Pharmaceuticals'' another said and Paula almost rolled her eyes.

''It can't be the same person I know, right?'' Paula shook her head, 'no, it can't be'' she thought about when she saw Leslie in front of the hotel and suddenly like she had been jinxed.

There were so many coincidences in the world, but why did it seem that all of that involved him and that man. After saying all those things to him, what would he think if he saw her here? Won't he think that she is fickle and even stalked him to this place?

Paula wanted to go for her money but she knew it wasn't possible. Then, the only way to stop him from seeing her was to leave the place.

With that resolution, she turned her luggage to go and the people started moving towards the counter. She stopped and thought for a while. She had spent so much money just to come here, if she left, wouldn't that be pitiful? Besides, she wasn't stalking him. She didn't know he was the owner of the hotel. She was already there, so there was no need running away.

Paula was sure she could avoid him till the day they left. He would also definitely be busy, so there is no way they would meet each other.

She turned and joined the ladies in the queue. They were still talking about Andy.

''He so rich and extremely private''

''I heard he was dating a woman and rumour had it that she suddenly disappeared without a world''

''But, he is single right now. I can't wait to see him. He is so handsome''

''I have my eyes on him, Pat''

Listening to the three ladies, Paula couldn't help but chuckle as she murmured to herself, ''eyes on him? Right, they don't know him well''

The three ladies turned to look at her and one of them asked, ''do you know him well? Have you seen Andy Bassey before?''

Paula flushed and pointed the counter, ''you are next'' she said and the lady turned and indeed it was her turn.

After the ladies took their room cards, Paula was next. She quickly showed the card to the receptionist and was given a key and she took it and left.

A minute after she went to look for her room, Max walked into the hotel with Andy.

''I hope everything is ready, Max?'' Andy asked as he went to the counter to take a look at the guest list.

''Yes, everything is ready. Here is the guest list'' Max took the guest list from the receptionist and gave it to Andy.

''Good, we have to make sure they have an unforgettable time here. I want the food to be excellent'' Andy opened the book and started looking at the list.

''The food has already been taken care of by your brother. He is coming later with Betty''

''I see'' Andy paused when his sight caught the familiar name, ''Paula is here?'' he murmured to himself.

''Is there someone you know among them?''

''Yes. Right'' he closed the book and gave it back to the receptionist before looking at Max, ''you know Leslie is going to be here. Make sure no reporter or journalist comes inside or they are going to spread gossip about us''

''I already informed the security to check the pass and access card of anyone who arrives, today''

''Is there anything else I need to know and prepare for beforehand?'' Andy looked at Max and smiled.

''Not really but a lot of the ladies would like to take a picture with you or maybe a sun cream applied by you or Leslie''

''Let's leave the sun cream to Leslie. I will settle for the pictures''

''But, if we leave it to Leslie, it might come back to bite you. A lot of people still can't tell your different''

''That boy is going to be the death of me'' Andy sighed, ''let's go for just pictures then''

''That will be the most appropriate''

''I still have to go and check a few things in the office. We will meet at the beach this afternoon. I have to go now''

''Yes, boss''

Andy nodded and went away. His mind started thinking about a certain someone. He wondered how she was doing after what happened. She hadn't taken none of his calls since last night. She must really be angry with me, he thought.


Paula walked out of the bathroom after checking it out. She was really satisfied with the arrangement and smiled, 'this hotel is really a first class, everything is so nice here. Even the bed is so comfortable'' she sat and bounced on the bed. Her phone started ringing from her handbag and she took it out.

''Is Lisa'' she murmured and answered the facetime call from her best friend, ''Lisa, look at my room''

''Whoa, Paula, I am so jealous of you right now. I'm assuming you arrived?''

''Yes, just a few minutes ago. I was going to rest before calling you, but it's good that you called''

''You look happy already''

''En, the room is so spacious and everything is just beautiful. I made the right decision by coming here, Lisa''

''En, I can tell. Enjoy yourself and don't think about unhappy thoughts, okay?''

''Alright, I promise to think about only myself''

''That's right. Just think about only yourself and if you find a man that is handsome, just drag him to your room and sleep with him''

''You never change''

''Life is too short to sit around and mob''

''I will enjoy myself, you also take care of yourself''

''Have fun, I will call you again later, bye'' Lisa waved at her before ending the facetime call.

Paula smiled and laid flat on her back on the bed and spread her arms and legs apart, ''if I could fly, I would go to the moon and pluck a star for myself. If I were the'' she paused and asked herself, 'I can't believe I forgot the lyrics so fast''

She tried to remember the lyrics of the song and soon fell asleep.

In the afternoon, Paula freshened up and changed into a short ripped jean pants that stopped at her thighs and paired it with a green chevron blouse and wore her sneakers. She took her handbag and went out to join the rest as they were going to have their lunch and then go to the beach.

When she reached the lobby, the rest of the tourists were already there and there was Andy and the man who addressed them when they arrived.

Paula cussed internally and went to stand behind the three ladies. She was aware of the pair of eyes that followed her.

''This is so messed up'' she murmured to herself.

''Hello everyone. I am Andy Lee Bassey and I welcome you all to Hotel Senora'' as Andy addressed them, the three girls in front started talking softly among themselves.

''Look at him, isn't he just perfect?''

''Oh my god, I am totally in love with him. He is so handsome''

Paula looked at them and shook her head and murmured, ''aye, what era are we in now, that girls can speak about a man in front of him like this?''

The whole lobby turned silent and everyone turned to look at her. Paula looked up and saw the gazes on her and pursed her lips.

Andy looked at her and asked, ''Miss, do you have something to say?''

''Me?'' Paula pointed at herself and shook her hands, ''no, I don't''

''You seemed to have a lot to say just now?'' Andy raised an eyebrow as he looked at her. Paula bit her lips and felt embarrassed, but she didn't want to be the only one getting cornered, so she spoke.

''Well Mr. CEO, I'm doing great and I don't have any question but, if you have something to say then go ahead and don't just pick on any random tourist and start analysing them okay?'' she finished and flashed a polite smile.

''Alright, back to what I was saying before the rude interruption'' Andy looked away and started addressing them once more.

Paula's phone buzzed and she went outside to answer it. As she walked away, Andy looked at her.

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